13 celebrities who say they do not want children
These stars are perfectly contentiously their lives.

As adorablecelebrity babies And children are becoming a parent, it's just not for everyone - including many of our favorite stars. While some people know they did not feel like their lives were complete without having a bit (or more), other celebrities are totally satisfied with all the responsibilities that come withStart a familyAnd they are not afraid to share the way they feel with the world. Unfortunately, it is still most famous women who are asked about their procreation projects, but some stars of men also talked about their decision not to have children. Read on 13 celebrities who said they will never (or never wanted to have) children of their own.
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1 Miley Cyrus

Back in 2019,Miley Cyrus declared in an interview withElapse that she is notReady to have children Due to the assembly problems caused by climate change - unless, of course, something greatly improves the planet soon.
"We handed a planet of ***, and I refuse to give that to my child," she explained. "Until I feel like my child would live on a land with fish in the water, I do not bring another person to deal with it."
2 Ellis Ross trace

Blackish StarEllis Ross trace Neither does not intend to have children. It is spoken against the pressure that is put on women to reproduce, to sayCarry that she wanted to have been demonstrated different paths possible in life beyondGet married and have children.
"I would like to know that there were other choices, not just the way I could live, but how I could feel the way my life was," said the actor. "I was raised by the company to dream of my wedding, but I would like to have dreamed of my life. There are so many ways to fill happiness, find love and create a family, and we do not Let's not talk about them. It creates. So much shame and judgment. "
3 Portia de Rossi

Portia de Rossi never wanted children - and thankfully his wifeEllen Degeneres is in total agreement with it on this subject. Although the degenerators had admitted toPeople that she believes they would be "Grand parents"If they had children, she also said that it was too much responsibility to continue and Rossi saidOutside they arehappier without them.
"You really have to want to have children, and none of us did," she said to the magazine in 2013. "So, it's going to be just me and Ellen and no babies - but we are the best Friends and conjugal life is happy, it's really. I have never been happier than me right now. "
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4 Leonardo DiCaprio

Many like Cyrus, environmentalistLeonardo DiCaprio Does not believe that having children in our world as it is a good idea today. However, when to talk toRolling stonehe left space forpossibly change your mind at the bottom of the road.
"Do you mean I want to bring children into a world like that?" he said. "If this happens, it happens. I would prefer not to get into details about it, just because then it becomes something that is badly cited. But, yes. I do not know ... to articulate what I feel about it be misunderstood. "
5 Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence, which has been married toCooke Maroney Since 2019, saysE! In 2017 that the "PANS OF MATRENAGE"Was not exactly the strike.
"Not at all. They really become less and less than I get older, which begins to worry," she said. "I do not think that's how it's supposed to work!"

OPRAH WINFREY was frank against the fact that she does not see to marry a long-term partnerStedman GrahamAnd it is not shy to share that the children were never part of his plan either. Instead, it scratches that itching in a different way.
"I did not have a regret on that. I also believe that this part of why I have no regrets is because I have to fill it in the way that was best for me: the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for South Africa, "Winfrey saidPeople. "These girls fulfill this maternal crease that I may have had. In fact, they were overwhelmed - I'm overwhelmed by kindergarten."
7 Alison Brie

To countGLOWStarAlison Brie husbandDave Franco Among the couple of celebrities who will not become parents. As she saidOn Sunday, she prefersStay focused on his work And his pets.
"I do not really want to have children. It's great because I do not worry when I should get pregnant," she said. "It would be nice, but I think of all the things that would be so stressful. I think how much we are involved in the life of our cats. Oh my God, if it was a child!"
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8 Renée Zellweger

Renée Zellweger said she just does not need to have children to be happy, although it is open wherever life takes it.
"I never really thought like that about anything in my life, really. I always had some kind of opening anything. Maybe curious ... about the point of See what is then "she saidAdditional In 2016. "I have never been deliberate about what would make me happy in my life."
9 Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen RecountHoward Stern By visiting his radio show in May he and his wifeLauren Miller are good without children - in fact, she "wants them less" than he does.
"I do not know anyone who gets as much happiness of their children while we come out of our non-children," he said on the show, likereported byPeople. "As we are f *** ing psychis all the time! ... If we had children, we could not be f *** ing."
10 Handler Chelsea

ActorHandler Chelseato crusha try forIn the style That she understood it's been a long time since she wanted to be a mother.
"I always knew I always knew the conventional motherhood was not for me. I'm not in babies; I'm not interested in children once they start talking," A-T -The declared. "Greatly, when a friend has a baby, I know that our friendship will probably take a success. I will be favorable, but we will need a deadline as they offer to face the said progenity."
11 Helen Mirren

AlthoughHelen Mirren admitted that watching the movieParenthood makes his wish for a fraction of a second that she had some small currents, she also saidOn Sundaywhich washappy without them.
"I never had a moment of regret not to have children," she said.
12 Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton, which has a non-profit goal that provides free books to children, said work and philanthropy was his appellant - do not have his own children.
"I did not have children because I thought God did not want to have me so that I could have children, while everyone can be mine, so I could do things like a library of imagination because if I did not have the freedom to work, I would not want it 'what I did "," she said duringAn interview with Winfrey. "I would not be able to do all the things I'm doing now."
13 Jennifer Aniston

Although the subject of children is something that often happens in the interviews withJennifer AnistonShe pushed back against the obsession with her choche.
"[I do not] like [pressure] that people put me on me, on women - that you have failed like a woman, because you do not procreate. I do not think it's right, "Aniston saidSeduce In 2014. "You may not have a child out of your vagina, but that does not mean that you are not maternity dogs, friends, friends of friends."
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