15 signs that you are a "Supertasker"

When things get difficult, you will go there.

It is a well-established fact that multitasking attempt leads only disaster. That's why humans are so bad at SMS during conversation, for example, your brain does not have the ability to treat multiple stimuli at a time. So when the psychology teacherDavid Strayer aroused ato study On drivers who are multiple, he expected to find that his subjects were unable to safely drive with distraction. Instead, what he discovered was a group of multi-lines unlike the rest of us, whose performance has really improved as situations became more intense. These people, as possibly embarked, are supertaskers.

They represent only about two percent of the population, but their skills and their cognitions really improve as a further pressure. Strayer and his colleagues assume that Superch is a genetically hereditary trait, but they always try to understand how the minds of the supertasker and the average multitaskker differ and if we can be trained to reach the status of Supertasker.

So, how do you know ifyou are beautiful Part of the two percent of the blessed population with super-masks skills? Use this article to compare your qualities against those of quintessential multitasking maestro. And for a preview of your personality, do not miss the20 signs that you are certainly a narcissistic.

You prosper under pressure.

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Supertaskers do not recoil in stress times. On the contrary, it is at that moment that they thrive better because they had to use their rapid decision-making skills and their process information on the fly. When the situation becomes difficult, the Supertaskers will go. But if you can not handle the pressure, try these30 ways to disaffect in just 30 seconds (or less!).

You take information quickly and easier.

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When you juggle multiple tasks at a time, you do not have time to live on every detail. As a result, one of the trademarks of a Supertasker is the ability to receive information trucks, treat it and quickly categorize them and quickly in your brain so that you can use it accordingly.

You are not easily distracted.

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In an office environment, Supertaskers are people who are not eliminated by the conversations of their colleagues. This is because they have a foreign ability to filter background noise and focus only on what is important. Even dreams and internal references can not disrupt a superance when they are in the area (although they quickly respond to an email from the boss).

You do not multitate often.

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Ironically, the best multitaskers are those who do not often try to do two things at a time. On the contrary, they are better able to eliminate distractions (like a mobile phone in the car) to focus only on one thing at a time. Supertasker or not, you should never be on your phone while driving - and you should also use these6 genius driving secrets that could save your life.

You are not weighed by your emotions.

Man Being Sexist to Female Coworker

Many employees carry their hearts on their sleeves, which can result in less work and feelings educated on colleagues. "If your cognitive resources are overwhelmed with feelings, you are less effective," psychologistDaphne BAVELIER explained to psychology today. But if you are a supertasker, then you are able to keep your emotions to check and not let your emotions go into the path of your work at work.

You have excellent memory.

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Supertaskers can not only deal with process information, but they also have a foreign capacity to remember what they treat. Why? Ato study From the University of California, San Francisco found that multitasking matros are better equipped to ignore the basic information that is not relevant to the task. And plunging more deeply in the inner operation of the mind, do not miss these35 FAST FACTS ON YOUR MEMORY.

You are realistic.

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One of the biggest reasons that Supertaskers are so good in high stress situations are because they can give priority to achievable goals on unrealistic people. For example, when it is multitasking and employee of the Red CrossKeith Alvey Has been sent to help with hurricane Sandy, he knew immediately having perfected on the problems that could be resolved and filtering and ignoring the rest.

"There are 100 decisions to do and 75% of those I can not do anything," Alvey explained toPsychology todayAbout his state of mind during hurricane relief efforts.

You are good to play video games.

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Between chatting with other players, observe your environment and play the current game, video games require some multitasking. So, of course, those who play best are those who are supertaskers. And what's more,researchers have found that playing video games can improve multitasking capabilities and attention to those who are not yet at the level of the Supertasker. And if you are on hunting new games, check out the8 advanced video games that will make you smarter.

You do not have two decisions.

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A Supertasker never guess their decisions - because they do not have time to. Their brain is so effective that, when other people doubted their decisions and feel anxious of potential spout, they already devote their energy to the next thing.

You grip towards stressful environments.

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"Supertaskers can naturally gravitate to fields that reward those who can juggle multiple contributions exceptionally to upscale restaurant heads or the world's football quarters," wrote a writer toThe New Yorker. It goes hand in hand with a superior supertasker capacity to work in stressful environments and treat information hordes at a time. And if you prefer to relax in the office (because we can not all be supertaskers), consult the20 best jobs if you have more than 40 years.

You do not think you are good at the multitasking.

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Ironically, Strayer found in her studies that the more a person thought to be a good multinine, the more frightened they were. "We tend to go beyond our ability to be multitasking," said the neuroscientistThe New Yorker.

You do not know the noise of useless background.


Naturally, your brain is particularly sensitive to all it takes, but the Supertaskers filter unnecessary information and only take the important details. And learn more about your mind, do not miss the35 FAST FACTS ON YOUR MEMORY.

You delegate as much as possible.

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Supertaskers are able to disband their spirits by delegating smaller tasks to other people. With less than their plate, they can focus on the tasks best suited to their capabilities and give these tasks a "superhuman" of attention.

You focus on a final goal.

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One of the reasons why Supertaskers are able to stay so attentive is because they do everything with a final goal. Alvey, for example, has been able to handle everything from the attachment of broken cranes to put roaring lights because it focused on a single long-term lens: give a broken city.

You have this quiz with ease.

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We are talking about thatQuiz 40 minutes Designed by Strayer et al. It is conceived as the original study of neuroscientificial, and it can tell you once and for all, whether or not you are a true Supertasker. And once you understand that you are one of two percent, do not forget to compare your features against the20 signs that you are a born chef.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Career
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