Fly the secrets of the Winklevoss twins to succeed

With these strategies - and many Bitcoin-Cameron and Tyler are undeniable winners.

Thank you to the movie 2010The social network, the social legacy ofCameron andTyler Winklevoss (Often collectively called the Winklevoss twins, or more simply, "the Winklevi") is that of the pain losers. In Aaron Sorkin featured Facebook's creation, he describes the brothers and sisters like surprivited caves who, being born with silver spoons in their mouths, throw a crisis of anger on the fact that things did not happen for once. Although in real life, the twins finally gained $ 65 million when they continued the pursuit of Mark Zuckerberg for stolen their idea when creating Facebook, the portrait of them while Bros Bros remained.

But now, the 36-year-old Winklevoss twins are again on social media and this time, they are unequivocal winners. A recentNY TIMES Article titled"How Winklevoss's twins have found the justification in a Bitcoin fortune," shows how the Olympic rowing champions took this settlement of $ 65 million and invested in 2013 in Bitcoin, turning into the first virtual currency known millionaires. Like Tuesday, their bitcoin stock is worth $ 1.3 billion. Now that the duo circulates high, we have compiled their greatest keys to success. And for more good wealth advice, here is here5 Best Millionaire Secrets You can use.

Invest in you

winklevoss twins on instagram

Unlike many Bitcoin billionaires, the twins have no project to diversify. "We always think that [bitcoin] is probably one of the best investments in the world and will be for the coming decades," Tyler Winklevoss said. "And if it is not the case, we prefer to live with disappointment that regret." In the place ofShelling on new racing cars (Tyler would not even have owned a car, while Cameron leads to an old SUV), twins use part of their fortune to expand Gemini's offices, a virtual exchange exchange they founded.


winklevoss twins beijing olympics

Being a good investor means doing your regular research and follow your gut, but it also means really remove the step and do not be afraid of risking everything. When the twins bought 1% of all exceptional bitcoin, they were mocked from their expense spree. But this "winner takes the whole mentality" is precisely what got them where they are. "" We are very comfortable in high-risk environments with absolutely no guarantee of success, "Tyler WinkServoss said." I do not mean existing in this environment for days, weeks or months. I mean year after year. "

See the big picture

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When they were in settlement agreements with Zuckerberg in 2008, their lawyers urged them to take $ 65 million in cash. As being seductive, it would be possible to get this money right away, the twins raw rather in the product they knew it would be more rewarding financially to be paid in Facebook's actions. Their patience paid and, at the time, Facebook became public in 2012, their stock was worth about $ 300 million. And for more good wealth construction advice, here is here52 ways to be smarter with money in 2018.

Find a good partner

winklevoss twins on instagram

No man is an island, as the proverb says. InA Waled Reddit 2015, the twins have credited their success at their brotherly link. "The fact that we are twins and the best friends were a huge asset. We have always used it to our advantage," Tyler said. "" Trust your partners is something that is great and that we have built because we are twins. If I do something wrong with him, so it's pretty much like doing it to myself. "

Let things go

winklevoss twins on instagram

You would think that the "winklevi" would be bitter about their representation without a master's degree inThe social network. But whenThey were asked what they thoughtFrom the movie on a Boston sign in 2013, they told graciously that the film was "very entertaining" and even offered that he "should have gained the best picture".

Of course, they turned off the idea that the story of Zuckerberg vs Winklevi was one of the outsiders vs the establishment because the film took it out. "It was privileged parties that fight against privileged parties," Tyler said. "But as a movie, we appreciated it." Do not live in the past and constantly moving forward with the future is a major key to success!

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Tags: Finance / wellness
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