It's the scary horror movie of all time, according to science

The Campy horror can be fun, but a new study reveals that this terrifying film will literally make your heart race.

With Halloween is fast approaching, there is no time like pencil present in some re-watches of your favoritehorror films. And while the horror of bad taste, useless gore and really terrible special effects can hold a special place in the heart of a large number of horror-lover, when it has just been really scary, not all horror is created equality. In fact, there is a clear winner when it comes to really scare the living daylights of people. This is true: a scientific study determined the most frightening horror film of all time, depending on how much itmakes your race card.

The combination of recommendations and redditThe opinions of critics of horror movies, Broadband choice has come with a list of the 50 best horror movies, which they riddled for a group of 50 subjects carrying heart rate monitors. The average rest of observer films were compared to their average heart rate while watching each film, with researchers also noting significant peaks in the heart rate during each projection. Then, the researchers ranked the movies accordingly. If you want to know which really terrified public movie, read the following. And if you want to scare silly with a new movie, check outThe best 2020 horror movie, according to critics.

Read the original article onBetter life.


neve campbell and rose mcgowan in scream
Pictorical Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 beats per minute (BPM)

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 73 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 8 BPM

The most spike: 81 BPM

And for more definite movies to scare your seat, check outEvery year 90 horror movie, ranked worse commented Best.


bill skarsgard as pennywise in it
Warner Bros. Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 75 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 10 BPM

The most spike: 89 BPM


man wearing creepy mask standing outdoors in Hush

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 76 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 11 BPM

The most spike: 86 BPM

And if you wonder where your old favorite horror stars are today, check outThe biggest horror icons of the 90s, then and now.

The exorcist

the exorcist still frame
Warner Bros. Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 77 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 12 BPM

The most spike: 92 BPM

28 days later

cillian murphy 28 days later still
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 77 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 12 BPM

The most spike: 95 BPM

The massacre at the Texas chainsaw

leatherface in texas chainsaw massacre
Bryanston distribution company

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 77 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 12 BPM

The most spike: 98 BPM

And if you wonder what your favorite stars were up before hitting the jackpot, see these30 celebrities you forgotten were in horror movies.


still from halloween
Compass International Pictures / Aquarius Liberation

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 77 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 12 BPM

The most spike: 101 BPM

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Still from A Nightmare on Elm Street
New line cinema

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 78 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 13 BPM

The most spike: 104 BPM

A silent place

a quiet place
Paramount Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 78 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 13 BPM

The most spike: 122 BPM

The ring

naomi watts in the ring still
Dreamworks Images

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 79 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 14 BPM

The most spike: 107 BPM


still from the visit horror movie
Universal photos

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 79 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 14 BPM

The most spike: 100 BPM


woman and monster in night vision still from the descent
Pathé Distribution

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 79 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 14 BPM

The most spike: 122 BPM

Mister babadook

the babadook
Entertainment One

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 80 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 15 BPM

The most spike: 116 BPM

Conjuration 2

conjuring 2 movie still
Warner Bros. Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 80 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 15 BPM

The most spike: 120 BPM

It follows

still from it follows
Twc radius

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 81 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 16 BPM

The most spike: 93 BPM

Paranormal activity

paranormal activity still
Paramount Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 82 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 17 BPM

The most spike: 127 BPM


still from hereditary

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 83 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 18 BPM

The most spike: 109 BPM


Warner Bros. Pictures

Medium heart rate of rest: 65 BPM

Medium Film Heart Frequency: 85 BPM

Increased average heart rate: 20 BPM

The most spike: 129 BPM


Movie distributor

Average rest reward: 65 BPM

Average cardiac reward for movies: 86 BPM

Average increase in cardiac frequency: 21 BPM

Highest Spike: 133 BPM


ethan hawke in sinister movie still
Summit entertainment

Average rest reward: 65 BPM

Average cardiac reward for movies: 86

Average increase in cardiac frequency: 21 BPM

Highest Spike: 131 BPM

Categories: Culture
Tags: Halloween / Movies
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