6 companies now offer a "pawternity leave" for parents of pets
Talk to "Take your dog at the working day" to a brand new level!

This week, the Internet was kidnapped with the news that Nina Hale, a marketing company based in Minneapolis, recently modified its services policies to include the "torture leave" - the ability to work at home for a week in order to "Welcome a new puppy or kitten.
"For many people, their pets are their children"Allison McMenimen, the vice-president of the company,RecountThe New York Times.
Anyone who has already adopted a young puppy will be incredibly jealous of Nina Hale employees because he knows the amount of care and attention of newborn puppies too well. (During the first weeks of puppy training, all you have to do is take your attention from them for a moment and they have eaten all your shakespeare annotated work collection.) But believe it or not, Nina Hale is not the first company to deploy this new Perk. Here we have compiled all the companies that offer a "dull dull" or "paw-ternity", so scroll, and if your puppy soon expected, consider updating your curriculum vitae! And for more stories of wellness dogs, check the40 dogs if ugly they are really cute.
1 Mars Petcare
This McClean company, based in Virginia consists of more than 50 pet food brands, including household names such as Royal Canin, Whiskas and IAMM. They were one of the first companies to offer a "pawternity leave", which consists of 10 hours of paid leave, after which you can bring your furbaby to the office. For more cute pictures like the one above, check50 Corgi facts that make you want a corgi.
2 Marticulus
This New York software company offers a fully paid free clung to employees who adopt a life dog.

Musti Group, a pet food company based in Norway, Sweden and Finland offers 3-day parental leaves for new pet owners.
"Pawternity leave is a natural step in the development of our culture," David Rönnberg David Rönnbergtold Mercury News. "The adoption of a pet is an important decision and changes considerably from everyday life. We want to support our employees during their first days with their new family member and ensure that they can take full advantage of these precious moments. "
The company also believes that politics will help employees maintain a good personal work-life balance and strengthen their well-being and productivity, and they are right. For more things about that, check15 amazing advantages of adopting a pet.
4 Bitsol Solutions

Bitsol Solutions, a technical support company in Manchester, the United Kingdom, offers a full week of leave paid when employees adopt a new pet.
"Pets are like babies nowadays", Greg Buchanan, founder of society,Metro UK said. "So why should not the staff have free time when they arrive?
5 Bracelet

The Scottish brewery gives employees a week to take care of their new furbabies.
"Yes, have dogs in our offices makes everyone colder and relaxed - but we do not know that too well to have a new arrival - whether it's a mewling puppy or defective life dog - Can be stressful for man and dogs. So we have become the first of our industry to give our staff a week of work on us to help pay a new member of the Four to Home Family, "The company's website.
6 Harper Collins India
The publication giant seems to be the first company in India to offer "pawternity leave", granting five days off paid to spend on your new pet. Unfortunately, they seems that they have not adopted the United States politics, but dog lovers believe that the movement will help motivate people to adopt dogs in India,where stray dogs are a particularly serious problem.
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