Twitter users share the most comforting stories of good acts

What did you do for a stranger in recent times?

If you see a foreigner crying on the train, you can feel the natural desire to ask them what's wrong, but that's not really your business. After all, they probably have friends and family members who can comfort them, and why would they like to open up to someone they do not even know?

The reality, however, is that when you go through a difficult period, a small gesture of kindness of a stranger can browse a long way to boost your morale.

Tuesday,Twitter user @booker reminded everyone about it when she asked people to share their stories of times when a stranger was nice with them in a moment of need, saying that hers was "the taxi driver who calmly calf a box calmly Whole of Kleenex while I cried in the back of an end-of-night cab after saying goodbye to a friend. "The answers were flowing in.

You can read the best below - especially if you need evidence that human beings can be really very big sometimes. Who knows? Maybe one day someone will talk about you in these brilliant terms. And for another beautiful story that will restore your faith in humanity, see how aA simple kind of kindness of kindness was founded on the heart of kindness everywhere.

"His judgment was six stops there was and she stayed"

mom comforting grown daughter

"Once, I cried in the train after a ... Guy broke me the heart and a woman asked me what was wrong. We talked for the rest of my turn. I discovered that his stop was six stops and she stayed on just to console me, "Sammy Nickalls wrote. For registration,Science says that people who engage in an act of random kindness a day are happier.

"A group of foreigners literally worn me a mountain"

strangers carrying man down mountain
Karipaul / Twitter

"I broke my cut in the hike in the cold spring a few years ago and a group of foreigners literally literally worn a mountain (I do not even remember taking this picture because I was so much Pain but look at how nice these people are!), "Kari Paul wrote.

"She was waiting out with a favorite bread"

random acts of kindess

"My family (American) had just moved to London. My mother was in a grocery store with American children and an older British woman noticed our accents and struck a conversation. When we left, she was waiting with her bread. Favorite bread to welcome us in the country, "Allison-O-Lantern wrote.

"They literally saved my life"

Homeless Man with Sign Pay it Forward Stories

"I was homeless. It was in a suburb of Chicago in winter, well below gel. I would not eat or I really slept for days. A Pakistani family that owned donuts from Dunkin me guest, nourished me soup and donuts. They literally saved my life "@Lynlandon wrote.

"A car got up next to me and gave me a huge orange umbrella"

random acts of kindness

"I walked to Boston lost because I had the wrong address (should have been in Cambridge), it was the rain and I had 2 broken elbows and a car that shot me next to me and me reset a huge orange umbrella before leaving before leaving before leaving could even say thank you, "Dr. Midi Palmer Fried wrote.

"A girl came and sat next to me, gave me a handkerchief and put her arm around me"

random acts of kindness

"Once, I went on a date with a guy that I really had in and it ends badly with him telling me that he really could not consider himself physically attracted. I cried on the light railway , a girl came and sitting next to me, gave me a handkerchief and put her arm around me "@Briefsnbasebasball wrote. According to a recent study, a hug of a stranger can also be comforting as that of a partner or a romantic friend. For more things about that, checkThe main health benefits of giving a simple hug.

"She paid for me and I cried a lot"

random acts of kindness

"My hours have been reduced during an old job. The money was incredibly tight. I went to put gas in my car ($ 11.56) and paid in the registry inside. My card was Refused and I panicked. A nice lady said "I said you have children age. I know it's difficult. She paid me and I cried a lot, "@ DAK0H wrote.

"A Manucuriste has claimed to do my nails for five minutes"

random acts of kindness

"A Manucuriste has claimed to do my nails for five minutes after I found myself in his store to escape a man who followed me the 6th avenue. As he struck at the window, his colleague called the cops from where he could not see. After he's gone, I have a pedi mani and rocked all the money I had, "Steph Haberman wrote.

"A woman saw me softening [and] gave us a return"

bad jokes that are actually funny

"I was homeless in Missoula and my only way to transport my toddler and my races to and from the shelter was a stroller who broke at the store. A woman saw me softened, we Given a walk and gave me a stroller of the back of his truck "@JENNFORESTER wrote.

"The best and the worst of humanity all at once"

man with injured hand

"You've been struck in the face on July 4th 4 years Fireworks two years ago. People sitting next to me were Med students and helped me calm down, clean me and dress up the cup on My eye While my husband found the cops. The best and worst of humanity all at once "Sarah Morini wrote.

"They would like someone to do the same for their child"

random acts of kindness

"I always remember the cabin pilots / masculine bus drivers / airport shuttle drivers who told me they would wait until my car or my apartment safely, then lengthened to make sure that I was not harassed or jumped, because they want someone to do the same for their child "@Caitidh wrote.

"I cried because it was something I needed to hear"

sad man

"I took college classes and I had to work. I had to take the bus because my parents would not take me. The work and school were opposite sides of the city so I was exhausted. A woman Elderly on the bus told me that it was proud of me. I cried because it was something I needed to hear "Dani wrote. And for more feeling - good anecdotes, check these20 adorable "How we met" stories that will warm your heart.

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