Can you guess the most popular argot term in your state?

Cripes, it's a difficult quiz!

If you already havevisited a state Other than you are clean, you have probably been surprised to see that you do not understand everything the natives say. Insouthern, for example, it is not uncommon to hear the termXmas To be thrown around every 365 days of the year. And in another north-east,jin my is more than a nickname for James. You think you can determine what state is it based on its most popular slang? Use linguistic data compiled by the gaming companyPlay NJ, we created a quiz that will really test yourstate slang awareness. And for the most popular words, see these100 terms of slang of the 20th century that no one uses more.

Bazaar Is a sentence of slang from what state?

confused man, dumb man, new words coined

Index:Make sure to catch a lobster roller if you are in this state!


maine state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If you have abazaar In Maine, that means you havehad onetoo much many in terms of alcoholic beverages. And for more unforeseen states, checkIt's drunk state in America.

What state is known to saycoiffe?

worst fashion trends

Index: It was the first state to elect a woman-Jeanette Rankin-For of the congress. And for more female achievements, consult theAmazing achievements by women every year for the last 50 years.


montana state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If someone tells you tocoiffe In Montana, they tell you to approach a difficult situation in a mature or adult way.

Chizhii Is a word mainly used what state?

female wearing white T-shirt, feeling guilty, confused, making helpless gesture with hands, having Oops expression on her face. Human emotions and feelings, math jokes

Index:This state has several nicknames, one of which is "the state of the Grand Canyon".


arizona state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If you hear someone Arizona say that you havechizhii The skin, you may want to catch a lotion. This adjective is used to describe something that is similar in the texture with high-rough firewood ordry skin. And for more funny sentences, checkThese are all argot terms that you are too old to use after 40.

What state is known for the sayingbait for shark?

Thresher sharks

Index:This state was the last to really reach the United States.


hawaii state welcome sign, iconic state photos

You certainly do not want to beshark bait. This is a term used in Hawaii to describetourists so pale they attract sharks.

What state uses the termBADAUD?

shocked man looking at phone, different word meanings

Index:The United States Air Force Academy is located in this state.


colorado state welcome sign, iconic state photos

You do not want to be aboulder In Colorado, seeing that it is a pejorative term for a novice skier. And for more terms of a long time ago, checkThis is the most popular slang word of the year when you were born.

Stingray Shuffleis a slang phrase used in what state?

stingray Sea Creatures That Sting

Index:This friendly state of retirement has the plus golf lands of all America.


florida state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Florida, you will want to make sure to know how to do theStingray Shuffle.No, it's not a fancy dance move - it's the act of moving your feet in the ocean to avoid walking on a Stingray.

What state saysraising?

old shopping bags

Index:This state was the first to ratify the Constitution.


delware state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Delaware,pond this is a good thing. It's just a way of saying that someone laughs. And for more fun phrases and facts delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Where would you hear the argot sentenceLeave to be ugly?

father yelling at son

Index:Thisto fish The state is home to one of the most frequented airports in the world.


a blue

In Georgia, when someone tells you tostop being ugly"Laid" refers to your attitude. So anyone who uses this sentence suggests you to change your negative behavior.

What state saysLONGED?

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Index:The name of this state translates into "snow-covered" in Spanish.


nevada state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Long-haul Does the slang you usually hear in Las Vegas and describes the practice of taxi drivers taking you to a longer road than necessary so they can overload.

What state uses the wordPicore?

Man Giving Woman Kiss on Cheek Romance

Index:In this state, "mountaineers are always free".

Western Virginia

west virginia state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Picoreis a unit of measure in Western Virginia and usually refers to a considerable amount of something.

What state would you hear the termFlatland in?

Italian countryside

Index:The name of this state means "Green Mountain"in French.


vermont state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Are you aFlatland? If you are in Vermont and you are not from the state, the answer is yes.

What state uses the term SlangNaptown?

older woman sleeping, subtle symptoms of serious disease

Index:Before he dies,Elvis Presleyactually held hislast concert in this state.


indiana state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Curiously,Naptown refers to the lively city of Indianapolis and has nothing to do withplaque.

What state is known to sayLittle carriage?

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Index:You can "discover excellence" in this state.


oklahoma state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Oklahoma, this term has nothing to do with insects. If you aregrocery store In this state, you will need atrolleyOr a basket, as you probably probably know.

Creek is a common expression is what state?

asian woman shock surprise

Index:This state is the dairy capital of the country.


Wisconsin state welcome sign, iconic state photos

When you screamcreek In Wisconsin, you let people know that you aresurprised or confused.

What state uses the term Slangfixed?

Man Fixing the Roof, relationship white lies

Index:This state is notoriously difficult to spell.


mississippi state welcome sign, iconic state photos

When you areFIxin ' To do something in the Mississippi, you are about to participate in a particular activity. For example, if you are about to do grocery shopping, you areFixing go to the store.

hood is a common term heard in what state?

woman wearing hoodie

Index:ThisFlag of the state is the only one to present different designs on each side.


oregon state welcome sign, iconic state photos

To go to theHood in Oregon? It simply means that you put the highest mountain in the state, Mount Hood.

What state uses the termbag?

Burlap sack tied at the top

Index:This state is nicknamed "the state of the cave".


missouri state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Bring your grocery store to home? Well, at Missouri, you do not bring them back into a bag, you bring them back into abag.

What state uses the wordXmas as slang?

woman putting gifts in christmas stockings

Index:This state welcomes every year the world's largest international hot air balloon festival.

New Mexico

new mexico state welcome sign, iconic state photos

No, new Mexicans do not seek Santa Claus all year round. In this state, the termXmasIs used when someone wants a red and green chili on their dish.

You is a common term used in what state?

middle-aged women standing outside, parent divorce

Index:LegendaryMarmot PunxSutawney Phil is native to this state.


pennsylvania state welcome sign, iconic state photos

You are all guys, all of you, they all mean the same thing. And in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the term arop of choice isYOUSE.YOUSE better believe that!

What state would you hear the wordJimmy in?

Jimmy Fallon

Index:ActressJada Pinkett Smith is of this state. And, if you are looking to test your knowledge of your celebrity state, discover if youCan guess the state based on its most famous celebrity.


maryland state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Jimmy is another word for a male blue crab, which there is a lot in the state of Maryland.

What state saysMiams a lot?

Photographer Taking a Picture of Food Unique College Courses

Index:This state was the birthplace of the first pizza hut.


kansas state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If you had to post a photo of your food on social media in Kansas, you label it as #Miams.As you may have already guessed, the use of this term would simply indicate that you have found your food, good, delicious!

What state uses the wordGrabowski?

old woman is confused while having a conversation on the phone

Index: Former presidentBarack Obamais a big deal in this state.


illinois state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Grabowski is usually usedin reference to the large Polish population in Illinois. However, the duration of the slang is hardly an insult; It is rather considered a mandate of attachment and is mainly used to describe someone as a hard worker.

Have a good time is a sentence from which state?

woman and man laughing in conversation at a cocktail party, bad jokes

Index:TheCapitol building For this state is the largest in the United States.


louisiana state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Louisiana, athave a good time simply means being fun.

What state uses the wordBenny?

bad jokes that are actually funny

Index:You are already asked where the names of the rue des Properties de Monopolis come from? They are all in this state.

New Jersey

new jersey state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Be aben In New Jersey is not really a good thing. The term is a derogatory name for Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark and New York-region that flock to the Shore of Jersey in the summer-something Snooki and the situation probably heard before.

What state would you hear the sentencecurve in?

woman annoyed at a buzzkill, new words coined

Index: The only active diamond mine in the United States is located in this state.


arkansas, state welcome sign, iconic state photos

When you have reached the end of your patience, you can say that you arecurve. This sentence comes from the way a snake tilts the head before hitting.

What state uses the sentenceCouple two three?


Index: It is the least populated state of the country.


wyoming state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If someone in Wyoming tells you that something will take aCouple two three or they want aCouple two threeFrom something, they simply use the vernacular of their condition to say "a few".

In what state would you intend that someone uses the termgrill?

black family grilling outside, father's day gifts, empty nest

Index: The first capital of the United States was in this state.

new York

new york state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If yougrill Someone in New York, he has nothing to fear with barbecue; It means that you look at them. So, the next time you visitThe big apple, Do not be afraid to tell people to stop grilling so hard!

Happier than a pig in the mudis a common phrase in what state?

animal jokes- laughing pigs

Index:You could see "beautiful places" and "smiling faces" in this state.

Caroline from the south

south carolina state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In South Carolina,happier than a pig in the mudexactly means what it seems. It is used to describe extreme jubilation - the same happiness as a pig feels when it moves in a fresh mud beach.

Dunks is a slang term in what state?

basketball sits on court with hoop in background

Index:You may want to keep a narrow eye on your tea in this state.


massachusetts state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Massachusetts, you are likely to hear "I'm goingDunskaw"It's a shorter way to explain that you hit Dunkin 'donuts, founded in the state.

Where would you hear the sentenceDrop of potatoes?

bag of potatoes, state slang

Index: Not surprisingly, this state is known for its potatoes.


idaho state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Thedrop of potatoes is a unique idahotradition. It is an event of a new year as the decline of the New York square ball, but instead of a bullet that is lowered, it is a giant glowing potato.

What state is known for the word of slanglate?

man running late checking watch

Index:This state islicense plates Boast it was "first in flight".

North Carolina

north carolina state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Late In North Carolina does not mean that someone short circuit. For people of North Carolina, it refers at any time after 6 hours.

What state is known for itsPuppy Chow?

Dog Sitting By a Bowl of Dog Food

Index:This state houses the aisle of snakes, which has been called "the most twisted street in the world".


iowa state welcome sign, iconic state photos

This snack - generally made with cereals, peanut butter, chocolate, and more - has its fair share of nicknames: Munkey Munch, muddy buds, mud fly, Chow reindeer ... The list is going on. However, the popular snack is calledpChow chowIn Iowa, that's what you should ask if you want to deal with decadent treatment.

Where would you hear the term'City?

Louisville, KY skyline

Index:This state welcomes a famous chivalrace that shares its name.


kentucky state welcome sign, iconic state photos

People in Kentucky use the termCity Refer to the city of Louisville.

Oh foris a common phrase in what state?

old people talking lies over 40

Index:This state is known for the famous American shopping center.


minnesota state welcome sign, iconic state photos

When you sayoh for In Minnesota, you can follow it with a real number of words, ranging frommigning ToOf course. Just make sure everything you use is positive, seeing that this sentence is supposed to show excitement or pleasure.

Where can you find the sentenceRed beer?

red beer

Index:When you visit this state, you will not want to miss hisBizarre road attractions. (Caringe, anyone?)


nebraska state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If you are in Nebraska, try ared beer. It's beer mixed with tomato juice and sometimes a hot sauce shot too.

A pizza is a slang term in what state?

apizza, new haven pizza

Index:This state has only worn aPresident:George W. Bush.


connecticut state welcome sign, iconic state photos

A pizza Refers to any old pizza in Connecticut. It is rather the popular, the thin crust,New haven of peace Pizza resembling traditional Napolitan style pizzas cooked in coal brick bake.

What state is known for the termDAkrat?

confused woman hard words to pronounce

Index: This is the only state with a bank belonging to the state.

North Dakota

north dakota state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If you are north Dakota, you might meet aDakrat, otherwise known as a squirrel on the ground of Richardson.

What state is known to sayHELLA?

Happy Couple Laughing Healthy Man

Index:This golden state is also the most populous in the country.


california state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Although it is now an ordinary slang term,HELLA Originating slang in California. Basically it's just used to replace the wordvery in a given phrase.

Bang a U-eyis a common phrase in what state?

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Index:In this state, you "live free or die."

New Hampshire

new hampshire state welcome sign, iconic state photos

Do you havebang a U-ey In New Hampshire? No worries - it's nothing wrong. It just means that you have done a half-turn.

What state uses the wordFudgy?

pieces of fugde, state slang

Index:This is the only state composed of two different peninsulas.


michigan sign

If you are afuddle In Michigan, then you are a tourist in the lower northern peninsula or on the island of Mackinac. This name stems from the fact that so many of these tourists end up spending most of their time in popular Fudge stores found in the area.

Terrible is a sentence you hear in what state?

guy looks disgusted

Index:It was the last of the 13 original colonies to become a state.

Rhode Island


If you have aterrible In Rhode Island, it might not be so terrible. It's a delicious milekshake from the state-amixed Whole milk, flavored syrup and "secret" glacial milk.

What state uses the sentencenear often?

things women don't understand about men

Index:You can find an entire corn building in this state.

South Dakota

south dakota state welcome sign, iconic state photos

If you say something isnear In South Dakota, you just say that it is close or "pretty near".

Outside is a slang term in what state?

woman reading a book outside at sunset holding a cup, reducing alzheimer's risk

Index: This statement is home to the highest peak in North America.


alaska, state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Alaska,outside Refers to any state that is not Alaska. Some people will only use on the continent and therefore exclude Hawaii.

Smoke is a slang term in what state?


Index:Perhaps you should try to volunteer in this state since it's called "the volunteer state", after all.


tennessee state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Tennessee,Smokies is just a local name for large smoky mountains in the state.

Kickeris a slang term in what state?

woman kickboxing

Index:Everything is bigger in this state.


texas state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Texas, if you give thekicker,You give the last and most convincing reasons or more persuasive in a conversation.

What state is known to saySluff?

woman looking surprised at phone commonly misused phrases

Index:This state is known for its large mormone population.



You will often find children who wantswing In Utah. This argot term refers to when someone jumps or ditch something boring, as class.

Buckeye is a slang term of what state?

Ohio buckeye tree and nut

Index:Aviation Heroes The Wright brothers grew up in this state.


ohio state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Ohio,buckeye is the word versatile. It can describe an Ohioan original, the tree previously on the photo and its accompanying nut,and A peanut butter candy covered with popular chocolate in the state.

The lowis a word often heard in what state?

Pointing Index Finger Craziest Corporate Policies

Index: This state is for lovers.


virginia state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Virginia,the low Refers to a distance rather than a place. So, if a native virginia says something is "there", so what they mean is that it's up to sight.

Pre-funk is a slang term of what state?

friends singing karaoke

Index:This is the only state named after aPresident of the United States.


washington state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Washington,pre-funkRefers to what most people would call a pre-game. It's this time before attending an event or function when you come together with friends and you have some drinks.

One way Is the common slang in what state?

Road Warning Signs

Index: This state is known for its pride of tide crimson and its pride of accompaniment.


alabama state welcome sign, iconic state photos

In Alabama, when someone says something isone way far, they can say anything from 10 minutes to twohours.This is a measure of time that is not particularly specific.

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