What is a quokka? 15 facts about the creature "the happiest" on the earth

Learn why these little guys are "the happiest creatures on the earth".

WhenNational Geographic judge aanimal "The happiest on earth", you take note. And quite safe, the size jerseys of the smiling stuffed teddy bear called Quokkas get this name for good reason. While you can not have a quokka as a pet, you can find many photos of a plush online, or even make a trip to visit them on their native island (they have practically infested with kindness) . Of course, this adorable species can bequite unknown most of the world, but frankly, he deservesall attention.

So what is a quokka exactly? And what makes them so irresistibly cute? And why in the world that people like to take as many "quokka selfies"?! Well, wonder more. We gathered 15 essential people about these little known creatures. Here's all you need to know about these fantastic animals (including where to find them).

What is a quokka?

Quokkas are small Wallabies (think: the same family as the kangaroos, with the exception of these little guys only increases the size of a domestic cat) with short tails, short faces and round ears on the above their head. But the most remarkable attribute on a quokka is his face: all the quokkas seem to be perpetually smiling, which earned them this "happier animal socket on earth". They wereoriginally discovered by the Dutch explorers In the 17th century, which has confounded them for large rats, estimating their hometown "Rotte Nest". (Translated, it means "the rat nest".)

Where does the Quokka live?

Quokkas live in Australia, but even if you are from the area, you will not just find one in your garden. These little guys are from southwestern Australia (off the coast of Perth), the largest population residing on the island of Rottnest.

How do you pronounce Quokka?

Quokkas get their name Aboriginal people who lived in the sound region of King George in southwestern Australia during their first discovery. The name is pronounced "Kwaa-ka".

smiling quokka

Can you have a quokka as a pet?

Unfortunately, the Quokkas are a protected species in Australia and, by the1987 Law of the Authority of Rottnest Island, can not be kept as pets. You are not allowed to leave Quokkas in Australia to be your pet elsewhere, which means that you are most likely to spot one on their hometown.

How did the quokkas become popular?

Thanks to this endless smile, the quokkas are intensely photogenic - as long as they have become known on a global scale after a man has posted a"Quokka selfie" With the smiling and fur crequer who went viral and puts them on the map.

What do a quokka eat?

Quokkas like to nibble leaves, shrubs, herbs and plants, which are at abundance on Rottnest, as well as continental Australia. Real herbivores, they adore particularly nibble peppermint. For the more meager moments, they store fat in their tales.

Can I caress a quokka?

No; It's actually illegal to caress a quokka. These creatures must remain in nature, something that the Australian authorities take seriously. Not only it'sillegal to reach out and animal These cute, but you will also be slappedA cool $ 300 well to do it.

Quokkas can have anywhere from 15 to 17 babies.

These little hot blood guys only give birth to a baby at a time, but babies a few ripe quokkas quickly, while full full quokkas can give birth twice a year. Within a life of 10 years (this is the average), they could produce anywhere from 15 to 17 babies.

Like kangaroos, they wear their babies in their wallet.

The word "marsupial" comes fromLatin marsupium, which means "abdominal pocket". Like kangaroos, wombats, wallabies, posigs (or if we are appropriate, opossums), koalas and other marsupiales, the Quokkas also have them.

quokka baby in pouch
Christine Mendoza / Beldshshshsh

A Quokka baby is called a "Joey".

Another similarity with their other Australian Aboriginal people, Kangaroos and Koalas, babies queries are called "Joeys".AWWW!

Quokkas sometimes throws their babies for protection.

When threatened, adult quokkas are sometimes knownduck their babies Out of their pockets to serve as a distraction and allow him enough to move away from the threat.

They like to go out into packs.

Where there is a quokka, there is probably more. These guys are social with their type and tend to be peaceful among others. Unlike other mammals, they do not usually fight on food or buddies.

Quokkas can swim.

Although it is not their first choice, the quokkas are more than capable in the water. Their main habitat is on earth, however, and they tend to spend most of their time in trees and shrubs. In addition, their native island can go months without precipitation, then they are used to dry the ground.

quokkas smiling animal

The Quokkas are protected by the World Wildlife Foundation.

The World Wildlife Foundation focuses on maintaining their current habitat and control predators.

Unfortunately, the quokkas are at risk of extinction.

Quokkas are considered vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature . The species lost 50% of its habitat in the last 200 years on the continent, according to a 2014 study conducted by John Winearski of the organization of the Scientific and Industrial Research of the Commonwealth of Australia, or Csiro .

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Categories: Travel
Tags: animals / Facts
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