30 cinema quotes every 80s knows by heart
From Moonstruck to brilliance, these are the cinema quotes of the 80s that we can not forget.

The 1980s were a pivotal decade in cinema. The blockbuster era blossomed and franchises began to flourish. Comedies provoking tears, drama provoked thought. There were voices in corn and absolutely no cats in America. The films of the 80s were also édialisés possibly, punch lines with shocking revelations third acts and beyond. These quotes from movies of the 80s are printed on the hearts and souls of the children of the 80s everywhere.
1 Joan Crawford inMommie dear

Faye Dunaway's performance asJoan CrawfordTyrannical movie star and mother in 1981Mommie dear is a screen performance of the most terrifying and Indelebles of all time. It is the tip of the line between excessive shine and failure goudronnement. His outburst of anger at his daughter for using miserable metal hangers is a line that defined the careers of both actresses.
2 Darth VaderThe Empire Counter-Attack

If you think the line is "Luke, I am your father", you should look for theseStars warstrilogy DVD on your shelf and have another look. But no matter what the exact wording was the revelation that the ultimate villain in the galaxy was the father of her greatest hero has sent shock waves through cinema audiences. AllShocking twist at the end of a film continued hunting Darth Vader (James Earl Jones) Paternity Confession since.
3 RumierAirplane!

Choose a single line of the famous joke-denseAirplane is an almost impossible task. Or it would be ifLeslie Nielsen's Immaculate impeccable delivery in response to the prompt "You surely can not be serious!" Did not this line head and shoulders above the rest.
4 And inE.T. The extraterrestrial

What makes a line like "sd Phone Home" is so awesome how many different emotions it evokes. The first time he says, there is the wonder of this funny little alien creature speaking. The second time he said, after we all thought he was dead - it's just the most exciting time, inspiring equal parts excitement and tears.Steven Spielberg The film depends on the audience forming a link with a line sd and really seal.
5 DawnTerms of affection

Maternal panic and rageShirley Maclaine book as she made the hospital staff to give her daughter (Debra Winger) Painkillers as she dies in the hospital, it leads to the reputation of the film as Weepie five. In the expert hands of MacLaine (whowon an Oscar for this performance), The moment is both funny and heartbreaking at the same time.
6 Celie inThe color purple

Celie (WHOOPI GOLDBERG) Finally finds the man abussif (Danny Glover) At the dinner table, holding a knife to the throat and cursed. This is a time of Celie expected because it takes power and does not promise anything but ruin to the man who held it for so long.
7 Jane inBroadcast News

DirectorJames L. Brooks' View comical change of changing TV industry-shifting substance of grubée flashy style-is full of highlights. But this one, whichHolly Hunter Answer a setting both with sincere pity, is both deliciously funny and intelligently cutting simultaneously.
8 Loretta inDreamer

Dear The absolute triumph led to the price of the academy and also in the immortality of his signature line from the film. Dear fans, movie fans and even people who have never seen the film know the sound of that slap, followed by its iconic "Snap out of it!" The poor, unsuspecting faces wonderful dreamers would safer again afterDreamer.
9 Dad in MousekewitzAn American Tail

Animation DirectorDon Bluth was momentarily a rival to Disney in the late 80s with films likeAn American TailWhich told the story of Russian Jewish immigrants to the United States to escape the pogroms through the allegory of immigrant mice in the United States to escape the cats. On the boat crossing the ocean, Dad Mousekewitz (Nehemiah Persoff) Single the promise of a golden American, where they will finally be safe from cats, and even the streets are paved with cheese.
10 ShineDream field

Yes, yes, the words you probably think of first when you think aboutDream field Are: "If you build it, it will come." These words, spoken by a unprecedented voice to Ray Kinsella (Kevin Coster), inspire it to plow under its Iowa corn field and build a baseball field where the spirits of deaths (often scandal-nuggets) of baseball can come back and play again. But the moment of the truth for the film comes at the very end, when Ray cup a player and recognizes him as his father. With the last words of the movie, Ray brings together the courage to ask his father to play catch. Cue the waters transported.
11 DocBack to the future

After Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) Completes its adventures in 1955 and effectively returns to the future, it meets its old pal Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) One last time before the closing credits. Doc has been in the future and when it comes back, its delicious confidence has undergone upgrades. Some movies of the 80s sent screaming audiences forthe following more reliable thanBack to the future-With Doc and Marty and their flying car.
12 Josh inFat

The wish of a child made at an isolated carnival game (deer creepy) is what defines this 1988Penny Marshall comedy in motion. When the young Josh Baskin wakes up the morning after his wish, he played byTom Hanks, a child in an adult's body. So many fun shenanigans follow, but it's this simple, plaintive desire, oh-so-ray that persists.
13 Female client inWhen Harry meets Sally ...

The most famous line in theNora Ephron-Bluess,Rob Reiner-DirectWhen Harry meets Sally is delivered not byBilly Crystal Harry Chauvinist gently norMeg Ryan's SALLY PERSNICKETY. Instead, it comes from the mother of Reiner, playing a customer in a dinner stage which, after Sally, has finished demonstrating an incredibly convincing performance of how a woman could simulate pleasure - just turns to her server and asks Sally a. And so one of the big duplicates in allfilm-comedy was born.
14 Ms WhiteIndex

The movie version laugh-a-minute from the popular board gameIndex Featured a Pitch-Perfect CastingCurry,Lesley Ann Warren,Martine,Eileen Brennan,Michael McKean, Christopher Lloyd - But it was the bigMadeline Kahn Who sent the movie into immortality with his monologue Stamming about his warm white hatred for Yvette the maid (Colleen Camp)
15 Hartman inFull Metal Jacket

Actor of characterR. Lee Ermey spends the first half ofStanley Kubrick's Vision of nightmare of the Vietnam War that bargaining a series of adverse orders and profane to the training soldiers. When he finally pushes a private private (Vincent d'OnofrioOn the edge of the threading point of armed retaliation, the appeal of Ermey is not to back down but to set up the abuse. Not a good idea, as it turns out.
16 AlexFatal attraction

Glenn Close plays a woman wearing a bond with a groomMichael DouglasOnly to retreat it and become far from it, that it meets a violent obsession. The closing performance works hard to balance the "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" tropes; Its delivery on the quote above is just as it threatens.
17 Venkman inghost hunters

DirectorIvan Reitman Film on a spectral exterminator quartet in the 1980s, New York culminates in a jailbroken ghoulies of their confinement facility. The result? Chaos, panic, life that communicates with the dead and, likeBill Murray's Peter Venkman sums up hyperbolicly, all the laws of nature and reality have been strengthened. Dogs and cats! Together!
18 JackShiny

Chances are long that you will meet someone who saw Stanley Kubrick'sShiny and has not at least once tried to withdrawJack Nicholson's Signature delivery. The line comes when it is halfway to cut the bathroom door, trying to murder his wife and son. I do not know howJohnny Carson Must have felt about the association.
19 Brian inThe breakfast club

The last voiceover monologue of Brian the brain (Anthony Michael Hall) is the perfect encapsulation of injured teenage anxiety. These five disparate teens spend a Saturday afternoon in the school library and find out that they all have common ground (mainly hated their parents!) - And, in a last kiss to the main, the lesson that 'They learn is that adults never really understand them.
20 Ferris buelle inFERRIS BUELLER DAY OFF

The most famous teenager of pop culture culture takes time for joy around Chicago in her friend's car and lip synchronization in a parade to turn to the public and offer free nickel advice. You can thank Ferris (Matthew BroderickFor each "life comes to you quickly" Tweet you meet.
21 The terminator inThe terminator

It is enough for three little words that do not normally sound like a threat unless you talk about a six-foot-two wall of Austrian muscle that is just teleported for the future in a ruthless quest to murder a mother soon.Arnold Schwarzenegger A flat and emotionless effect was the perfect omineous delivery. And as a bonus, it turns out that he was right, so fiveTerminator The suites and counting are all indication.
22 Maverick inMachine gun

Tom Cruise andAnthony Edwards As Flyboy Pals during their elite navy training program, is the central friendship of one of the biggest hits of the 80s. Together they gaveMachine gunexactly what he needs, except for hisMassive box And appealing Movie-Star: a traps that would have threaded long after the end of the 80s, directly in the danger zone (that's what we call the 90s).
23 Tony Montana inScarface

The line has been imitated, duplicated, borrowed, reality and parody for decades now.Al Pacino While cocaine, Kingpin Tony Montana presents his enemies to his "boyfriend", which is obviously his machine gun. Carnage, more than hundreds of dormitory posters, followed.
24 Santa Claus inA Christmas story

The repeated warning to the young Ralphia (Peter Billingsley) in the lastingChristmas classic becomes more funny every time it's repeated. All Young Boys Bespectacles wanted formed an official red Ryder, carbon action, a hundred model air rifles. Too bad every adult in his life and including a Santa shopping center - told him that it was too dangerous.
25 JohnnyDirty dancing

With these words,Patrick Swayze rescueJennifer Gray From his overprotective father and prevails on the dance floor to understand these types of catskills with an expert choreographed movements.
26 Inigo Montoya inThe princess to marry

You could find it rather inconceivable that this is the most memorable line ofThe princess to marry, a movie overflowing practically with hilarious quotes. CornMandy Patink As Inigo Montoya is brilliantly engaged and fierce while Inigo confronts the six-fingered man who swept his father.
27 Carol Anne inFighting spirit

A line like this is only memorable if it is delivered in the perfect circumstance by the perfect character. In other words, a little girl (Heather O'Rourke) Looking static on the TV - the only one who knows that the malicious minds hante the house are there to play. This is a supremely scary moment in one of the signatures of the decadehorror films.
28 Ronnie inFly

Jeff Goldblum transforming regularly into a human fly during thisDavid Cronenberg The film is both disgusting and terrifying. Fortunately, we do not have to worry about what reaction is the appropriate solution because Ronnie (Geena DavisHe said straight, be afraid.
29 Gordon Gekko inWall Street

Michael Douglas won a prize from the Academy for playing Gordon Gekko, Avatar of the 1980s, business department. The performance is creations of the signature of the decade and its simply monctically monstrual ethics, often paraphrased like "greed" even simpler ", echo in the following years.
30 Mayor in Do good thing

OSSIE DAVIS Speak the title line of SPIKE LEE'S 1989 incendiary film. The line is said as a board given to the Pizza-Lounge employee (LEE), although his ironic simplicity becomes apparent only at the end of the film.

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