See the younger girl from Tina Fey, who has laughter of this typing show

Fey admitted that she almost not thrown her daughter in this role.

It seems that the queen of comedyTina Fey can have another hilarious star in his family: his nine-year-old daughterPenelope Richmond, the second of the two fey children with her husband,Jeff Richmond. The couple also shares 15 yearsAlice Richmond, who congratulated the young youth lemon, the character of his mother, on an episode ofRock. Penelope recently appeared on the peacock show successfullyGirls5eva, according to which Fey Executive has produced and Jeff wrote most of the music for. Although Penelope was not originally launched on the show, she ended up playing the room perfectly and she became a stand. To see Penelope on the screen and learn how she ended up on the show, read it.

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The Penelope role plays onGirls5evawent to another young actor.

Penelope Richmond in

June 15, Fey was theTodayThe first guest in person from the show from the pandemic has started. The actor, the writer and the producer promote his new showGirls5eva, which has just been green for a second season.Todayco-hostSavannah Guthrie noted that Penelope is arising star on the show. "Do you know her?" She asked Fey jokingly. "I know her. I live with her. I gave birth to her and I will cook her vegetarian chicken nuggets later," said Fey.

Penelope plays a nine-year-old Stevia, a young Instagram influencer who is the daughter ofPhilipps busy the summer of the character onGirls5eva, who follows the women of a group of a girl at a hit-hit-heit-wonder who finds decades together later. However, the part of Stevia did not always belong to Penelope.

SinceGirls5evaIncludes a nine-year-old, the same age as Penelope, Fey knew if she did not leave her daughter hearing, she would never have heard the end. Although Penelope really went long during the audition, Fey was hesitant to rent it. "I can not let the kid's kid get the first job they were waiting for," she recalled thinking. "But she really did well. We hired another child, then because of the pandemic, the kid was out of the state and I could not come, and I was like" Penelope, you're like ""

The only other role in Penelope was an episode ofKimmy Schmidt unbreakableThe Netflix Comedy Fey fey has also been co-created and an executive produced.

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Penelope's television mother, Philipps, was also impressed by her "brilliant" performance.

Busy Philipps 2018

May 6, Philipps saidBevy Smith On the radio Andy ShowBeveled Penelope was "brilliant" like "Minfluencer" Stevia. Smith agreed that "She susses this episode fist. She is so good. "

The Philippes also relayed the Appendix Penelope was flowing only from another young actor. She admitted that she had told Fey that she felt more comfortable having her daughter on the pandemic because she knew how much Fey was responsible for COVID precautions.

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Fey said she was proud that Penelope was very professional on the plateau.

Penelope Richmond, Tina Fey's daughter, on

Fey was finally happy she throws her daughter in the role. "She did a great job and she was super professional and you know, like a kind of disruptive learning and all that kind of things it was a little treatment for her," said Fey .

But Penelope's performance on the screen was not as important for Fey as the way she acted behind the scenes. "I was very very proud of her because you know, it's one of those moments when you're like" Oh, you've brought all your ways today, "said Fey." As C ' Is the main thing, right? As a parent, and I'm like: "Oh, your ways were charming." "

And Fey said she was just a "stadium mom" in Penelope once.

Tina Fey

It can be difficult for parents of young actors not to micromanize on the whole. However, Fey stated that she was only a victim of temptation once over the shooting.The inner mother of Fey is outWhen she noticed a little Penelope, and she knew they had to wrap up the scene soon, she said on Today . To wake up his daughter, Fey suggested giving him a snicker, since she could not give her a red bull as she would suggest an older actor. Fey admitted that it's "the worst type of stage mom."

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