Meghan McCain should "lose his job" in the midst of these comments, says MSNBC Host

When McCain asked if one of the hosts should lose his job, Tiffany Cross said yes.

Meghan McCain is known for the comments it often controversial asco-hostViewBut this time, his words have a television facilitator asking for his resignation. On the show on March 24 McCain asked if it or one of his co-hosts should let go for the room to make a greater specific diversity for an Asian person andMSNBC hostTiffany Cross said, yes, McCain Should lose his job.

Cross is the host ofThe transverse connection, And his Saturday, March 27 episode, she said, "I would like to have a quick conversation on the identity policy and a princess called Meghan. Of course, the princess she was talking about is not the duchess of Sussex,Meghan murderBut McCain. Cross then to explain why she thinks McCain does not understand the identity policy, which she had an advantage in her career because of her fatherJohn McCainAnd why she believes that McCainshould Losing your job at the makeup room for an Asian host.

Continue reading to see what McCain and the Cross had to say on the subject. And to learn more about the show, seeThis oldView Says host Whoopi Goldberg "Is it really not loved" his.

In the air, McCain asked if a current host should leave to allow better representation.

Meghan McCain on
The view / YouTube

On an episode ofViewLast week, McCain talked about senatorsTAMMY DUCKWORTH andMAZIE HIRONO, Who had said theywould no longer support Of the presidentJoe Biden"Candidates from the Cabinet Blanc until he agrees to appoint one of the Islands of Asia or Pacific America (AAPI) to a role. Biden said that he named a senior head of the White House Appi.

McCain challenged this, and said that "the Question Democrats must be reconciled with right is now whether or not, race and sex are more important than qualification. »

Connection to thisView, She added, "We only had an American co-facilitator host of Asia this show, the fact that it means that one of us should leave at some point because it is not there is no sufficient representation? We are talking about is of the highest identity policy than qualifications for a job? »

Learn more about the McCain show withThis star almost replaced Elisabeth Hasselbeck onView.

Cross had a simple answer to the McCain question.

Tiffany Cross on

"Yes, one of you should definitely lose your job," Cross said showing him after playing the McCain clip talking. "I'll give you two assumptions [who], but you'll need one. »

Then noted stressed how McCain misused the term "identity policy", citing a series of tweets written by the feminist leaderBarbara Smith that McCain reference commentsView. In one of his tweets,Smith writes, "I am 1 of 3 black women who invented the term#Identitypoliticsin the#CombaHeeriverCollectiveDeclaration 1977.@MeghanmccainDo not know what she's talking about. What we wanted to say was that black women have the right to determine our own political agenda, period, final point ".

controversialSeen Guests with controversial guests:It was the worst guestViewNever had an old host said.

Cross also claimed that McCain is "projected".

Meghan McClain at The GLAAD Media Awards in 2015
Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

McCain stated that the increase in diversity means that "identity policy" are put before qualifications, which implies that various employees would not be so qualified for their role. Cross disputed that.

"Allows you to address this saurated notion than to be somehow a woman in color suggests that you are not qualified," Cross said showing him. "I actually understand that you could feel that way. Maybe you assume that the ethnic identity of a person can afford an advantage. It is called projection, when we unconsciously attribute the traits that you do not like yourself and attributes them to someone else. As, I do not know, if my only talent was who I told, I could assume that everyone had a similar unfair advantage ".

During the segment, Cross played a video editing of some of the many timesMcCain said "my father" during interviews. Although there is no doubt, she and the senator late are the family, here's13 celebrities you had the idea were related.

Cross wants McCain to support women of color.

Tiffany Cross on

"Trying to be allied instead of an opponent," Cross said in the segment. She raised that from 2016,AAPI people accounted for only 3% of broadcast media, If the change is necessary. She also reflected on her own journey to get into diffusion like a black woman. "I'm just asking, how do you dare? "Concluded Cross. "From now on, I hope to talk to you less and listen more and take a little time to enjoy this point of view. »

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McCain Faced with another controversy last week.

Meghan McCain on
YouTube / The view

Prior to his comments on political identity and AAPI hiring, McCain also made titles on Monday, March 22, when she apologized to defend the former president and others who call Covid-19 "the virus of China".

"I condemn reprehensible violence and the vitriol that has been targeted towards the Asian-American community [sic]," She wrote about Twitter . "There is no doubt Donald Trump Racist rhetoric has fueled a lot of these attacks and I apologize for past comments that help this agenda. "

For more information on McCain, read Meghan McCain never wants to work with that View Host .

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