Here's what Warren Buffett really think of Bitcoin

"I can say almost with certainty that they will come to a bad fine."

As anyone, who follows the financial markets, the last weeks know, there is a frenzy right now on Bitcoin. But Business MogulWarren BuffettCNBC saysWednesday that cryptocurrence craze will not last.

"In terms of cryptocurrences, in general, I can say with almost certainty that they will come to a bad end," Buffet said. "When it happens or how or anything else, I do not know. But I know this: if I could buy long-term measurements, if I could buy five years in each cryptocurrence, I would be happy To do it but I would never want a penny. "

Now, granted, he followed by saying that he was not an expert on the ground and would not take a difficult position on the subject, which makes sense since not making eruptic decisions without much weighing all the optionsis crucial to be a good investor.

"I'm enough problems with things I think about something about. Why would I do a long or short position on something I do not know something? We do not know What cocoa beans will do or cryptocurrences, we just have to focus on 8 or 10 actions, the companies we think are decent businesses. "

Nevertheless, his verdict is in: "But I think what certainly happens will go to a bad fine."

Buffet, 87,is the second richest person in the United States, with a net value of 86.3 billion. Often called "sorcerer", "oracle" or "wise" for his ability to predict the market, it is widely regarded as one of the most successful investors in the world.

So you know that his advice could mean something.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Finance
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