10 smart ways to say "I love you" with actions - not words

How to demonstrate your affection and keep passions at the top.

Do you want to sing your lady with a little extra appreciation and affection? Well, assuming that you drop enough the word of four letters and, for the record, youabsoutely should be; "The vast majority of womenreally need to hear the words "I love you," says Elizabeth Babcock, LCSW, a therapist based in Pennsylvania, there are many things you canto dowhich are almost as effective.

To help more around the room to make more room for your in-laws, here are the ten biggest ways to demonstrate your love and keep the passions at high grade. And if you are looking for bigger lines, it will always appreciate, do not forgetThe 13 (others) the sexiest things you can tell a woman.

Give it your complete goal

Keep away from the smartphone. "Give it your not divided attention," recommends Kimberly Hershenson, LMSW, a New York-based therapist. "It does not mean sitting on the couch looking at the television, because in this case, Netflix has your attention, not your partner. Turn the TV, look at yourself and talk with all electronic devices," she says. Take a walk, come out or just go on the couch and catch up. The activity you do does not matter, but the fact that you give them all your part to a part of the day. If you need extra help to keep the smartphone away, here is here11 easy ways to conquer your dependence on your smartphone.

Define reminders


Seriously. If you are not the kind of guy who randomly thinks of small amusing surprises for your partner, then actually remembers doing them (hey, you are busy, we get it), define the calendar reminders so that You do not forget. "Of course, it takes part of the spontaneity, but it is better than having life hindering all the whole," says Michael Hilgers, M.MF, an authorized professional advisor based in Austin, Texas. "Let the technology be your friend. Identify all the specific specific dates over the next six months as well as four to six arbitrary dates," he said. Then assign an actuable item for each date, such as catching Fresh flowers plan a funny night night, or have fun by hand that it sends months. Configure reminders on your phone and when something appears, do it. Easy, no? and speaking of checkists do not miss these10 pre-marital solids that all alarm couples agree on.

Really listen, without giving advice

"Ask him how his day was and listens to uninterrupted and validated how she felt if they had something upsetting, rather than offering advice," said Helen Odessky, Psyss, Psychologist Based in Chicago and author ofStop the anxiety to stop you. I'm not sure what that means? If she says she had a bad day because her boss has set up an unexpected deadline, a validation statement would be something like ", it's logical that you feel stressed. Time changes are the worst. " What should not you say? "Why did not you pushed back? You must believe you yourself." Although a response giving advice could have more sense for you, sometimes you just have to be there to listen and commise with your partner. "It's often the hardest thing for men, but if you can listen without jumping to repair, it will show that you really worry," adds Odessky. If you find things more difficult than usual these days, here is the10 signs Surefire you need marriage tips.

Learn to apologize

Only when you have messed up, of course. But everyone makes mistakes. She goes too. The key here is to learn to do it effectively, and so as to show you respect and love it. "Learn to sincerely apologize is a great way to say" I love you "and helps many couples to reduce resentment and conflict," explains Julienne Derichs, an authorized clinical professional advisor based in the Chicago area. The key components of a great excuse? Expressing regrets, assume responsibility, make fine fine, showing remorse and asking for forgiveness. It turns out, saying something like: "I'm sorry. I feel that I did it and I was wrong. Can you forgive me? "Go a very long way. Fortunately for you, we have a primer onHow smart men apologize.

To give


Sometimes you just have to suck and do what she wants. "She wants you to have a haircut, wear gingham or get rid of your favorite sneakers because they feel," says Masini, a relationship of relationship and label. Maybe you have resisted because you disagree, but if it's something that's not really that big problem to you, Masini says you should let him go. "Show it, you like it by giving it and let it win it. TOSS Malodoring shoes, buy it with Gingham and wear it with a smile and cut your hair or shave the beard as it likes. It does not matter whether it likes. More important than you hold something less important than it is, giving up gracefully. "Also, be sure to read the10 Secrets to keep your wife happy.

Help go around the house

We know, it's obvious, but it really works. "When I work with couples, I still explore equity, with respect to housework," said David Ezell, Clinical Director of Darien Wellness. Sometimes something as simple as getting out the trash or load the dishwasher after dinner can send a signal "we are together" that is needed. In addition, this is not the only advantage of participating in housework. "Research shows that men who help around the House report better sex and more frequent, and I have seen in practice and in theory," Ezell.

Worry about his family

Fine-parents are not everyone's favorite family members, but showing them special attention is a sure way to let your partner know how you feel. "Taking the time and effort to deepen your relationship with people who are important for it is a wonderful way to demonstrate that you like it," explains Megan Weks, an international meeting room and certified. "She will feel a sense of security and inner knowledge you are in this life," she adds. Call or send an email to someone, she likes to show that you are considering them, or just ask him a question about a family member you know she cares. "For example, if his mother's birthday arrives, you can just ask," Do you think of something special for your mother's birthday? "" Suggests WEKS. "She will feel grateful and loved." To be kind with your mother-in-law is just one of ourFifty best ways to be one (a lot) best man.

Allow him to influence you

One of the best ways to show your partner that you like is to convince you to convince him in an occasional way - healthy, of course. "Allow it to influence you means finding a way to consider the point of view of your other than valid", explains Derichs. Even if you think you're right on something, try to be open minded at his side. "Acceptance of influence occurs when you are open to the other person's point of view and that you are able to determine how this person may feel the situation. The acceptance of the influence consists in finding a way to say "yes", has meaning, "makes sense, 'or" I have never thought of it this way, before it, do it your way. "Always be just is awesome, But having a happy partner is better.

Remains curious

You may want to know everything about your partner already, but there is a good chance that it really is. "Losing curiosity about your partner is an easy way to find you in a collapse of the relationship," says Weks. "When you dig hidden treasures living at the bottom of your partner's memory bank, she will feel incredibly special," she notes. If you wonder where to start, Weks says that "an excellent way to show the curiosity is to ask detailed questions about his childhood that you may not know yet. "

Ask him what makes him feel loved

Sometimes the best way to do something is the most obvious way. If you are not sure what types of things make your greatest feeling of something else, just directly ask for it! Truly. "You can think that you do the best job of all time to transport love, but if you do so that your partner is missing, it does not matter," says Hilgers. He is right. "If you are awesome to send flowers and cards, but what your partner really reacts to play a board game after dinner, what counts, it is the duration of the shared activities, whatever either the beauty of the flowers. " Or maybe your partner really needs a physical affection to feel loved and it does not have enough. Instead, you recover dry cleaning every week without being asked, thinking that you earn points and you feel appreciated. "Gary Chapman's book on the 5 languages ​​of love is a good way to explore the way different people express and receive love." If in doubt, enter a copy and read. Now, for more good relationship tips, here is hereThe 7 ways to make your wedding last forever.

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