20 things you do not think you have arrived in 1999
1999 was all about the panic, the Pottermania and the President soon president.

Twenty years ago, we were facing the last year of the century. And when it was she, 1999 was hardly the yearPrincefamous dreamed that it would be. Everything was on theButterfly clips,Britney Spearsand be afraid of what the turn of the century would bring. From Pokémon being always a card game at the cost of a movie ticket, things have changed a lot over the 20 years that the 90s are over. To remind you of the good times - and also to make you feel alittle Old - we gathered some of the most memorable moments of 1999 that will have to say: "This happened 20 years ago? "
1 Everyone had a full blown font on the computers of the ruin of Y2K.

Nowadays, our computer clocks change automatically as soon as possibleThe day of summer time shots. But back when the turn of the century was on everyone's head, people were sure that the end of the days was just around the corner. The fear of Y2K came from projections thatcomputers And computer networks would confirm catastrophic breakdowns once the clock hit midnight on January 1, unable to recognize the year "2000" with the current software.
SameTime magazine Wrapped for life after this presumed affirmation. "While the police around the world got emergency bunkers for themselves, theTimeMagazine and Time Inc. Information technology has set up a powerful "war room" generating in the basement of time and life building, filled with computers and equipment ready for Producing the magazine in case of catastrophic ventilation of electricity and communications, "Deputy Chief of Assistant ManagementHoward Chua-EoanWritten in the magazineCommemorative problem 1/1/00.
2 Paypal was called one of the worst business ideas of the year.

It is rightly considered one of the biggest successes of the internet today, but when Paypal came out for the first time, it was actuallyvote one of the 10worse Trade ideas of 1999. Fortunately, things came for the online payment system since - and it's now aBrand Billion Dollars used by almost300 million consumers.
3 People hacked hotmail accounts using the "huh" password.

If you set yourthe password As a "password" in 2019 and someone packs in your accounts, it's upon you. But in 1999, it was not exactly the case. The infamous "Hotmail piracy, "executed by a group called" Hackers Unit ", highlighted a major safety fault with Microsoft. widely considered one of the greatest generalized security incidents in history, thehackers Exposed about 50 million hotmail accounts, revealing that anyone could connect to any hotmail account using the "huh" password.
4 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Premiered on American TVs for the first time.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?firststarted in 1999, adapted from a popular British game game of the same name. First hosted byRégis Philbin, the series became a springboard for competition from realityGreed,The weakest link,andDeal or any agreement.Of course, the classic TV game shows likeDanger!andWheel of Fortunecame before that - but these were not an appointment at the national levelMillionaire. "The aesthetic and superhaid challenges of the show have attracted unprecedented audiences," wroteSlate Justin Peters. "At its peakMillionairewas more popular thanMonday night football."
Two decades later, the show was finally canceled, but his inheritance lives. After all, you could argue that we have never metMeghan murderIf it were not forMillionaire.
5 The iBooks have been announced as "to go" computers.

Before the MacBooks are all ransoms, Apple won a reputation with its line iBook. Colorful laptops and Clamshell style are released in 1999,were available in mandarin and blueberry, and nicknamed the "imac to go". Even$ 1,600These iMac offsprings were flying shelves.
6 DVD players simply started to gradually eliminate VHS tapes.

These days, DVDs lost traction, because most people now look at their movies via online streaming services likeNetflix. But in 1999, DVDs were just starting to go beyond VHS bands as technology of the day. The first DVD players arrived in 1997, but they came with high price tags, costing more than $ 700. In 1999, however, pricesjumbled For about $ 200, and customers were able to wait to stop "to be kind and rewinding" in favor of the DVD.
7 We download songs on Napster without understanding the ramifications.

Nowadays, you can choose from services such as Apple Music, Spotify or Pandora for music on all your 24-hour devices and 7 days a week (and legally). However, in 1999, Napster hadJust launched as the assignment ofShawn Fanning andSean Parker And was the only way to download music songs and file sharing numerically. Although labels and musicians are not advanced to pursue and Close Napster in 2001, all who grew up in the 1990s and in the early 2000s remembers patiently waiting for this download to be completed in order to be able to do the CD Ultimate Jamz '99 Mix.
8 Britney Spears'Rolling stone The cover was the major scandal of pop culture of the year.

Before April 1999,Britney Spears was just another star of idolized teenage pop-pop. But that year, she made her first move in a provocative territory with her 1999Rolling stone Magazine cover and propagation. The 17-year-old artist was scanned by his underwear, holding the Violet Teletubby (who had hiscontroversial, if you remember). "I think it's sinful," says a manInside the edition of the picture. But for the spears, it was just the beginning of the decades of shock and scandal to come.
9 The first price of choice of adolescence took place.

For Tween and Teens today, it's hard to remember one hourbefore theAdolescent price of choice (if not impossible). However, the central event of the surfboard got its start in 1999. And just attending inaugural TCAS? The performers included spears and * Nsync, while most active prices ended up on WB stars.
10 Carson Daly introduced the videos of Korn and Christina Aguilera onTRL.

Carson Daly is all over the television screens these days, the accommodation shows likeToday andThe voice. However, before it was the costume roundness, we know it as now, it was the less refined host of MTVTotal live demandIn 1999. At the time, Daly was most often seen at a sporty jeans upheaval, black t-shirts and his emblematic black varnish (on two nails only), as he introduced music videos featuring boys Backstreet. andEminem.
"When I took the job, everyone said," Stay on the radio. What are you doing? It will be a year, then you will be on a noxzema advertisement, "he said to theLos Angeles TimesIn 1999. "I never looked like this way." Clearly, he did not have to!
11 The euro was introduced for the first time.

Whether traveling in Spain, France, Ireland or Italy today, you use the same exact currency - the euro. But before 1999, a standardized monetary system across Europe was only a utopian idea. After decades of preparations, the eurowas finally introduced In 11 European countries of January 1, 1999. It is difficult to imagine that the second most widely used currency in the world (after the dollar) was not even about 21 years old.
12 * Nsync was Janet Jackson's opening act.

Today,Justin Timberlake is one of the biggest names of pop music. However, in 1999, there was only one of the five members of * Nsync, a group of boy who was still trying to get his place. Timberlake and Co. Published their first album in 1997 and did not caught the Backstreet boys quickly.
Instead, they mounted on the coat tail ofJanet JacksonBy joining his velvet rope tour from 1998 to 1999 as one of the acts of rotation. "We do not care if we are Bood of the Stage", MemberChris Kirkpatrick RecountMtv at the time. "We'll just be like" what's happening Janet. You are welcome. They are ready for you. "" Booed? * NSYNC? Twenty-one years sounds like a life there is a life!
13 A city council of New York protested $ 9.50 from movie tickets.

If you wantCinema head These days, be ready to discover a nice penny. A trip to the multiplex costs more than $ 9, with all these orders for 3D movies, the first midnight and the extreme surround sound. Back in 1999, however, you could usuallybill For a Lincoln and a certain change.
When Loews Cineplex (now AMC) raised ticket prices in Manhattan at $ 9.50 that year, a new york board speakerA declaration Exhorting the Department of Justice to intervene, estimating the increase in the "aggression of the middle class". As a comparison, a MANHATTAN AMC ticket is about $ 15 today.
14 Children stole with Pokémon cards.

In 1999, the Pokémon franchise explodes all the United States. With the liberation of theRed and blue Pokémon Video game in 1998 "Pokenaie"had ended.
And while the game is still popular today, especially with the liberation ofPokémon GOThe enthusiasm in 1999 was incomparable - the kids were flying even stealing from handing on some Pokemon cards. "Let's hope that he had learned his lesson and will no longer carry as many cards,"Tony Warda parent of a boy who was stolen $ 60 philadelphia cards, told theAssociated pressIn 1999. "I tell him when he goes out, he must be smarter street now."
15 FirstSponge Bob SquarePants Airy episode.

What else took the lives of children in 1999?Sponge Bob SquarePants.Of our time,Spongebob was so tightly woven in the American society he has evolved into two films, aLarbu musical, and become host forSame internet. So, it's hard to believe the TV show onlyfirst In July 1999 on Nickelodeon. Yes, 21 years ago, no one could have imagined a sponge that lived in a pineapple under the sea and worked in a submarine burger would become so incredibly famous.
16 Susan Lucci finally won his Emmy.

Susan Lucci had served all the drama of the day since 1970 with its emblematic representation of Erica Kane on ABCAll my children. In reality,television guide Called his character "unequivocally the most famous soap character in the history of day television." And while Lucci had received an Emmy day candidacy almost every year since his first appointment in 1978, shehad not had won. However, finally in 1999, at his 19th nomination, she brought homethe reward For an exceptional superior actress in a series of drama. And we cannever forget how all the crowdburst in a standing ovation.
17 The sixth sense We shocked all with his end.

People were not exactly in a hurry for good movies in 1999-The matrix,Fighter club, andThe Blair Witch Project were released that year. But when the viewers have discovered thatBruce Willis actually died all the time inThe sixth senseIt was the revelation to put an end to all the films reveal.
18 Bill Gates predicts the future of smart phones.

In 1999, Business WizBill Gates released one of the pivotal books to date,Business @ the speed of thought. In this, the Microsoft Founder has made many bold predictions about the future ofTechnology. Among them? Social media, smart phones, online payment systems and online job recruitment (Hello, LinkedIn?). Hey, he is not one of the richest men in the world for nothing.
19 George W. Bush announced his campaign for the presidency.

The rumors had turned to know ifGeorge W. Bush would follow in the footsteps of his father byrun for the president. But then, in the summer of 1999, he officially announcedhis campaign. The Republican Governor of two Texas mandates promised campaign as "Conservative compassionate", which ended up the election in 2000.
20 The third book in theHarry Potter The series has been released.

After the success ofJ.K. Rowling's two first books in theHarry Potter Series, the third payment,Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, was released to high expectations and praises raised in 1999. Before any film was even in sight, the book became highly considered to push "Potermania"In America main public. We had no idea what kind of magic was in store or who Daniel Radcliffe Even was!

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