6 reasons why you should stop eating meat right now

Small changes in our meat consumption can move the needle on positive changes for our planet.

The meat is synonymous with "good food" for many of us. In reality,2018 was a record year for meat consumption per capita in the United States, increasing from 216.9 pounds in 2017 to 222.2 pounds. However, we can no longer deny the devastating effects of animal agriculture on our planet, our health and well-being of animals. With theMeat shortages brought by pandemic coronavirusIt's as good once everything to reconsider the amount of meat we really need in our diet. Even a low reduction in our meat consumption, like going without meat once a week, could have major positive effects on these issues. Here are some of the most important reasons to stop eating meat.Subscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest foods delivered directly to your inbox.


The meat industry is the most important contributor to global warming

global warming

The meat industry is now widely recognized as a number one contributor to global warming, as well as the leading cause of deforestation and air and water pollution. Cows, for example, produce greenhouse gases at alarming rates, covered most countries in total emissions. A2017 study I noticed that if all Americans sampled all the beef they consume for beans, that alone would get the United States halfway to meet the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2020 (which we have since removed from). There is really no way to run a successful battle against global warming while we still enlarge animals for large-scale meat. If you are wondering how you can help protect our planet from total destruction, eat aPlant-based diet is the best way to make the difference quickly. Think about going vegan for the cause? Here is a simpleBeginner's guide to help you make a decision that suits you.


The cruelty of animals does not need to be part of our world

grazing cows

As much as we would like to believe that human practices are part of the meat industry, there is really no such thing to avoid torture and suffering when animals are treated as a commodity instead of beings. living. In the vast majority of cases, the animals raised for slaughter live under deplorable conditions, often riddled with diseases and with very restricted movements in their cages. Chickens and turkeys are genetically modified so that their breasts produce larger meat cups that allows them to rise even if they have been able to free themselves. The cows are in fact incredibly sweet mothers, who suffer enormously when their calves are taken from them before weaning. This unnecessary suffering occurs because we are not willing to reduce our meat consumption. The next time you kiss your pet or laugh at a video of living friendship, ask yourself why you always eat animals.


Plant-based meats are more appetizing and widely available than ever

plant-based burger

The consumption and popularity of "meat" plants likeBeyond Burger andBurger Mounted climbed in a very short time. And no surprising - these meat alternatives are far from being unattractive tofu cubes or dried vegetable burgers of yesteryear. You can now avoid the meat while maintaining the same glazing satisfaction of biting in a juicy hamburger (as well as sausages and other things). And it will taste the best way you do something good for the planet while you enjoy your dinner. If you are new in the world of plant-based meat,Here's how to choose between Beyond and impossible burger.


A plant-based plan is preferable for your health

vegetarian foods

We continue to resist abandoning meat as if it were good for us. We have already written on all thegood things happening to your body when you stop eating meatBut here is the Gishing-Going withless will help you lose weight, reduce your cholesterol, improve your digestion, have better skin and avoid diseases such as certain cancers. And do not worry about missing on the protein, there is a lot ofSources of plant-based proteins who are just as good if not better than meat. Here is exactlyHow a herbal diet can protect you from the disease.


Slaughterhouse workers need better protection

slaughterhouse worker

While slaughterhouses have been sentenced to stay open during the pandemic, many low-wage workers employed that there was a danger. In fact, some counties identified as hatching hotspots were places where slaughter workers had fallen sick with COVID-19. Eating less meat would mean less pressure on maintaining these open companies for such perilous eras.


Our cruel treatment of animals leads to new viruses like coronavirus

animal cruelty

Coronavirus (and some other notorious viruses such as SARS and Avian Influenza) are from wet markets, where many animals are exchanged and slaughtered for food. When animals are kept in such cramp conditions and then shot down near other animals and human beings, the chances of a virus crossing one species to another are very real.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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