Virus experts issuing this new COVID warning

"It's more communicable and mortal"

Many Americans celebrate the end of theCOVID-19 [FeminineThe pandemic, as infections, hospitalizations and deaths, are at a basis of all time because the virus has begun to ravage the country in the spring of 2020. However, disease control and prevention centers have now ranked the variant Delta, first discoveries in India, as "Variant of Concern", representing 10% of cases in the United States. What does this mean and why are virus experts so concerned? Read on six essential tips with life economics - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


What is a "Variant of Concern"?

Scientist in laboratory studying and analyzing scientific sample of Coronavirus monoclonal antibodies to produce drug treatment for COVID-19.

SpeakCDCA variant concern means "There is evidence of an increase in transmissibility, a more severe disease (for example, an increase in hospitalizations or deaths), a significant reduction in neutralization by antibodies generated during the course of the Previous infection orvaccinationReduced efficacy of treatments or vaccines, or diagnostic detection failures. "


The Delta variant is "more communicable and mortal"

Infected patient in quarantine lying in bed in hospital, coronavirus concept.

Darren P. Mareiniss, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Philadelphia's Thomas Jefferson University explains that the new variant is "more communicable and mortal".

"He doubles every two weeks," said the former commissioner for the administration of food and drugs, also declared Dr. Scott Gottlieb.Face the nation.


Can vaccination protect you?

The female doctor syringe injection to the young patient put on a mask in the hospital

Dr. Maieney notes that the Delta variant is "particularly concerning for people who have not been vaccinated". It also notes that those who are vaccinated will be protected more from the new variant than those that have already been infected with the virus that are not yet completely vaccinated. "The previous infection with the type of wild-type covidage is less protective than vaccination. In other words, a preliminary COVID infection may not protect you from new variants.

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"We will probably see a seasonal surge"

Emergency medic and doctor moving patient to emergency room in hospital

Dr Maineness believes that the new variant can lead to another wave of infection. "We will probably see a seasonal thrust in autumn / winter cases," he says. "It's important to be vaccinated before it happens."

"I think the risk is really in the fall that it could take a new epidemic in the fall," also said Gottlieb.


International vaccination is crucial

Man being vaccinated by a nurse in an Indian's mass vaccination site.

International vaccination can be one of the most effective ways to prevent that. "Although we are progressing nationally with vaccination, there is also a significant need for international vaccination. It is important to control the global virus. Without control of the international pandemic, we will continue to have new Variants that could possibly be able to be able to avoid current vaccine protections, "says Dr. Maieiniss.

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"The pandemic is not over"

woman put on a fabric handmade mask on her face

In the end, do not throw your masks. "The pandemic is not over and this variant can become dominant in the United States," says Dr. Mareiniss. Follow the fundamentals of Fauci and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live:facial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layers, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice a good hand hygiene, get vaccinated when it becomes available to you, and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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