The sad TV channel of all time

We still have not emotionally recovered from the death of these beloved television characters.

Of course, we know they are not real people, but the characters of ourfavorite television shows Start feeling like real friends after a while. That's why it's so devastating when we are abruptly forced to say goodbye. The characters dying on television programs can be powerful and even cathartic, not to mention the way he raises the issues and propels the parcel forward - but that does not mean that it is not so deeply upsetting. At the risk of opening old wounds, here is our look on the saddest death of all time. Read it to see if your choice has made the cup, but be notified, there are huge spoilers to come. And for more fictitious deaths, we are not completed, revisitThe saddest movie deaths of all time.

Gray Lexie,The Gray Anatomy

still from grey's anatomy

Of all deaths onThe Gray Anatomy-And there have been a lot, including as recentlythis month-The Demise of -Lexie Gray always strikes the hardest. Perhaps it's Meredith's blushed reaction, maybe it's a brand refusing to let go of his hand, or maybe we had to grow particularly fond of small gray over the years.

Jack Pearson,It's us

still from this is us

After a season and a half of teasing us with the revealed promise of Jack's death,It's us Saved the punch for a post-Super Bowl episode, in which the outlet escaped that the fire fans had assumed to have killed it - only die from a cardiac arrest shortly after. Way of keeping us guess. And crying.

Glenn Rhee,The dead who walk

still from the walking dead

The cruelty of Glenn brutal death onThe dead who walk Does the character retrieve from a call close to the previous season,and The show first killed Abraham, reminiscent of the viewers that Glenn was safe. The sadistic way that this murder of a beloved character has played was enough to make fansexit the series for real.

Will Gardner,Goodwoman

still from the good wife

In one way or another, everyone has managed to keep the secret thatJosh Charles would leaveGoodwoman The season season, making its death much more shocking. The bursting of violence when his client opened fire in a courtroom was already surprising, but the revelation of his body really took the public's breath. And for the relationships of the relationship that were less permanent, checkThe most heartbreaking TV ruptures of all time.

Poussey Washington,Orange is the new black

orange is the new black

Orange is the new black The fans were not the only ones upset by the death of Poussey: his accidental suffocation by a CO during a peaceful event is one of the main incident incidents of the prison riot taking place during the season. next. In real life, the show has launched aCriminal Justice Reform Fund in the name of Poussey.

Lady Sybil Crawley,Downton Abbey

downton abbey

The complications of childbirth are very real and they were even more problematic in the 1920s. It is certainly not incredible that Sybil would die after giving birth, but forThe abbey of the city center The fans who had come to love the character, this development of the plot felt a bit like a betrayal nevertheless.

Lucy Knight,Er

still from er
Warner Bros. National television distribution

Er has been influenced by the medical dramas that came before that and have proved extremely influential on those who followed. The character surviving a tragedy only to die of complications shortly after the poor Lucy Knight - has become something of a staple and also appears on several non-medical dramas on this list.

Finn Hudson,Joy

still from glee

The actual death ofCory Monteith had to be addressed onJoy, which devoted an episode of complete tribute to the character of Finn and the actor who presented it. The viewers have never learned how much Finn is dead, but it did not matter - that are the heartbreaking shows of the friends of Finn, who were also from Monteith. And for more moments that made us cry, it'sThe saddest television episodes of all time.

Ms Landingham,The West Wing

still from the west wing
Warner Bros. Television distribution

The rules of dramatic irony suggest that you should never accept a future conversation with someone and you should never take note of picking up your first new car, unless you are ready to enter a fatal collision in said New car before the conversation never happen. Ms. Landingham learned this lesson.

Lane Pyce,Mad Men

still from mad men

Unlike other prestige dramas, we could name, including some of this list.Mad Men did not really traffic from character's death. This has rendered the sudden exit of Lane Pryce so shocking, and also upsetting. Although his despair had been obvious for a while, it always felt suddenly and left those around him (and viewers) turn around.

Sun-Hwa Kwon and Jin-Soo Kwon,Lost

still from lost

How to choose the saddest death of deathLost, who had killed all the characters by the final of the series. (Literally!last seasonWas everyone purgatory.) You must go with your gut, and ours says that nothing struck himself stronger than Jin and Sun drowned together after deciding that they could not be separated. And for more confusing more litigation, checkThe latest deleted television finals of all time.

Tara Maclay,Buffy against vampires

still from buffy the vampire slayer
20th television

The shocking death of Tara onBuffy against vampires Sent Shockwaves through the highest point of the season, while his girlfriend Willow has been obsolete at full night for revenge. TheControversial choice to kill One of the main foreign characters of the show, immediately after having gathered with Willow, has been made all the more painful by the fact that the actorAmber benson had been added to the opening credits for its final episode.

Gary Shepherd,thirty and some

still from thirtysomething

In the early 1990s, televisions did not fall dead with once the frequency they do now. Gary's sudden death in a car accident was a shock to the system, especially sincethirty and some The fans had been prepared for the death of Nancy, who was fighting ovarian cancer instead.

Rayna James,Nashville

still from nashville
Mark Levine / CMT

Connie Britton's Decision to leaveNashville Before the conclusion of the series, the conclusion of its starry character, Rayna James, needed a dramatic sender. This has come in the form of his death, which follows a familiar model on this list of the most saddest TV are: car accident, complications after she seemed to survive. And for more entertainment content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Hodor,Game Of Thrones

still from game of thrones

Like withLost, the body counts onGame Of Thrones was exceptionally high. But that does not mean that some deaths do not stand out. Hodor may not have been the most shocking - which would be NED in season 1, or season 3 of the Macabre red marriage - but it was the most poignant. He died Saving Bran, who (we learned) had destroyed the spirit of Hodor and reduced it to a nonsense word of decades before.

Tara Knowles,Son of anarchy

still from sons of anarchy

The violence of Tara's death has made much more difficult for viewers to support.Son of anarchy The fans had come to appreciate Tara as a moral compass for Jax-his murder in the hands of Jax's Mom pulls the carpet on the part of him and fixed the scene for the rest of the series. And for more shocking moments, revisit these17 twists of the TV that has completely blown our mind.

Spear candies,BONE

still from bones

John Patrick Daley became a successful director over the years, but unfortunately, that meant his character onBONE necessary to make an exit. The candies are slaughtered and killed in the premiere season, delivering emblematic separation words: "The world is much better than you think."

Rita Morgan,Dexter

still from dexter
Show time

The tragedy of Rita's death is that Dexter seems winning he dispatches the killer of the Trinity and should have been able to save Rita on time. But his wife and his mother's mother, one of the dexter's closer to the world, had been murdered long before his final confrontation with his killer. The revelation is gued. And for more romances completed by tragedy, checkThe most heartbreaking movie couples of all time.

J.T. Yorke,Degrassi: the next generation

still from degrassi the next generation
Wild distribution

During six seasons onDegrassi: the next generation, J.T. I went from a kid annoying to dare, we say-le-mature and accusative young adult. His punch and subsequent death upheaval, a shocking moment, even for a teenage series that had been a name like a show that was ready to "go".

Bellamy Blake,100

still from the 100
The CW

Bellamy did it so close to the end on100 that we did not really have seen his death coming - and we certainly could not predict that it would come to Clarke's hands, who not only killed Bellamy, but also all the Shippers of Bellarke Hope had these children crazy. made work a day.

Sarah Lynn,Hajack rider

still from bojack horseman

Bojack Horseman had a lot of rocky funds, but none are lower than his Bender with his former co-star of the child Sarah Lynn, culminating in his death. On a series that has never shy darkness, the overdose of Sarah Lynn always felt particularly dark, unpleasant reminder of the strip of destruction in the wake of Bojack. And for more Netflix series to watch, here is here16 Netflix shows that you can watch start finishing this weekend.

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Tags: Entertainment / TV
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