20 hilarious things from girls were told of dating 50 years ago

Go for gold in his pockets, that is to say!

There is certainrules of old-fashioned meetings This can and should still be used today. For example, we could all benefit from more dinners together during the work week, right? But, not all pieces ofRendezvous From the mid-twentieth century is always relevant, especially for women.Old dating tips In the 1950s and 1960s, the supposed girls were more like property than people. As a result, the so-called rules for women have focused mainly on how to please a man and avoid confrontation at all costs. In this document, we gathered some of the most hilarious (and odious) dating tips that girls had really given decades.

1. The girls were encouraged to lie on their lineage if their parents were overweight.

A dating board offered in a 1958 issue ofMcCall. Read: "If your mother is fat, telling him that you take after your father." Yes, it's a direct quote and no, that's not all. The article continued to say that if your father was overweight too, "tell him you're adopted!"

2. The belt wasall.

"Do not underestimate the importance of your belt," a passage in 1967Seventeen Book of Fashion and Beauty. This, of course, has been offered alongside advice like: "You can not expect to charm a royal bullet or find me with rex harrison with sloppy speech habits."

3. A woman had to leave her guy cut her own steak.

Apparently, nothing says "I am a viril man", as cutting your own steaks. That's why, in the October 1965 issue ofGood HousekeepingOne of the tips included in "120 ways to please a man" focused on the day before there is always a "good sharp knife".

4. Women who wanted to please their men were responsible for expressing their vegetable presentations.

TheGood HousekeepingThe article also noted: "If the vegetables are something, it can usually take or leave, surprise it with imaginative peas dotted with tiny white onions or gold carrots with a pinch of ginger." We are confused: Is it your husband or son?

5. If a girl wanted to know if her date was rich or not, she was encouraged to skip the rope with him.

Now the suggestion to skip the rope on a date is not so bad. Whatis bad, however, isArt Unger reason to suggest it inThe cool book: a teenage guide to survival in a square society. "You will be able to say whether he can afford to take you to the city by January of his jeans," he wrote.

6. The secret of a successful relationship spoke to the plants of your guy.

"It must be done to feel darling, beloved and loved at distraction, too!" wrote an article entitled "Loving gestures" in a 1977 issue ofCosmopolitan. One of the "loving gestures" the article suggests? "Say beautiful things to his plants." (Yes really.)

7. The girls had to accept using their dates, even when they do not need it.

InMargaret Bevans' The McCall Book of the Label of EverydayThe dating expert advised girls to accept help forever so as not to embarrass their dates.

"It's embarrassing from your escort if you refuse his services or beat his punch," she wrote. "If he offers help on the stairs or cross the street, accept it even if you do not need it."

8. Women have been told to "say shocking things" to avoid a troublesome conversation.

"Say shocking things - it will be too stupid to realize what you are bad convertism." Yes, it's more real advice to unger.

9. The ultimate work of a woman created a relaxing environment for her man.

A 1960s home economy manual suggested that when your man comes home, you should "lean in a comfortable chair or suggest that he sets in the bedroom" and "a fresh hot drink ready for him. "

"You may have a dozen things to say to him," said the book, "but the moment of his arrival is not the moment."

10. The advice of a man on the perfume consider more than a woman.

"Ask his advice on what kind of perfume you should wear"McCall'sTold women in the late 1950s. The magazine noted that men "like to think they are allowed in perfume".

Two Teenagers Flirting in the 1960s Old Dating Advice for Girls

11. Girls should make their clothes for men.

When a woman wrote inCosmopolitan In 1967 because she needed help with her boyfriend from neglected surfer,Patrick O'Higginsreplied: "Hecks him a long cardigan - with a russian collar - and a seagull in flight on the chest pocket."

He continued: "Clee-it long shorts from Bermuda in vibrating scratches that you can recognize three hundred meters away; embroider him a t-shirt with his club's badges; cut him a cloth helmet of the Aviator to keep the hair of his eyes. And when he comes back to you ... rub the cream of Lanolin on his knees. "Wow isveryspecific.

12. Women should only talk about "the things he wants to talk".

"Please and flatte your appointment by talking about what he wants to talk about." It was a point of meeting for women in a 1938 issue ofClick Photo-Parade Magazine.

Other major didbats of the same article included things like: "Do not drink too much, as a man expects you to keep your dignity all night," and "make your dressing in your boudoir to keep your attraction. "

13. Women were not supposed to ask too much questions.

Here is a good meeting tip ofBetty AllenandMitchell Pirie Briggs'1964 bookThink your ways: "Go slowly on phone calls and such remarks that", where have you been all that time? "It's a bad way to win it. Be a good companion, and he will come back more on his own initiative."

14. Girls could not invite guys on dates, for fear they did not want to seem "too impatient".

Women who invited men to a show or concert in the 1950s were considered much too much. AsIrene Pierson written in his 1956 board bookCamptail: "The girl should not buy tickets often."

15. Women had to control their impulses.

"Of course, sex is natural. So eat. But are you going to sit at the table and remove the leg of Turkey or pick up the mashed potatoes with your hands?"Ann LandersAsked in his book of 1961Since you ask me. "Would you like to catch the new roll of a bakery counter and the stuff in the mouth? Of course not, because civilized people should control their natural instinct. This distinguishes men from the animals." An unusual comparison, but she had the point at the time, we guess?

16. The role of a daughter on a date was to focus on the boy, is not herself.

A guy like you for your mind and your charm and your personality? In the early 1960s, it does not matter at all!

"Stop thinking of the kind of image you present to him ... and focus lighting on him,"Abigil suggested in a dating board column in a 1963 issue ofSeventeen. "He will love you to be interested; he's goingfeel more confident And nothing brings out the best hidden in a person more than the feeling that someone really cares to know him better. "

17. Naging was a non-no, but modesty was paramount.

One of the 10 tips included in the 1973 "Ten commandments for today's women" throughAbigail van Buren (a.k.aDear Abby) Was: "Do not forget the virtue of the cleanliness and modest outfit."

Some of the other commandments? "You do not bleach your husband's affection, so that every man likes to be loved" and "you do not shals Nag."

18. Complete the guy was of utmost importance.

"Compliment it on his physical prowess, his mental obstacle, his good looks, his virility ... the laying on the thickness but subtlely," readRobert H. Loeb's1959 council bookShe-Manners: The Girls Book of AdolescenceLabel. "Cut his ego. Let him think he's king a lot of time. He will love you for that and you know, it will make you feel extremely feminine."

19. The wives could not work without first considering how this could make their husband feel.

Nowadays, women have the choice to work (and a lot of things). However, it was not the case in the end of the 1950s.

"The advantages and psychological and emotional dangers must be taken into account, from the point of view of the wife and the woman," wroteClifford R. Adams, Ph.D. For an article in the May 1960 issue ofJournal at the House of Ladies. "Does the husband feel the success of his wife? Will it be grateful that she too is happy to stay at home at night after a day at the office?"

20. When a man was upset with the behavior of his gal, it was his fault.

When a woman wrote in a 1959 issue ofJournal at the house of ladies About what her husband considered her "bold" way to dress "and" filing "behavior around men," Adams "advice was the following:" To persist in manners or painful interventions to your husband It is indulging in yourself. It reflects the lack of consideration and suggests lack of respect. Ask yourself if the self-discipline of his saké might not be more rewarding than self-indulgence. "And as Women are free to do what they want now - Fortunately - all women should checkThe 25 best ways to score a promotion.

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