15 reasons we are happy to grow in the 60s

The days of Schwinns and Sean Connery.

Some people might say that if you remember the 60s, you were not there. To this we say: "Hogwash!" If you were achild In the 60s, you remember each last time as if it were in Technicolor. Of the British invasion to shake it as a Polaroid image for the first time, here are 15 reasons why we are grateful that we grew up in the best decade of the twentieth century when everything was so verysensational, baby. And for more explosions of the past, do not miss these100 photos that children born after 2000 will never understand.

We learned dances onAmerican music mandate.

American Bandstand, the twist, 70s
Image via IMDB / Dick Clark Productions

Every Saturday afternoon, the children of the 1960s would help see endless youthDick Clark Introduce us to all the new music that imported and all the new crazy dances we had to learn immediately. Learning to do "Twist" was not just a fun way to spend the time, it was more important than our real homework. Then check these20 things every year 60 children remembers.

There was a Renaissance song.

now and laters, 60s candy

We do not suggest that previous and past generations did not have candies, but there was nothing more wonderful than your first taste of Starburst and Swedish fish, or lemonaries and materials. The candies of the 1960s were so revolutionary and sweet - he continues to be a favorite among the children with serious sweet teeth today. Sorry, everyone, but our generation has essentially invented the high sugar. Sorry, everyone, but our generation has essentially invented the high sugar. And for another march at the bottom of the memory lane,33 old born children born after 2000 will never understand.

The British invaded.

Photo of The Beatles with Ed Sullivan from their first appearance on Sullivan's US variety television program in February 1964. From left: Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Ed Sullivan, John Lennon, Paul McCartney.

There is not a 60 year old child who does not remember exactly where they were when the beatles appeared onThe show Ed Sullivan for the first time. It was February 9, 1964 and, if it wanted you to take a guitar or just start dancing, it changed your world forever. Then come the rolling stones, the Kinks, the Dave Clark Five, Herman's Hermits, zombies and animals, and American children everywhere have been fully converted to this swingin 'u.k.k. And to take a look at some entries in the musical glory of history,25 huge bands of the 60s, you have totally forgotten existed.

Special effects inMary Poppins were blowing.

Dick Van Dyke, Karen Dotrice, and Matthew Garber in Mary Poppins (1964)
Image via IMDB / Walt Disney Images

We loved everything on the 1964 staring movieJulie Andrews andDick Van Dykebut it was the"Supercalifragilisticialidocious" scene In particular, it made us almost jump from our seats. Today's children can become jaded in terms of kinematic animation and special effects. They have already seen it before, and nothing really surprises them. But when we saw human actorsinteract With dancing elephants and flying horses in the flick of the 1960s, well, you could have hit us with a feather.

We were captivated by capturing the flag.

Kids running in a field at sunset

Video games? We have never heard of 'em. And honestly, we do not need them. We, the children of the 60s, had a lot of games to keep us captivated and they actually involved a visual contact with other children and breathable fresh air. We could spend whole weekends playing marrel, red light, green light or even capture of sustainable favorites. Everything we needed was a flat surface, free time and our best friends. And for more information from delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Getting your first schwinn felt like a major step.

Classicstock / Alamy Stock Photo

Like children today beg for their ownsmartphones Or video game consoles, we pleaded with our parents to buy our own bikes Schwinn Stingray. With this elegant walk to make us come, we did not need anything else - other than maybe an old wood and fashionable bricks a fortune ramp. Yes, it was a visit to the hospital waiting to arrive, but we had too amusing ourselves to worry about it.

Television programs have been evaluated.

Gilligan's Island
CBS Productions via YouTube

When children todayTurn on the TV Or scroll through YouTube, they can easily stumble in something that traumats them for life. (Hello, everything on hbo.But in the 1960s, we had never had to worry about becoming emotionally screened by television. We had shows likedelighted,Gilligan Island,The Andy Griffith show,Boon,Pinball, andOzzie and Harriet, who have all made pretty convincing cases that we lived in a mild world with nothing to fear.

The astronauts were our heroes.

neil armstrong first man on the moon, biggest cultural event

We did not just idolish men likeAlan Shepard, the first American to do in space, orJohn Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, orNeil Armstrong andBuzz aldrin, the first oneThe Americans will walk on the moon. We wantedto beThey walk (or maybe float) in their footsteps and make our own small stages for man and giant jumps for humanity.

The sandwiches with peanut butter and mayonnaise were the knees of the bee.

Fluffernutter peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich

Today's children can find the very idea of ​​this disgusting sandwich, but we knew better. Like a'60s-era announcement Describes this inventive combination, he created a "new flavor" guaranteed to "make doubly delicious sandwich taste". Hey, do not hit him until you tried! And for more information on YORE's careless days, here is23 things that our parents did that we could never do today.

We had ancient encyclopedias.

encyclopedia, 60s

Wikipedia did not exist in the 60s. When we needed knowledge, we went to the library and did some research with an encyclopedia. And if we were lucky and our parents had some extra money, we may have even had a Britannicas encyclopedia leather set at home! Was it better than free online service children to use today? As President of BritannicaJorge Cauz once explained, "We may not be as big as Wikipedia. But we have a scholarly voice, an editorial process and articles based on well-written facts." Take this, Gen X!

We have always been impressed by "instant" photos.

Polaroid instant camera, 60s

When the first polarid instant cameras have become available in the early 1960s, we were pretty much sure it was a spatial technology. By today's standards, it seems incredibly complicated. After all, there was nothing "instant" about it. You had to pull the movie from the camera and peel the negative and positive ends after its focus. Everything took several minutes and there was still no guarantee that the photo would be even focusing. But for us, it was nothing less than witchcraft and proof that marvellike jetpacks and women's robot could not be far behind.

Sean Connery was the only one and only link.

sean connery in first james bond movie dr no in 1962, biggest event every year

As far as we are concerned, there was only oneJames BondAnd it was played bySean Connery. The effortless expense of his secret agent dazzled us in movies likeThe golden finger,Dr. NO, andOf Russia with love, among many others. Of course, he drank a little too much and was probably misogynistic and certainly had white privilege problems. But he was sure beautiful and smooth.

Truc-or-treatment was not supervised.

Halloween pumpkin head jack lantern on wooden background - halloween jokes, halloween puns
Shutterstock / Alexander Raths

Imagine children in the 21st century being allowed to venture into the nightcostumes This clogged their vision of knocking on the doors of complete foreigners? Yes, it will not happen. But it was just a typical Halloween night in the 60s. The only thing that worries us to avoid homes where the neighbors of health-walnuts transmitted apples instead of candy. What type ofmonster is it that?

We listened to the tunes in the planned form: on the recordings.

Vinyl records

DetailCan have more options and be more convenient, but it's nothing like the sensation of slipping 7 to 45 rpm of 7.1 inches on a plate and listening when the needle has fallen on the First groove and started playing these beautiful sounds. Listen to a song like the "good vibrations" of the beach "or the animals" "The house of the rising sun" on a record player was, for many of us, similar to a religious experience.

We were allowed to be bored.

A black boy and Hispanic boy play with homemade go cart wagon in the inner city mission district of San Francisco in 1960s/70s
Bob Kreisel / Alamy Photo

We did not know at the time, but it was one of the greatest gifts we had from our childhood from the 60s. There was no waiting to be consistently entertained. There was not always a new show, new YouTube video or new video game ready to keep our brain occupied. Being bored was a reality for the majority nowadays. He left us to us and our under-stimulated brain to determine what to do with this empty space. And it was amazing what we could cook with a weekend and a little imagination. And for more than the greatest decade of the last century, here is20 photos only children who grew up in the 1960s will understand.

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