25 things that only parents in the 1990s will remember

Batteries and supervision not included.

Compared toWhat is parenting like now, The years 1990, the moms and the dads had very good. Just 20 years ago, there was no cyberrage and the world was still a relatively safe place where the children could hang out at the unattended park.

Althoughmany has changed in decades since, one thing that increased smartphones and safety precautions can never take away from the 1990s, their memories are their memories. And to help you relive your days of glory, we have rounded some of the surprising, hilarious and shocking things that the parents of the 90s will remember. And for more memories of return, check the100 photos that children born after 2000 will never understand.

Disconnect the children's kids was as simple as picking up the phone.

Dial-Up Internet 1990s parents

Connecting in the 1990s required a remote connection, which was slow and clunky infamous and could be interrupted at any time if someone accidentally used the phone. Let's just say that the "90-year-old parents had a lot of these" accidents ", especially if they felt that their children werespend too much time on this World Wide Web. And for more than the last decade before the turn of the century, we areRanking each film of adolescence of the 90s, the worst review at best.

You can leave your children without supervision in a car - for a second.

Mom strapping daughter in to a car seat 1990s
Classicstock / Alamy Stock Photo

Not indefinitely, of course. But if you had to catch something in the grocery store or run in the dry cleaner, you can simply crack the window and let your children safely in the car for a few minutes. It was not considered negligent parenting then; It was just an effectiveness of time. And for more former behaviors that are big no-no-no today, here is23 things that our parents did that we could never do today.

You could also leave them in the park without supervision.

Kids Alone at the park in the 1990s
Classicstock / Alamy Stock Photo

In the 1990s, children could play in the park without a responsible adult in view. Even less careless in today's society, they could walk around the park without giving mom and dad of any information beyond, "either at home later." Wild, huh?

You knew who were the intimidators.

1990s Bully Sitting in a Classroom
Kathy Dewitt / Alamy - Photo

If yourchild was intimidated In the 1990s, it was not so difficult to follow the culprit. Theftiders during this period were easy to choose from the playground and therefore did not have to run or hide. It was nothing like today, where harass hide in the shadows online, completely anonymous, unless they are ready to be exposed. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Sending a child to their room was areal Punishment.

Unhappy child sit at table contemplating and 1990s cell phone on the table.
Cracking Visual Services / Alamy Stock Photo

In the 90's, all the point to send a child to their room was to deprive them of things they love. At the time, the middle kid had little more than posters on their wall to look at because they waited for their parents to finally pity them. Today's children, however, have smartphones, laptops and televisions within their bedroom. Limit a modern maple joy teenager in their room and they will laugh, because that's where they spend most of their time anyway.

Being embarrassing mother meant that you had a "Rachel" haircut and knew all the words at "MMMBOP".

Rachel Green from Friends 1990s Parents
Warner Bros. Television distribution

Or at least you tried your best to recreateJennifer Aniston emblematic hairstyle ofFriends. Same aniston itselfadmitted That she could never duplicate the same style in her private life, so do not feel too bad about the legendary box. And for more entertainment from this decade, check these20 beloved television rooms from the 1990s you have totally forgotten.

Being embarrassing father meant that you had a patch of soul and that you were not shy at the speed of hip hop songs.

Man Rocking Out With a Soul Patch
iStock / Creatiste

It still parade a little "90 years" how much their rapinge of the "sabotage" of Beastie Boys did not make them the most cool parent of the block. But that did not stop them from trying again ... and again ... and again.

Barney haunted your dreams.

Barney and Friends 1990s Parents
YouTube / Gleneter

Oh, Barney. This purple dinosaur has caused most moms and dads want to jump through the nearest open window and run in the opposite direction. Even just the sound ofBarney and Friends The song theme is sufficient to trigger most of the years 1990 parents' sspts.

You can sing each lyrical toThe little Mermaid,The beauty and the Beast, andThe Lion King.

the lion king highest-grossing summer movies
IMDB / Disney Enterprises, Inc.

If you were a parent of the 90s, you might be totally alone, not a child in sight, and you always catch yourself imprudently humming the melody of "Hakuna Matata". Yes, all theseSuper catchy songsAs early as the 1990s, Disney's musicals really crawled deep in your subconscious and refused to leave. We could forget our own names as we get older, but we will never forget the words of "being our guest" or "under the sea". And for more on Disney, check theseRanking each animated film of Disney, worse at best.

Finding a Tickle Me Elmo toy was impossible.

Tickle Me Elmo Toy 1990s Parents

Tickle me elmo was theHottest Christmas toy in 1996-So beloved, in fact, thatParents stamped literally in stores Just to get your hand on one. Many of 1990, parents can still remember the anxiety pit that had just walked in another toy shop and hope of hope that there was always a tickle of Me elmo left on the shelves.

BEVERLY HILLS 90210 Feel simultaneously like personal nostalgia and parental research.

Beverly Hills 90210 Cast

Of course, there was a lot in thisteenager to make fun of. But always, there is a reasonBEVERLY HILLS 90210 was enormously popular during the 1990s: he managed tonostalgic parents For their own adolescence, while offering them a window in the true challenges facing their children.90210 Could be silly, but he also treated serious subjects such as sex, peer pressure, alcoholism and diet disorders.

You have filled your pantry with what you thought to be "healthy" snacks of weak health.

Snackwell's Cookies 1990s Parents

WhenSnackwell cookies were introduced for the first time in 1992, they were marketed as "healthy" because, despite their loading of sugar, they had zero fat. And while we now realize that the terrible logic, the parents at the time were so caught up in the "weak fat" enthusiasm they have totally bought boxes and boxes of cookies of dietary cookies of the devil andVanilla cookies CREME SANDWICH.

The high fructose corn syrup was not serious.

Crystal Pepsi 1990s Parents

Who is afraid of synthetic sweeteners? Not a parent '90s! If they even bother to look at the ingredients on a Pepsi bottle, it's not even even that high fructose corn syrup was quite high on the list.

You had to give your child the current money of lunch.

Lunch Money 1990s Parents
iStock / Ttatty

Thanks to online lunch accounts, make sure your child has funds for a hot meal.at school has never been so easy. But in the 90s, every transaction your child has done was with cold and hard money. As a parent during this decade, your options should either A) Packer your child something to bring for lunch, or b) give them some bills of $ 1 to buy something in the cafeteria. If you have forgotten to slide your son or daughter of money in the morning before leaving at school, they came home with a grunting stomach for lugs.

And Pb & J was always an acceptable lunch.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich 1990s Parents
iStock / Pamela_D_Mcadams

A peanut butter and a sandwich jelly is a classic American lunch. But with most schools these days, prohibiting or severely restricting peanut butter because of the nutallergiesIt has become an endangered sandwich species as part of the school. Of course, peanut allergies existed in the 90s, but it was not almost the epidemic that she is today.

The fairy of the teeth was affordable.

A Tooth Under a Pillow For the Tooth Fairy
iStock / Billyfoto

As a child in the 90s, you had the chance to have a quarter for every tooth that you lost, perhaps a dollar if it was your first tooth or that your parents felt particularly generous. These days, however, children represent $ 5 a tooth. A bill of five dollars! It is the flight of the highway, we tell you. One parent of the 90s would never have held for that.

The screen time was not as important to worry.

Family watching television together in the 1990s
Ian Shaw / Alamy Photo

Excessive telephone and television use was not a problem for the parents of the 1990s as it is today. A 2019 study published inJama Pediatrics even found that the time that young children spendscreens more thandouble Since the mid-1990s. Of course, parents had to monitor the amount of cable television that their children watched in the 90s - but today, streaming services, broadband internet andsocial media The sites transformed the consumption of media into a global epidemic.

Music festivals are just becoming popular.

Teens at a music festival in the 1990s
Edd WestMacott / Alamy Photo

Lollapalooza. Visit Warped. Coachella. During these 90s festivals, they were still years of years of becoming some of the most popular traditional music events in the world. Thus, when the parents have heard their children announce that they "headed for Lollapaloza" or "hit the distorted tour", they could only scratch his head and wonder if their children join a worship.

A combination was the perfect parental hold.

Now and Then stars Gaby Hoffman and Demi Moore, wearing overalls, a classic '90s fashion trend
AF / Alamy Archives - Photo

Not only was a big pair of denim combinationsfashionable in the 90sBut it was also perfect for any occupied parent on the point. The many pockets may have been designed for tools, but moms and dads used them instead of wipes, bottles and baby pacificers.

Children were impossible to entertain when traveling from the road.

Asian kids laugh in backseat of car

The children in the 90s did not watch passively to their towers duringroad trips, hypnotized by their screens or apparatus. They usually spent most of these car rides complained about how bored they were, repeatedly asking their parents, "how many loooooinger?" Invariably, they would eventually end up in strong arguments with their brothers and sisters, pushing, pushing and shouting until Mom had to withdraw and get involved.

The vaccinations were not controversial.

Kid at the Doctor's Office Getting a Smallpox Vaccine, school nurse secrets

If you had children in the 90s, you vaccinated them. If someone told you, "I decided not to have my child vaccinated against polio", you would have been stunned.

Spanking was (mainly) still acceptable.

Asian boy puts up hand to stop from being spanked

In the early 1990s, spanking was a relatively normal form of discipline. In fact, aGallup Survey of 1994 found that 67% of the parents at the time thought that "a good and difficult spanking" was an acceptable way to discipline a child.

However, the same year, a mother of Georgia was arrested for slapping his 9 year old son in a grocery store,arouse national debate This has finally led to the disappearance of this form of obsolete punishment.

You thought your children would see Russia as one of the good guys.


By the 1990s, with the end of the cold war and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, parents excited their children likeglasnost (Russian for "opening") and how America entered a golden age of American-Russian relations. The parents had every reason to think that their children would grow up in a world where Russia was an American ally and that American citizens would never have anything to fear this country again. Time is an essential thing.

DisplayStars wars to your children was monumental.

star wars a new hope still frame

The reinley of the originalStars wars The trilogy in the late 1990s gave each parent an excuse to give lectures on which Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were the greatest heroes movies in the history of cinema. The children were not always impressed, but it did not matter - at least the parents had the chance to relive the days of glory of a galaxy far away.

The Y2K bug was something that kept you at night.

Asian girl using a PC home computer in 1990s
Robert Clay / Alamy Stock Photo

Parents and non-parents were so sure that when the clocks were returned on December 31, 1999, all computers would allow themselves simultaneously. Why? The majority of programs only used the last two figures for each year, the people thus believed that the year 2000 would be interpreted incorrectly in 1900. Many parents were paranoids that the world unveiled to chaos and that their families would be in imminent danger .

Fortunately, we now know how this story ended: The Millennium bug turned out to be a false alarm. And the 2000 parents had a lot of other things to fear with computers. And for more information on parental facts, we thought we are absolutely wrong, check these17 parent myths that people have believed for decades.

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