Meet the richest postal code in America

Fun: You need a boat to get there.

We all came to associate 90210 with wealth and opulence, but, as it turns out, Beverly Hills is in no way the owner of the richest postal code in America. Palm Beach, the part is upper east of New York, or a super-rich enclave of Wio-Rich Houston, either.

According toBloomberg, who has recently looked at the IRS data For postal codes with more than 200 income tax returns to the 2015 deposit season (and 500 residential households pursuant to last Census Tally), the richest postal code in the United States goes to 33109.

It is the coveted code of Fisher Island, a floating paradise of 216 acres located right next to the coast of Miami Beach, Florida.

Accessible only by ferry, water taxi or your own private sailboat, the Sunny Haven offers a real isolation of the outside world to its elite residents.

And boy elites. Although the island has more than 50 different nationalities and a diverse set of professions ranging from supermodel to the professional athlete to the Director General, all its inhabitants are a percent. According to a Bloomberg analysis of internal service data of 2015 on internal revenues, the average income of people living thereto $ 2.5 million.

According toin ZillowProperties currently for sale in the area Start at $ 500,000 for a one-bedroom condo and go up to $ 20 million for a sprawling mansion with 5 bedrooms and ocean views. The private island also has a variety of hotels, such as luxuriousFisher Island Club, where rates go to about $ 1,000 a night.

Not surprisingly, some of the other richest postal codes in America went to coastal areas of Florida, New York and California (although 90210 did not even do it in the Top 20). Some of the other richest postal codes include 94027 in Atherton, California, 33480 in Palm Beach, Florida and 94301 in Palo Alto, California.

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