This man lived on a cruise ship for twenty years

"I am the happiest guy in the world."

Most people take a cruise to have a vacation. But for Mario Salcedo, 65, all his life is a holiday.

"The way I look, I do not have a vacation," he said in a recent profilethroughThe New York Times."People come here for a vacation. I do not see. I come here to live my life. Adoption of a cruising life is essentially escaping from reality. You essentially escape the world as you know on the earth and that You say I do not want to be part of that anymore. I want to create my own little world and I want to be far from all the questions that have just lived on earth. ""

His cruise life eliminated what he calls "non-value-added activities", such as getting out of the garbage, clean the apartment or shopping. Instead, it spends its days listening to music, drinking cognac, eating good food, ballroom dance, scuba diving or smoking a cohiba cigar on board . Although he does not make an effort to meet people, as he does not like groups, he went friends with other regular cruise on his many trips. He even fell in love a few times and, as it pleasant, he is even "getting married and divorced on the same cruise" before.

"I am the happiest guy in the world," he said.

Salcedo, or "Super Mario", as it is known about cruise ships, does not intend to be a life cruise.

"When I hit 45, I wanted to start a new chapter of my life traveling around the world, it's my vision," he saidIn a 2016 profile forCn traveler. "But I did not know the logistics, whether it's the air, the train or the sea."

He booked a trip to Royal CaribbeanTraveling seas,What lives at the time a myriad of new amenities like an ice rink and a climbing wall, and while it jumps from one cruise to another, it has been faithful to the lining since.

"Nothing could get me away from them, because I'm treated as a royalty," he said, "Captains know me all."

It usually plans its travels as far as two years in advance and budgets of about $ 70,000 a year for its lifestyle, using its credit card for purchases so that air miles cover its flights between the starting points. While keeping a condo in Miami, he spends very little time there.

Overall, it does not spend about 15 days on earth every year, which is ironically, when it puts most of its weight.

"I do not eat like a regular cruiser. I jump a meal a day and eat intelligently," he said. "I do a lot of dance and walking. I do not put a few books when I'm on the Earth eating at McDonald's and Burger King. "

How is it? He directs an online investment management company, working from his laptop in a ship's corner table that has a cardboard with the words "Super Mario Office" written on it. WhileTechnology can have its disadvantagesHe has also opened opportunities for more people to live a comfortable and non-traditional life like Mario's.

After all, the $ 70,000 per year spends on scuba diving in the Cayman Islands is much less than most people eliminate the life of Humdrum in big cities spend. It is also exposed to current annual prices in assisted living facilities, where fees can range from $ 36,000 to $ 72,000 a year.

Not to mention liberals offer loyalty programs that people like "Mama Lee", an 88-year-old Floridien who live aboard the cruising cruise cruise cruise for about a decade, takes full advantage. She lives in a private cabin for an annual tax of $ 164,000, which covers all entertainment and meals.

Everyone can not afford a luxurious lifestyle and people with health problems can be suffering from this existence of the sea, which explains why experts suggest reserve short cruises to see how much you adapt to your legs of the sea. But it's an attractive and realistic option for retirees,or those who work independent, in the time when more and more people choose exciting and alternative lifestyles.

To learn more about how to adopt this kind of existence, check A practical guide to exit your work and traveling around the world .

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Categories: Travel
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