Female cracks on her act of kindness Christmas was enthusiastic in a viral video

Look at Mary Katherine Backstrom tells the type of Christmas gesture that turned into full embarrassment.

The desire to be generous andkind to his comrade is one of the reasonsChristmas is the most magical period of the year. But as momMary Katherine Backstrom of Fort Myers, Florida,Recently learned, sometimes your desire to enter the holidays can put you in a few problems. The good news is, she laughs on this, as well as nearly 50 million viewers who observed her tell her how sheChristmas kindliness Transformed in its "most embarrassing moment" in a live Facebook video.

In the video, she published on Friday, Backstrom explains that she was time to time at her local Wawa, a gas station and her convenience store, while waiting to pick up her children from the school. She met an article on Facebook on how people aremore generous during the holidays. So she decided to do hisrandom kindness At that time and there by buying a Ginger Ale for the woman next to her online. The woman thanks her, they shared in theJoy of holidays, then Backstrom is released in the car park feeling full of what she called "Christmas magic. "

And Lo and Behold, someone was already paying him! Backstrom saw aGood Samaritan Clean your windshield. Wow! Christmas magic strikes again, she thought.

So she walked to man and thanked him, telling her that she "loves Christmas so much" and it was she "preferred part of humanity. "Then she gave him a hug. Nice, right?

There is only one problem: it was not his car.

Yes, his car was directly behind her and they had the same thing, so she had only abundantlyexpressed gratitude to a man to clean his own windshieldandThe hugging.

At this stage of retention, Backstrom islaugh out to his mistake. "I told him that I loved Christmas and humanity and I gave him a hug," she says, hysterical. "I am herehugging foreigners At the service station because Christmas magic is so powerful ... he did not know why I kissed him. I think he thought I was crazy. "

After Backstrom published the video of his "most embarrassing moment" Friday, he was immediately viral. At Wednesday, there were more than 47 million views and 152,000 shares in less than a week.

The viewers said that his laugh was infectious and that the video really put them in theChristmas spirit.

"Thank you for sharing this," commented a Facebook user. "I crack. Humility is so funny."

"This moment has revented so much laugh and encouragement to my life," Backstrom said in an interview withUtility About his video now viral. "I think the reason it resonates is that the holidays can be very difficult for adults and we forget the slight magic of holidays and the desire to believe it in these moments." We can all cheer our chicken milk to that!

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