20 predictions that are not carried out in 2018

And they will probably not be next year, either.

The North Korea / South Korea meeting. The analytical scandal of Facebook-Cambridge.Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande. Yes, no matter how you cut it,2018 was a good year's good doozy.

However, despite the seismic events of 2018, scientists and philosophers in the era of the era predicted aFollowing Seismic year. From the World War II epidemic to the prevalence of flying cars to see the very first human foot on the red planet, it is the predictions for 2018 who have never seen the light of the day. What year could have been! And for more extravagated assumptions, here is here20 long-standing predicted technologies that will never happen.

Human cloning will be one thing.

Human Cloning 2018 Predictions

As of September 4, 1998, publishing theAmarillo Daily News In Texas, the writer Amy Tao made some predictions about what life can look like 20 years - especially indicating that human cloning will be commonplace. "Cloning will be a big thing. Despite moral militant manifestations, animal clones and human beings walk the earth. Do not feel like going to school? Send your clone! And if your dog dies suddenly? Simply the clone of him! "Shewriting.

In parallel with this false prediction, Tao also stated that the cure for cancer will be found, but following a mysterious theory of plot in the work. And for more incredible predictions about the future, consult these30 the craziest predictions on future experts say will happen.

The automated dictation will be transparent.

Woman using iPhone Siri 2018 Predictions

Although it is true that you could have spent at least 2018 speaks toAlexa WhereSiri As you do well, a real person, a prediction made inSt. Johns Daily Star In Newfoundland in 1918 claimed that the "automated dictation" will be so effective and banal that humans will no longer need to write or tap anything at all. Neverthelesstechnological advancesIt is prudent to say that you still have a few more years before being able to abandon these keyboards for good.

Farmers will be completely replaced by scientists.

Farmer on farm 2018 predictions

Although farmers have always had to rely on science (of a kind or another) to estimate crop yields in 1959Lubbock morning avalancheIn Texas felt that farmers in 2018 would no longer need to spend hours under the sun to reach a successful growth season.

According to the newspaper, farmers would work only as scientists, simply pushing buttons to push what they want. If only things were so easy. And for stiff predictions about the future, check these20 hilarious predictions over the year 2020 made a long time ago.

Everyone will watch movies about the First World War.

couple watching movie 2018 predictions

A writer for theMiddletown Times Press In New York, I hope the 100-year-old Americans would look at movies about the Second World War, to learn from the country's past mistakes. Unfortunately, without the knowledge of the writer, the Second World War would come in a few decades andclaim, with regard to the films on global wars.

We will set foot on Mars.

Curiosity Rover on Mars 2018 predictions

In a1996 Annual Report on Space Studies, NASA officials reported with some certainty that a mission piloted to March would be quite possible during the year 2018. And, although there have been a number of measures to achieve this objective - In fact, last month, the agency landed from the insight, only their eighth interreer in history, on the surface of the planet NASA has still not launched a mission driven to March. And for more facts on the last border, check these21 mysteries on space that no one can explain.

A new form of energy will be discovered on Venus.

the planet venus in space 2018 predictions

Baba Vanga Babla Vanga, who claim a lot predicts accurately events on September 11, alsohypothesisthat 2018 would be the first year of success of the planet Venus. According to Vanga, a new form of energy would be discovered on Venus in 2018, stimulating a whole revolution of how humans use daily products, such as cars. However, as of today, no plan has been made to send a kind of mission to Venus. Could it be that Venus wears the next big scientific discovery? For now, you will have to wait and see.

The Second World War will start.

American soldiers saluting World War III 2018 predictions

According to a rather surprising prediction of the Book of NostradamusThe propheciesThe Second World War had to start in 2018 - a cruel battle that would be conducted between "the two great powers of the world". And even worse, according to the philosopher, the war would last 27 years before any country lives no relief. So, if there is a good thing that can be taken from the year 2018 is that we have not launched a 27-year-old war.

Mount Vesuvius will break again.

Pompeii Mount Vesuvius 2018 predictions

The famous "Seer" also predicts that Mount Vesuvius, the same Supervolcano that has released the city of Pompei in 79 EC, once again claiming many victims (6,000, being specific) in 2018. Although the prediction does not Not proven Be specific, the Naples residents were informed in 2016 that the volcano could now erupt at any time - a fear that nearly two million people had to live every day in the city.

An asteroid or a major comet will cause a lot of evil to the earth.

Asteroid hitting Earth 2018 predictions

Not only Nostradamus predicted not only the occurrence of a global war and disaster disaster, but he also warned the probability of aMajor or comet asteroid striking the earth, resulting in a devastating amount of loss on the planet. Not only that, but it predicted that the asteroid or comet would hit the earth as global leaders begin to participate in the nuclear war - a culmination of events that would probably end the human race, according to Nostradamus.

Humans will live more than 200 years old.

Older Couple 2018 predictions

The final prediction that Nostradamus made for 2018 was a little more optimistic. Although he believed that the world certainly ended in 2018, he felt that, because of the advanced medicine, humans would probably live to have about 200 years. And, although it is true that progress has made it possible to live longer in previous decades, humans still can not wait for an average life of about 80 years in 2018. For a more scientific look at what will be human physiology, here is here20 ways our bodies will be different in 100 years.

Natural gas will be replaced by nuclear breeders reactors.

nuclear power 2018 predictions

In May 1968, the Foreign Policy Association held a conference in New York to celebrate the leaders of that time - a three-day rally that finally led to the conference accompanying book.By 2018. In this book, experts ranging from economists to activists have been invited toto predict The year 2018 can have in service for the future population. Among the many gaps that resulted from these predictions, the professor of Stanford University Charles Scarlott incision at an existence where natural gas would be replaced by nuclear breeders reactors, which, of course, is far from the truth in A world with a strong dependence on the truth. natural gas.

The economy will only be controlled by the government.

White House 2018 predictions

Besides,By 2018 Contributor and M.i.t. Professor Ithiel Sola Pool predicted a future in which the federal government had a total control over the economy. "They will choose their levels of employment, an industrialization of an increase in GNP," he says people alive and participating in the economy in 2018. However, 50 years after his prediction, there is this thing. called capitalism that prevents all control.

The tablets will disappear from electronic departments.

woman using tablet iPad 2018 predictions

Just five years ago, the former BlackBerry CEO, Thorsten Heins, made a magnificent prediction about modern technology,indicating These "tablets themselves are not a good business model", and that, in 2018, no one will be bought from a tablet of any kind. However, years after this prediction, seeing how many money consumers who were still losing for thatTech accessory the most appreciatedHeins resumed his comment on the tablets.

Flying cars would be the new mode of transportation.

Futuristic flying car 2018 predictions

In 1882, the artist Albert Robida assumed that flying cars will not only be manufactured, but they would become the main form of transport in 2018. And, while the first flying car in the world was technically produced this year by Terrafugia She can still be 100 years before this new mode of transport becomes the new normal. And for more edifying predictions about the future of the world, consult these25 expert predictions about the future that will excite you.

Anti-gravity cars will exist.

Anti-gravity car 2018 predictions

By 2018 Contributor, expert in mathematician safety and national security DG Brennan predicted that anti-gravity cars would be the prevalent form of transportation in 2018. "There is a chance that I can see the year 2018 myself , and if so, I will not be surprised if on my 92th birthday, I am able to go for a tour in an anti-grateful car, "he says. Yes.Sure.

Germany would win the FIFA World Cup.

German team at FIFA World Cup 2018 predictions
Image via Wikimedia Commons

DespiteNumerous publications Stay regularly in their faith that Germany would ensure the trophy at the FIFA World Cup 2018, it was actually the French team that won, beating Croatia 4-2 in a truly biting finish.

The restaurants will tell you that their food makes your body.

man reading menu with waiter 2018 predictions

By the end of 2017, Lizzy Freier, leading the drafting of food advisory technology,Recount thePost of New York She predicted that restaurants, moving to please FINICKY customers, would begin to list all the ways each of which each separate dish would affect a person's body. Obviously, as would require a major change in the world of food services, most restaurants have not yet realized this prediction.

The hashtags will become legal contracts.

Guy on Phone Smiling 2018 predictions

As it turns out, thePost of New York As expected as 2018 would testify to the decline of signatures on formal documents, as the publication stated that hashtags would soon replace this formality. Unless you are a guest at Marriott, the company has revealed a plan this year where you couldTweet your way to Marriott Points-It is unlikely that you are signing legal contracts with a hashtag, so do not yet discard your writing utensils.

The American shopping center will look more like more than one place in the city.

Outlet Mall 2018 predictions

Paco Bitther, Consultant in detail and Chief Executive Officer of EnviOsell, predicted at the end of 2017 that shopping centers all convert in the city of the city, where the world's nortestrom supports would be happy with chains High-end dining room, gymnasiums, buildings buildings and other services in the same mega center. And, although many shopping centers are working on this design, there is still a significant percentage of interior shopping centers that do not subscribe to these standards.

The world ends.

Apocalypse city 2018 predictions

Christian conspiracy Theoretician David Meade, after having predicting first that the world ends in 2017, when the mysterious planet "Nibiru" would appear in the sky only to go out the earth, once againwarned An attack on the planet to take place in 2018. Fortunately for all humanity, this threat of extinction has no form yet. And for more scary scraught on what can be or can not be, see these25 expert predictions about the future that will terrify you.

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Tags: Science
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