These 20 events of 2010 will make you feel so old

From the first iPad to the meat holding of Lady Gaga, 2010 was full of major moments.

It's easy to feel like 2010 was not reallythis a long time ago. But looking at the biggest events that arrived that year fromThe show tonightdrama withJay LenoandCONAN O'BRIEN At the exit of Apple's first iPad (note: There have been 20 additional models since) -It is almost as if 2010 was another life. Social media just started becoming a daily part of people's lives, Uber had just launched andBarack Obama only started his presidency. If these factors do not feel you already old, some of the following 2010 events will be sure! And for more about what life was like at the beginning of the decade, check these13 daily things that have become obsolete over the last decade.

Apple published the first iPad.

customers standing outside for the release of the first ipad

Forget the latest Apple watch or iPhone 11s. Before 2010, we did not even have iPad. In January of this year,Steve Jobs unveiled The new creation of Apple and when the tablet was published on April 3 of this year, the companySold more than 300,000 iPads On this first day of launch.

Put this in perspective, there was20 additional models of the iPad Since 2010, and by 2018,Statista reported that more than 350 million iPads had been sold.

Conan O'Brien is running short-termThe show tonight ended.

Andy Richter and host Conan O'Brien on the final episode of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

In 2010, we testified the greatest controversy in the history of late television. After hosting NBCThe show tonight For less than a season,CONAN O'BRIEN has been forced in favor of his predecessor,Jay Leno, because of a debacle of hourly niche odds.

As you can remember, Leno had retired fromThe show tonight and moved to its own Premetime NBC series,The show Jay Leno, in September 2009. But when he failed to catch his 10 hours. Slot Time, the network announced in January 2010 that it would be shorteningThe show Jay Leno half an hour and move it to 11h35-p.m-the Time SlotThe show tonight took place for nearly 60 years. O'BrienTonight would have been pushed back at 12:05, which was indeed the O'Brien watchman stood warmThe night with Conan O'Brien for 16 years.

"I can not express in words how much I appreciate the organization of this program and what a huge personal disappointment for me to consider losing it"O'Brien said in a statement. "But I can not participate in what I think honestly, it's his destruction. Some people will make the argument that with DVR and Internet a temporal location does not matter. But withThe show tonightI believe that nothing could be more important. Unfortunately, NBC would not move, then O'Brien decided to say goodbye toThe show tonight.

January 22, 2010, like theTonight group played an interpretation ofLynyrd Skynyrd's "Free bird", O'Briensign, make his passage as the shortest host of all time. Seeing that O'Brien killed him for years with his TBS show at the end of the evening,Conan, It's hard to believe that just 10 years ago, he bothered whatWeekly entertainment considered the biggest "late catastrophe" all time.

The pandemic pork influenza has sent the masses into a panic.

swineflu masks on public transport

The average American has probably not thought of swine flu since 2010, but that year, everyone was panicking the question of whether it would be the victim of the virus (officially called H1N1). From 2009 and lasting until the end of 2010, it was the first influenza pandemic of more than 40 years, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC). People around the world wore face masks on trains, at work and even outside the city. And it was not for nothing: from April 2009 to April 2010, theCDC estimated that there were 12,469 deaths In the United States due to swine flu.

We learned who was Jennifer Lawrence.

jennifer lawrence in a winters bone movie
Roadside Attractions

It's hardnotwhoJennifer Lawrence is these days, that you know of herShow Falls or its roles featuring in the main franchises asHunger gamesandX Men.However, in 2010, Lawrence was only a fresh face on the stage,Graviring the major buzz for his role inThe winter bone(which would eventually win the first law on the firstAppointment of the price of the Academy)

She had just turned 19 when the film was created at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2010. And just to give you more insight to the young Lawrence at that time, she had this to sayMaintenance In a particularly graphic scene involving an opening cut of a dead squirrel: "It was a big-time player I could not eat spaghetti for a long time and I like Spaghetti-I p. *****. " J. classical Law.

The finalHunger games book was released.

the mockingjay book cover hunger game series
school press

The originalHunger gamesThe book series has been carefully wrapped for a while (until the authorSuzanne Collins announced itPlans for a new novel Earlier in 2019, but that's another story). But in 2010, the last book of the series,Mockingjay, Had just hit shelves and shook fans to discover the fate of Katniss. (For reference, it was not until 2011 that it was announced thatLawrence takes on the role in the film franchise and the first film was not released until 2012!)

TheLost The final of the series has disappointed everyone.

lost series finale on tv
Disney-ABC national television

In 2019, it was theGame Of ThronesThe series finale that left fans screaming angrily at their TV screens and computers. But 10 years ago, people were hudglés around their TVs not yet-hd, waiting impatiently to discoverHow? 'Or' WhatLost would end. And no fan could forget the confusion, anger and disappointment they felt when the series finale was broadcast on May 23 this year.

In fact, showrunnerDamon Lindeloftwitter left because of the reaction, he later revealed in a 2014 interview withThe New York Times. Ironically, Lindelof also saidMaintenance In 2013 thatGeorge R. R. Martin, The writer behind theA Song of Ice and FireBook series on whichGame Of Thronesis based, also mockingLost end. "When a reporter asked lateGame Of Thrones, Which was still three pounds at the time, he said ... "And if I do aLost? "Lindelof recalled." It was the offensive part because there is an implication that everyone knows what you mean by "make aLost."" Well, you know what they say about karma, Martin!

The controversy Wikileaks has taken the nation by storm.

wikileaks website on a computer screen

Wikileaks was founded byJulian Assange In 2006, with a mission of information classified government information and exposure of corruption. And it all came to a head between April and July 2010 when the site has published almostHalf a million government documents Relating to the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. These 2010 leaks pushing the US government to prosecute whistleblowersstarting with the loads this year againstChelsea Manning To be involved in the leak of 750,000 classified military documents and diplomatic and sensitive to WikiLeaks.

Meghan Margle had apparently invited onCSI: Miami.

meghan markle appearing on csi miama
CBS Television Studios

Meghan murder is known as the Duchess of Sussex these days-it and the womanPrince Harry. But back in 2010, the pair did not even know. Harry was still involved with hisgirlfriend still désinvente Chelsy Davy Markle and was guest starringCSI: Miami in April this year. His series USASuit was not even on the air and she was not yet married her first husband,Trevor Engelson! How times have changed.

Lady Gaga wore her infamous meat dress.

lady gaga meat dress 2010 mtv music video awards

Lady Gaga made headlines for many reasons over the years, but it is probably nothing fat jaw bringing this meat dress to infâteMTV Video Music Awards In September 2010. Gaga was astatement against discriminatory "do not ask, do not say" the military's policy (which President Obamaabrogated at the end of 2010). "If we do not defend what we believe in and if we do not fight for our rights, we will soon have as much rights as the meat on our bones," said Gaga at the time.

The X Factorset a direction.

one direction band, band hiatus

In early 2010, a branch was just a gleam inSimon Cowell'seye. And today? Well, they no longer exist. A lot can happen in a decade! The five pieces of boy band was formed in late 2010 after they all auditioned separatelyThe X FactorIn the U.K. - it was Cowell that put then together. A steering went on to win the title for bronzeThe X FactorSeason 7 in December 2010.

And who could forget the success of the Beatles, they raised in the years that followed - or the devastation when they announced theirindefinite hiatus In 2016? But withHarry Styles,Louis Tomlinson,Zayn Malik,Liam Payne, andNiall Horan all pursuing solo quarries now, it's hard to remember them like teens they wereauditionTheFactor X Just 10 years ago.

Kesha's "tiktok" was the top song of the year.

kesha performing on stage, best breakup songs

In 2010,Kesha "Tiktok" was the song # 1 onBillboard Hot boardAnd to say that his life has changed since a euphemism. In 2014, Kesha's career stopped due to a series of prosecutions in which Kesha accused the producerDr. Luke physical, sexual and emotional abuse, while claiming a defamation. It's hard to think about Kesha today as a young woman who sings "Errody Gettin 'Crunk", but with his new powerful successes like "pray" and his next albumHighway, it shows in the world its many layers.

Mark Zuckerberg wasTimes Person of the year.

person of the year mark zuckerberg
Time Inc.

With the controversy surrounding "false news" andFacebook's Help inside, it's sure to sayMark Zuckerberg Is not exactly the favorite person of everyone these days. However, in 2010, he was at the top of his career with the undeniable success of Facebook as a changing social media platform. Zuckerberg was on such a high, actually that he was even namedTimes Year-round In December 2010. How could the powerful fell.

The Petroleum spill BP has become the worst oil spill in the history of the United States.

bp oil spill sign on the beach

The worst oil spill in the history of the United States is that many will never forget, but it's hard to believe that it has already been 10 years since theBP Oil Spill. About 3.19 million oil barrels fled in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 after theDeep water horizon rigal drilling (which had been rented to BP) exploded, Sending citizens to rally to help protect wildlife and the environment as a result of the disaster.

A massive earthquake has devastated Haiti.

haiti earthquake aftermath with a broken church

About three million people have been affected whenHaiti knew his worst natural disaster In history: an earthquake of 7.0 of magnitude-7.0 in early 2010. It is difficult to forget the images of Port-au-Prince in January of this year and although many of us engaged using the most observed telethon in history, "hope for Haiti now" (whoRecord $ 58 million), A decade later, the country has always struggling to recover from this catastrophe.

Tiger Woods delivered television excuses on his infidelity.

tiger woods top-earning celebs

In 2009, an infamousNational copy Revealed history of proof golferTiger Woods'infidelity. And like dozens of women have started to release stories about their presumed business with woods, its good image has been quickly destroyed. So, no one can forget how the golfer has been forced to ventilate aExcuse speech on national television In February 2010 after the scandal threatened all his career. "I know I bitterly disappointed from you. I made you ask who I am and how could I have done the things I did. I'm embarrassed to have put you in this position" , did he declare. "For everything I did, I'm so sorry. I have a lot to land."

The highest building in the world opened in Dubai.


While many scandals rocked the beginning of the decade, 2010 was also the year when a newThe highest building in the world has been crowned. Exit at 2,722 feet in height, Burj Khalifa was completed in 2009 and opened its doors the following year. Dubai took the title of Taiwan, who had the largest building since 2004: the Taipei of 1,671 feet Taipei 101. Burj Khalifa de Dubai retained the title since.

Kathryn Bigelow has become the first woman to win the Oscar at the best director.

Kathryn Bigelow oscar winner

WhenKathryn Bigelow won the best Oscar director for his work onThe Hurt LockerIn March 2010, hewas a momentary opportunity, seeing like she was the first woman to win the price. However, 10 years later, she remains the only woman to gain proof of coveted honor only 10 years sometimes are not enough for serious progress.

The first rumors of a relationship between Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber surfaced.

justin bieber and selena gomez hand in hand at awards show

These days,Justin Bieberis recently married toHailey Baldwin, andSelena Gomezis back to the release of the new music, many of whom assume that his old relationship with Bieber. But 10 years ago, in December 2010, TMZ was only breaking the news from a possible first date between Bieber and Gomez. Known as "The date of crepe, "The output has recorded pictures of the pair arm after leaving an IHOP to Philadelphia. After their tumultuous relationship over the last decade, it's hard to believe that there were simpler moments in the journey of" Jelena. "

Ariana Grande started just from Nickelodeon.

ariana grande on victorious as cat valentine
IMDB / Nickelodeon

Ariana Grande is a household name these days, with some even of its generation "Queen of pop. "But 10 years ago, the great was not a pop star at all; in fact, she was not even a star again. After a creek on Broadway, the great has had his big break on the show of NickelodeonVictorious, which was created in March 2010. She played the role of support from Valentine's Day Cat Ditzy, dyed red hair and all. In fact, it would be only three years later that Great finally broke the music industry with his first album,Yours sincerely, in 2013.

There was still new againHarry Potter Outgoing films.

harry potter and deathly hallows movie premiere

Of course, these days we haveHarry Potter spin off AsFantastic beasts To wait, but back in 2010, we have always had new movies and midnight to be excited. In 2010,Harry Potter and the relics of death: Part 1 Tap the movie screens and everyone left theaters simultaneously waiting with impatience the final deposit, Socials of death: Part 2 and broke the top.

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