20 facts for dogs that will make you even more surprised by your best friend

Read this fascinating trivia and you will never look again your canine companion in the same way.

Your dog is your best friend, your shadow, your constant companion. No matter how close you are, though, there are facts aboutyour dog you still do not know. Canines can be incredibly common, but they are still amazing - something you surely agree after reading this list of fascinating factoids. So when you're ready to learn about your four-legged life partner, read it.

Dogs have 18 muscles to move their ears.

Terrier dog with one ear up and one down
Monika Vosahlova / Shutterstock

They are good for more than taking scratures.These 18 muscles Allow the dog to move their ears in a complex way, which is important to pick up sounds. In addition, your dogs ears can give you an idea of ​​how they feel: they are lying flat against the head, your dog may be frightened. If they show right they are alert and on the case.

RELATED:You calculated the age of your dog is in pain, a new study says.

The nose of a dog is a fingerprint.

Dog noses poking out of blanket
Javier Brosch / Shutterstock

The nose dogs have unique designs that can be used to identify them, similar to human fingerprints. And in April 2021, dog food companyIAMS has launched an application It uses this fact to help reunite lost puppies with their owners. After downloading Nezid, scan the nose of your pet and upload it to their database. If they ever escape your garden, any man who is concerned the application can search for a game.

Dogs may be able to fall in love with you.

Young woman kissing French bulldog
Svetographie / Shutterstock

Thanks to science, you can know for a fact that your dog loves you. A study from 2015 to Azabu University in Japan found an increase ofthe level of oxytocin (Sometimes called "the hormone of love") in dogs and their owners when they reprovisent.

Dogs sweat through their paws only.

Pit bull smiling and panting
Mary Swift / Shotterstock

Dogs have sweat glands Only on their feet, not the rest of their body. This small area is not enough to cool them, though, is why they break down and exchange heat through panting.

Small dogs can hear sounds in higher ranges than large dogs.

Golden retriever puppy having ears checked at the vet
Green / shotterstock

Besides being able to move in different ways, the ears of dogs are able to detect much higher frequency sounds that human ears. In fact, dogs can hear sounds that are twice beyond our range - and it seems that the dogs are better reality.According toScientific developmentThis is because the smaller head of a mammal is the highest frequency that can pick up and look into each ear. That's how they (and we) determine where sounds are coming from.

Dogs mark their territory with glands in their paws.

Owner walking dog
Aleksey Boyko / Shutterstock

Dogs are not, in fact, trying to awkwardly enfurer their poop when they scratch the ground after their departure. They play just another ritual marking the territory. With the glands on their legs,they give forth fragrance and let other dogs know they are around.

Male dogs lift their leg when they pee as a sign of dominance.

Poodle marking tree
Thamkc / Shutterstock

The dogs' urine contains markers that inform other dogs of his presence, social position and sexual availability. The dogs lift their legs as high as they can in order to "distribute their message" better and allow its fragrance to travel further. A 2018 study found thatSmall dogs are trying to raise their legs even higher so that they appear higher for other dogs that may be around.

RELATED:It's the most aggressive dog breed, the new study says.

Dogs are more aggressive when markets by a man.

Man walking dog in woods
Smit / Shutterstock

The presence of a leash, sex and sex of the owner of the dog all play a role in the aggressiveness of a dog when they are markets. Dogs are walked by menfour times more likely attack and bite another dog. Why? Because dogs react not only to the behavior and posture of other dogs around them, but also to people.

Dogs dream.

Dog sleeping on couch

Do not onlyDogs dream how they sleep, scientists think they dream in the same way as us and replay moments of their day. You can say that a dog dreams if they contract their legs or bark in their sleep. In addition, small dogs have more dreams than big dogs.

Dogs do not feel guilty.

Dog looking guilty laying on stairs with chewed shoes and underwear
Tara Lynn and CO / Shutterstock

Your dog faints eyes and adopts a submissive posture after you catch him to chew something he is not supposed. That means he knows he did something wrong and is sorry for that, is not it? Well, probably not, say scientists. It is more likely that the behaviors that the owners associate with the guilt of a dog are theirReaction to be scolded. They simply do not think so deeply about their transgression than you.

Dogs can be right right or left left.

Husky holding up paw
Ellina Balioz / Shutterstock

Some of them are ambilateral, which means they do not favor each other, but someDogs have a dominant paw. Unlike humans, which are much more likely to be right-handed, dogs are probably likely to have a dominant straight paw, a dominant left leg, or no particular preference.

Your dog is as smart as a two-year-old child.

Pomeranian wearing graduation cap and sitting on books
Mt.PhotoStock / Shutterstock

Back in 2009, by CNN, psychologists have discovered thatDogs are able to learn The same amount of words and commandments that a child child - more precisely, a two-year-old child. The average dog may include about 165 words, while the smartest smart can go up to 250. It's an intelligent canine!

Mustaches help dogs to see in the dark.

Closeup on dog's snout and whiskers
Douceleur / Shutterstock

Dog mustaches are packed with nerves and send sensory messages to their brain. They areMultifunctional sensory tools This help them move and move in restricted places, especially when visibility is low.

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Dogs are not totally dyes.

White dog winking against blue background
SMRM1977 / Shutterstock

Dogs can not see the same colors we do, butthey are not colorful. They have two colored receivers, while humans have three. If you see the world through your dog's eyes, you would see everything in the shades and combinations of blue and yellow.

Dogs do not like hugs.

Woman rubbing dog's belly
MPH Photos / Shutterstock

Animal psychologists say that dogs can be stressed and unhappywhen they are hugged, because they see having a member thrown on them as a sign of domination. They will transmit this stress by licking their lips, looking away or bend their ears. So go for a belly rub on a hug every time you want to show your love pet.

Dogs can feel your feelings.

Dog nuzzling woman
Prostock-Studio / Shutterstock

Dogs use their sense of smell to determine how humans feel. Studies show thatthey can detect Feelings of stress and fear as well as happier emotions. But nothing makes it possible to suggest that dogs act more aggressively when nearly a fearful human; In fact, they tend to reflect this emotion.

Storms can actually hurt dogs.

Pug hiding from storm
Irina Kozorog / Shutterstock

The sound frequencies produced during storms canto actually be painful with the ears of your dogs. In addition, static electricity that accumulates in their fur due to pressure change can be unpleasant. So when dogs panic during storms, they are not just uncertain about what's going on - they can undergo a painful physical reaction.

Dogs feel like.

Two dogs jealous of cat being scratched
Alex Zotov / Shutterstock

If you have more than one dog, you may have noticed that we would act disrupt when the other receives treats or special attention. AStudy carried out at the University of ViennaIf dogs have made an easy turn for food treatment, only after a period of time, only one dog in the group would receive the reward. The other dog would not only refuse to continue doing business but also showed signs of stress. When they repeated the experience with a single dog in the room, this dog would continue to go around for a longer period after the treats have stopped coming. This indicates that dogsto doFeel a form of jealousy.

Smaller dogs live longer.

Woman hugging small dog
Wayhome Studio / Shutterstock

Smaller dogs tend to live longer than big dogs, and it's becauseLarger dogs age faster. In a study, the big dogs were foundA median life 13.38 years, while the median of small dogs was 14.95.

Dogs can help their owners live longer

Senior woman and dog celebrating birthday
Sixty -2four / Shutterstock

Not only do dog owners tend to live longer than dogs without dogs, dog owners are also more likely to survive and recover key health events, such as heart attack or stroke. . Why?

"Interacting with dogs can strengthen your production of happy hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine," says the American Heart Association. "It can lead to a greater feeling of well-being and help reduce the levels of hormonal stress cortisol. And to have a dog can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, facilitate depression and improve fitness . "

RELATED:It is the most adapted American city for dogs in 2021, shows data.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Fun Facts / Pets
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