17 reasons why dolphins are more dangerous than ever than you thought

They always smile, but they are not always happy to see you.

Dolphins have an impressive reputation. Not only are they incredibly intelligent, but they also tend to interact with humans on a regular basis. But unfortunately, simply because the dolphins have a perpetual smile and a globally friendly behavior does not mean they are safe.

In fact, these mysterious creatures are responsible for more than some vicious and fatal attacks. Want to know more? Read on all ways of dolphins are much more dangerous than you think.

Dolphin bite.

close up of dolphin, funny animal puns

Dolphins have sharp teeth that they usually use to tear their prey. Gypsy dolphins, for example, have between 80 and 100 teeth they use to grasp, grasp and secure their prey.

However, creatures can (and do!) Bite humans occasionally. Due to the potential hazard, officials of the Ministry of CommerceNational Marine Fisheries Service even released leaflets with warnings that "dozens of bites were reported" and "people were drawn underwater" by animals. In fact, as recently as 2012, an 8 year old girl wassadly bit by one of Seaworld's animals.

And attack.

A Diver Taking a Photo of a Dolphin Dolphin Photos

The dolphins make more than just bite their victims during aattack. WhenValerie Ryan was attacked by a dolphin, the animal "plowed in [her] with [her] muzzle. It was very powerful and painful, and the speed was amazing," she said. The incident left the woman with six vertebral fractures, three broken ribs and a damaged lung, as well as post-traumatic stress.

They always develop new ways to hunt and kill their prey.

dolphin catching salmon amazing dolphin photos
Shutterstock / Grafxart

When the dolphins are hungry, they turn into calculation of predators capable of developing unusual methods to trap their prey. For example, the dolphins living in the shallow waters of Floridahave been observed Using their tail to launch the mud mud in a circular formation in order to trap the fish inside, while the dolphins living in Shark Bay, Australia, were seen with sponges like tools to dig prey of the seabed.

In addition, dolphins are able to communicate these tactics with other dolphins, which means they always improve their skills. According toSmithsonianot"Dolphins learn different tips to catch food from each other in a kind of cultural transmission".

They sometimes hunt in groups of 1,000 or more.

dolphins swimming in pack amazing dolphin photos
Biaimbash / Yale Cohen

Add this to the list of terrifying sites that we never want to see: hundreds of dolphins hunting for food at the same time. According toSmithsonian, the cotton dolphins sometimes move into groups of more than 1,000 members, although they generally stick to pods of about 10 to 15 people, according toNational Geographic.

They frequently torture their food before eating it.

dolphin swimming in the water, dangerous animals

The pious have some deadly defense mechanisms at their disposal, so dolphins must be cautious in manufacturingThese creatures in a meal. That's why the dolphins "beat"The pious by violently and relentlesslythrow them around In order to break them into small pieces before eating them. Eek!

They murder other animals just to have fun.

dolphins jumping out of water, dangerous animals

Of course, it is a vicious world in the animal kingdom, but the dolphins do not only kill other creatures to survive. Sometimes they have mysterious murderer motivations. According toNew York Times, the dolphins "kill mammalian comrades in mosquitoes, brandishing their beaks like clubs and slove rows of sharp teeth."

Apparently, theunderwater animals "Have been found at Marshouille to death by the hundreds" and "most animal killers ... eat their prey, the dolphins seem to have deadly exhumias unrelated to the need for food."

They even kill the babies of each one.

mother dolphin and calf amazing dolphin photos
Shutterstock / Vkilikov

Although it is difficult to accept, scientists have discovered that adult dolphins sometimeskill babies Other dolphins. According to a 2002 study published in theJournal of Wildlife Diseases, nine bottles bottle bottle dolphins were found in Virginia in 1996 and 1997 who were "dead of severe trauma of blunt force".

Young animals had apparently suffered "multiple fractures of ribs, pulmonary lacerations and soft tissue bruises" and "and" a bite has a bite injury on the left limit that exposes deep punctures compatible with The placement of teeth in an adult dolphin. "

The male dolphins attack female dolphins.

Two dolphins swimming together

In addition to attacking other creatures, dolphins are also going after their own kind. A 1992 study published by theNational Academy of SciencesI found that when the male dolphins want to mate, they pursue not only women, but they also show a violent physical aggression towards them, which includes "hitting with the tail, the jolts, the load, the Mordante or the physical slam in the woman. "

They are much bigger than you have probably thought.

Dolphins Giving Each Other a Hug Dolphin Photos

When you imagine a dolphin, you probably imagine an animal about the same height as an adult man. But it turns out, these creatures are aparcel bigger. According toNational Geographic, the common gouleon dolphin becomes from 10 to 14 feet and weighs about 1,100 pounds!

They are dangerously fast.

Dolphin Swimming in Northern Ionian Sea Dolphin Photos
Beginner / Aeteq

If you never end up on the wrong side of Dolphin, do not put money on your ability to overcome it. Thanks to their simplified form, which allows them to slide through the water and their powerful tails, which propel them forward, the dolphins wereobserved Traveling up to 22.4 miles per hour. Put this in perspective, Olympic swimmerMichael Phelps' The maximum speed is 6 miles per hour, according toESPN.

They can start out of the water.

A Dolphin Jumping Out of the Water
Names page / Graham

The impressive speed of dolphins is one of the ways they are capable of working enough power to get started out of the water. Although it is not an unusual show to identify creatures jumping on waves, dolphins with gulottes are actually able to start about 16 feet in the air, reportsNational Geographic. In some cases, this capacity has even led to frightening situations in whichThe dolphins jumped on boats-A fear that you never knew you had to have so far!

They can dive deeper than any human.

dolphins swimming through school of fish amazing dolphin photos

There is no hideout of these experienced travelers! The dolphins are not only able to get started out of the water, they can also dive incredibly well, there are about zero ways that you can escape one if you are under attack. Theskillful swimmers can dive as deep as 820 feet below the surface of the ocean, according toNational Geographic. For comparison, the deepestworld record Without free diving limit of a human was 702 feet.

They are smart enough to be used by the American navy.

Dolphins Giving Each Other a Hug Dolphin Photos

The dolphins are so smart, they are even used by the American Navy. According toNational GeographicSince the 1960s, the army has formed dolphin guts "to find and recover equipment lost at sea and identify intruders swim in restricted areas". You will certainly not want to be an enemy who is face to face with a dolphin formed by the army.

They have toxic friends.

Bottlenose dolphin

Although dolphins can be smart, you can not always assume that they are, well, sober. This is because animals are known to ingest some toxic substances. According to BBC, itDauphins-Spy in the clove"Gypsy dolphins play with toxic fish fish that secrete a neurotoxin that can kill, but small doses appeared apparently a narcotic effect".

TheDaily mail Reports that in the images of the BBC "the dolphins have been filmed by playing gently with the puffer, passing between 20 and 30 minutes at the same time, unlike the fish they had caught in prey that were quickly torn." The animals were then "seen floating just below the surface of the water, apparently fascinated by their own reflections".

They know when they redeem us.

dolphins in wave amazing dolphin photos
Pixabay / Trois-Shots

In a call called"Dolphins are more frightening than sharks" forHuffPost, marine scientist and longtime surferAprel deanceyWrites an frightening experience she had with a dolphin at Manhattan beach in California. As she surfed, a dolphin started surrounding her and the surfer next to her. "The circles were smaller and smaller until he finally struck the back of my board, then jumped on me," she recalled. "After the jump, the dolphin returned to surround ourselves and possibly abandoned and took off. It seemed to be carved to us or wanted us interaction."

Deancey wrote that she had other dolphins jump on her board of directors. She says that sharks, on the other hand, always always have their business and left it alone.

The "false ideas" of humans on dolphins could be fatal.

woman kissing a dolphin on the snout
Shutterstock / SKVALVAL

"People see marine mammals differently, especially dolphins", "Trevor R. Spradlin, a Federal Dolphin expert, told theTimes. "There is this misconception that they are friendly, that they are flipper, that they want to play with people."

Obviously, you will want to treat all the dolphins you encounter as the huge wild animal of 1,100 pounds that it is.

Dolphin attacks can be fatal.

dolphin Random Obscure Facts

In the end, the dolphins are seriously frightening because they can kill you seriously.NAT GEO WILD Describes a case of 1994 in which two men in São Paulo, Brazil, have been gambled by a dolphin. Unfortunately, a man died due to internal injuries suffered during the incident. And if you are still mood for more animal trivia, check these 50 amazing animal facts .

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Tags: animals / Facts / Science
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