30 things you should never do at work

The fake step of ditch office (before your boss does not need you)

Whether you have long hours in a warehouse or make your daily lives behind an office, there are non-murdictable rules that will be an adult earned. And although the CEO of your business can wear torn jeans or that your manager can take your team from time to time, it does not mean that any sense of the convenience flies the window when you return to work.

"I find that my clients who work at startups or businesses looking to reduce the direction of the hierarchy between employees and supervisors often have trouble giving meaning to negotiate the dynamics of office," saidDr. Cixely Horsham-Brathwaite, Ph.D., a psychologist and a career counselor based in New York. "Over the decades, the office structures have demonstrated roles and power differentials. You knew, for example, who had power on the basis of a corner desk with Windows, or a door and maybe A porter as a director who did not allow access to the boss. Fast forward to today where you may sit near the CEO you spend 10 hours with a day sharing ideas (and sometimes even Gossip on the personal life of other employees). This creates an opening illusion that can simply not, and no doubt should not exist. "

If you want to climb the scale of the company - or even if you have just been eager not to be called to HR with a litany of complaints against you, it pays these 30 things that you should never do to Work committed in memory. And when you want to take your career at the next level, make sure you know you knowThe 25 best ways to score a promotion.

Over-consuming alcohol

hilarious words

Just because your workplace offers the occasional happy time you need to use it as an excuse to lose you. Having a drink with your colleagues is a totally acceptable way to socialize, but to get drunk and reveal your darkest and darkest secrets will definitely annoy it in the office on Monday morning.

"I think you have to be very careful. If you know what you can tolerate, do not go beyond that," says the career advisor and coachLynn Berger. "People notice and you do not really want attention to be drawn on you that way." And when you want to improve your position in the workplace, make sure to know the40 Best Ways to Restart Your Career.

Have dramatic phone fights

Woman on Phone Work From Home Jobs

Of course, the relationship drama do not always start and end after the end of office hours. That said, if you have dramatic and dramatic personal phone calls at work, do not be surprised if you are not employed long. Not only would hear that your personal business will probably make everyone around you a lot of uncomfortable, it also means that you are wasting time and money from the company with your non-stop drama.


Angry boss, first heart attack, smart word

Working on a team can be frustrating and make you want to tear your hair from time to time. However, regardless of the amount of hot under the necklace, there is never an excuse to shout your colleagues. If you want to be on the point of view, excuse yourself until you can find your calm. And for more counterfeit desktops, check these20 subtly sexist things that people still say at work.

Take some additional office supplies

office supplies, deals, discounts
Shutterstock / Yalana

Of course, it is not uncommon to return home only to realize that you have a pen sticky or stamp buffer from your bag. However, if you intentionally sell supplies in your workplace, your boss will probably not seek your sticky fingers. After all, these supplies cost someone's serious money and you could risk your job by dragging them.


girls gossiping Embarrassing Things

We all have these colleagues we do not get along, but that does not mean that it is never wise to express your feelings less than positive about them at the workplace. While you want to differ your colleagues will make you look better by the comparison, all this is really revealing that you are not a team player.

Reveal too personal details about your life

woman scorning man in office

As you know your colleagues, the details of your personal life are required to ride, that you deplore a recent break or boast of your children's achievements. However, this does not mean that every personal problem is a fair game; In general, your sex life and in-depth discussions of your medical problems should always be out of bounds.

"In business, you should put limits of sharing your little self, because it could interfere with your abilities to produce the product or service you work with your team," says Dr. Horsham-Brathwaite. "The thing about intimacy is that too many things in the world of work can seem like if you connect with your work colleagues at a personal level; it makes you see people more personally (we are Here for the other) more than professionals (we are here to accomplish a corporate goal). People who are rewarded are those who make business objectives while being able to connect appropriately. "His advice? "Bring yourself, but not your complete and unadjusted me. Nobody needs to know how much you are hanging on you, Monday morning."

Steal your colleague lunch

Man Eating Tomato Anti-Aging

These names on lunch bags in your work refrigerator are there for a reason. Flying from your colleagues is not only rude, it can steal them the only chance they have to eat during the workday - and everyone does not have the time or money available to catch a Second meal, after all. And if you want to make a better employee, make sure of it40 things that no one should ever say at work.

Scary compliments

Office dating

The office does not necessarily have to be a fully compliment zone. Acceptable compliments include: "Congratulations on this promotion!" Or "I like your new haircut." Those who do not pass a gathering? Anything on the body of a colleague, a sexual call, or all that is back, like ", I would never imagine someone as hot as you could be so smart."

Eating pungent food

weight loss motivation

Unless you want your colleagues to hate you, keep these pungent foods where they belong to: at home (and far from your office). There are few more antisocial things than to heat fish tacos last night in the microwave or bring a batch of steamed broccoli.

Go political

American Flags in Crowd

Regardless of which side of the political alley that you find yourself, raising the policy in a work environment is a disaster recipe. While your liberal inclinations or conservative philosophy can be known from your colleagues, be lucky on your particular workplace policy can make your colleagues unheaveried or even harassed.

Blame colleagues for your mistakes

things women over 40 need to know

It does not matter your age, it is always difficult to accept blame. That said, if you want to keep your job (and respect for your colleagues), it's important to admit your mistakes and never sting blame on someone else. To tell your boss that an error is someone else's fault will not necessarily make them bad, but that will make you look like a person who can not trust.

Refuse to do your job

frustrated woman in office in front of laptop

While taking the cat of your boss to the veterinarian, it's probably not on your official functions as an office accountant, you should not just refuse to do certain things simply because they were not listed in the job description. As you grow up in your career, your list of responsibilities will inevitably increase, and more often, your boss hears ", it's not my job," the more they will probably find someone who wants to Tackle these tasks.

Speak of religion

Hands in prayer, Pixabay

Will it be worth mentioning that you are celebrating religious holidays to your colleague? Sure. Is it cool to ask them if they were saved? Certainly not. Although this is to mention that you are religious in the workplace or explain some of your traditions to a colleague, proselytism is still inappropriate in a professional setting.

Ignore the orders of your boss

Stern boss, bad bosses

There is a major difference between the occasional demands of your boss and their orders. If you want to continue to increase in the ranks or even keep your job, it's important to know what's what matches what, and make sure you comply with it. If your boss tells you that something is due at noon on Friday and that you take this to say Monday morning, do not be surprised if you are not on the payroll for a long time.

Talk about the race of another person

Woman Being Bullied Sexist at Work

This is not simply inappropriate racist comments to work: discussing the race of another person or ask them intrusive questions about their ethnic origin is almost as bad. If your colleague has not personally highs their ethnicity, it's probably right for you.

Groom at your desk

hilarious words

Repeat it until it becomes deeply rooted: the office is not your grooming station. Although it's going to throw a lipstick in the bathroom before leaving the day of the day, brushing your hair, cut your nails or makeup to your desktop is simply gross.

Work on secondary work

woman at computer Never Say to a Teacher

You may have a dozen side jostling on your 9 to 5, but that does not mean you should work on them when you are at your main concert. If you work on side projects in the office, you cut in time, you should focus on your "real" work. For ideas on how to nabe a certain extra dough, however, check these20 Lucrative Side Hustle ideas to put your savings on steroids.

Initiate undesirable physical contact

Office dating

Just because you are a hugging does not mean that your colleagues will savor your physical affection. Whether you come from hugging people, give unwanted badges or you put your hand on colleague knee, making physical contact with your colleagues outside the occasional hand handle or five-year-old, is never a good idea.

"You want to go wrong to be very careful, because what a person thinking about being friendly, another person can see differently," says Shepherd. "You do not want anything misinterpreted."

Exaggerate your identifiers

Looking at resume

Of course, everyone swells their skills a little when they try to file a job. However, once you have already hung the role, it's time to stop pretending how to do things you do not do it. If you say you are a professional social media, but do not know how to compose a tweet, you will discover you sooner or later.

Overiller Perfume or Cologne

woman spraying perfume floral

Workplaces are often narrow neighborhoods and this means you spine yourself from the Toe head in your favorite perfume is never a good idea. Although a DAB of perfume or cologne on your neck or wrist is probably good, bringing a cloud of the material in the office with you is undeniably antisocial.

Say yes to everything

resume noticed, Pick-Up Lines So Bad They Might Just Work
Shutterstock / Smolaw

While you do not want to be known as the person in the office who says no to everything, saying yes to everything will not work much better in the long run. Overload yourself with tasks you simply do not have time to make the desktop in no time and puts you at the risk of professional exhaustion. If you feel one run front to this result, you may want to tilt the25 ways of Genius to conquer a professional exhaustion.

Send personal emails from your work account

Email, more time, productivity

Practically no one has only one working email address nowadays, so there is no good reason to send private emails from your professional e-mail address. Not only does it potentially against the company's policy, these emails are probably not as private as you think, then if you do not want the human resources personnel of your business or your business to know your personal business, it is better to keep it out of your email.

Dress too casual

80s Jokes

Of course, Mark Zuckerberg strikes the desk in jeans and a hoodie, but that does not mean that everything you want to work is a fair game. As a rule, all that is torn, corps or with offensive dictations on this subject should stay at home.

"Your workplace could be very relaxed, but your clothes still need to be very neat and appropriate. There is a difference between occasional and appropriate and relaxed and not appropriate, "says Shepherd. "You do not want to attract too much attention to yourself. If you are questioning yourself, it's probably worthwhile to be worn."

Arrive late

Time Being Single in your thirties

We are all a few minutes late to work from time to time, but the chronic delay is in fact a very big deal. Not only is it rude to continue to be displayed late, it also slows down all your workplace and can even make you shoot in the long run. To refine your punctuality, learn these15 easy hacks that will give you time - all the time.

Disclose the secrets of the company

hilarious words

Have you heard your boss talking about a potential fusion? Are you sure your business adds a new hiring to the team? If you hear a business secret, keep it to yourself is always the best policy; If it came back to the charged people that you invade dirt, do not be surprised if you end up on the cutting block.

Get sick

Sick woman

If you feel under the weather, stay at home. While a study reveals that 69% of American workers do not do itcall to patientsEven when they should take the time of leave is important for your health and health of your colleagues. This might simply be a one-day bug so you can seriously compromise the health of your colleagues, especially those with other medical problems.

Listen to music without headphones

energy before noon

Your office is not a house of the house, so there is no good reason to have your music music at your desk. However, it does not mean that you should necessarily keep your headphones all day, either if you do not listen to something, have your earpiece in sending a message that you do not want to communicate with your colleagues. "You may risk adjusting the noise, but it can also be considered antisocial behavior," says Shepherd.

Wasted your day on social media

social media changes after 40

According to a recent investigation of thePEW Research Center77% of the employees surveyed admitted to participating in social media despite policies in the workplace specified against her. And while in many places of work, it is not exactly out of the ordinary to record on Facebook or Twitter from time to time, if you spend hours doing it, you waste the time of the company and Do not be surprised if it becomes an operational problem.


never say this at work

Of course, this can be frustrating to work with someone who has a different style from you. That said, it is better to try to compromise than being known as the employee who always argues with their colleagues.

Ignore important events

things divorced people know

You do not have to be on call for social events after work every night of the week, but it's important to attend right-hand events at the workplace. Skip Office Anniversaries or Holiday Party year after year means that you do not just miss the opportunities for your colleagues, you also prefer that the priorities of society and yours are not well matched. And if you feel like you and your current job, do not try to mark one of the20 best jobs if you have more than 40 years.

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