Signs signs you have prostate cancer, like this friendly actor
Here's what you need to know about the potentially fatal disease.
Monday, when an appearance on NBCSee today, Friends star James Michael Tyler revealed that he was fighting the prostate of step 4Cancer. The 59-year-old actor, famous for playing Central Perk Manager Gunther for 10 seasons on the show Hit, explained that he had been diagnosed for the first time with the disease three years ago during a routine physical at the age of 56. "In September 2018 I received a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer, which expanded to my bones," he told Host Craig Melvin. He was treated with hormone therapy, but started at "Muting" during the pandemic, causing tumors from top to bottom of his spine and leave it unable to walk.
"Of course, this is the late phase cancer. So, finally, you know, it's probably going to pick me up," he said. He also pointed out that earlier detection could have saved his life and regretted listening to his wife. He also urged viewers to "ask your doctor for a PSA antigen test (prostate antigen)" next during a review or control exam, adding that "early (it's to say) 99% treatable. " What exactly is prostate cancer, which is at risk and what are the symptoms? Keep reading to find out. Read more information and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.
Who is at risk of prostate cancer?
SpeakCenters for Disaster Control and PreventionThe 100 US men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lives, while two to three will die. Risk factors include age, family history of disease and race.
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
Unfortunately, prostate cancer does not generally come with symptoms and most men are diagnosed via a physical, Darren Mareiniss, MD, Facece, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University at Philadelphia, previously told.Eat this, not that! Health. "Most are diagnosed at a local and asymptotic step," he said.
However, there are symptoms to search, by theCDC, which lists the symptoms to search on their website.
Urination problems
Difficulty to start urination, difficulty emptying the bladder completely, pain or burn during urination, or a low or interrupted flow of urine or frequent micris (especially at night) can all be signs of the disease. According to Dr. Marines, urinary retention is a late manifestation of prostate cancer.
Blood in urine or sperm
Dr. Maieney notes that blood in urine or sperm could be an earlier cancer symptom.
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Pain in the back, hips or basin
According to Dr. Mareiniss, bone pain that does not disappear is usually a sign of advanced illness.
The pain there
Dr. Maieiniss notes that painful ejaculation or erEtile dysfunction is usually a sign of advanced illness.
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When should you be filtered
Because most people do not feel symptoms, theWorking Group on American Preventive ServicesRecommends that all 55-year-old men and 69 consider screening for prostate cancer. However, some men should exceed earlier than others. ThePROSTATE CANCER FOUNDATIONrecommends African-American men start the discussion at 40, while theAmerican Cancer SocietyEncourages to discuss projections at age 45 for African Americans and men who have a father or brother diagnosed before the age of 65. And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.