8 tips to remain stylish during pregnancy

Staying stylish during pregnancy is a challenge for many women. See here 8 tips for you to get this style.

Congratulations, you will have a baby! Now there is one more challenge in your hands: in addition to going through 9 months of gestation, you also need to deal with a wardrobe that varies with its size. Even so, just because you got pregnant, it doesn't mean that you should abandon your style - after all, being in fashion can be important to yourself with changes in pregnancy. See here 8 tips to continue with style during this period.

1. Buy little and gradually

It is often necessary months for the belly to appear and for the changes to be evident in the body. So don't hurry to buy new clothes as soon as you discover the pregnancy, after all, you'll only dress like that for a few months, and you may need to buy even more clothes in the last stages of pregnancy.

One tip is to go wearing the clothes you already have and, as needed, invest in some key pieces that will help maintain comfort and style.

2. If you buy something, make sure the piece is flexible

When you realize the need to buy new clothes, how about choosing those who can stretch a little without getting strange? Most maternity clothes have this feature, and usually the smoother fabrics are the favorites of pregnant people. Dresses are very good options, as, besides being comfortable, they can stretch, and you can mark the waist with a belt according to the belly height in the pregnancy phase you are.

3. Check out the nearby people wardrobe

Spending a lot of money on a wardrobe that you know you won't be able to keep using after delivery is not encouraging at all. So talk to relatives and close friends and check out some pieces of alien wardrobes. And yes, we are also talking about men's wardrobe, after all, your body will increase in size, and even your partner pants can end up looking beautiful in your body.

4. Use a strap or support range

A very recommended piece due to the comfort and support of the lumbar, the strap or support range can save your back during pregnancy. Although not a very sexy piece, the support strap is worn under the clothes and embraces its stomach, relieving the weight of the baby.

5. Prefer comfortable shoes

You don't have to completely change your style when it gets pregnant, but it's important to prioritize comfort before beauty. However, this does not mean that they cannot walk hand in hand. Instead of wearing high heels, a tip is to opt for stylish sneakers, comfortable sneakers or jumping boots. The good thing is that athletic fashion is on the rise, so there is no excuses not to choose comfort!

6. Do not hesitate to rent clothes for formal events

Need to go to a wedding even though it is in the 7th month of gestation? It is probably not worth buying an outfit at this stage to participate in this or any other formal event. The tip is to rent clothes for these occasions; Your pocket and your wardrobe thank you.

7. Consider creating a mini pregnancy wardrobe

And speaking of a wardrobe, you should already know the concept of a capsule cabinet. Even if you don't have one of these, it may be a good idea to create a mini wardrobe for your pregnancy, especially if you see changes in the body too early. To do this, gradually buy the pieces, ensuring that they all combine with each other and can be used together. This will not need many pieces to create various stylish looks.

8. If you like pants, invest in jeans orlegging maternity

Dresses are the most versatile, stylish and comfortable pieces of a pregnancy wardrobe. Even so, if you love pants, you can bet on maternity jeans, which is done exactly to function like jeans, but more elasticly.Leggings High waist are also amazing options. In addition to being fashionable, the options for the maternal audience can still stretch a lot without losing their shape.

Categories: Fashion
Tags: pregnancy
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