Clean scrabble These 43 words that start with <em> x </ em>

Stop letting these dirty tiles X go to waste.

While scrabble is much less stressful than other classics of the game night (sorry!, Monopoly, Catan) Colons of, a good game can easily turn to sour as soon as the letterX is introduced into the board. Of course, everyone enjoys a good twister brain now and then, but find the words that start withXis less like a challenge and more like a nightmare or at leastwas, before now. Equipped with this complete collection of official documentsScrabble approved words that start withXYou can take bothyour vocabulary And your society gaming prowess at the next level, and your family and friends will never know what struck them.


Xanthan is a type of gum (but not the kind to chew bubble blowing) used by the food industry as a thickening agent. Its goal? To avoid the ingredients in stable for conservation and refrigerated products to separate (and you marvelous some major scrabble points).


For the sake of Scrabble, you all need to know is thatxanthate is a chemical salt with letters that add up to 18 points.


Something that isxanthic tends to have a yellow color, similar to something that is cyanhedrical tends to fall on the blues spectrum.


When lipids accumulate under the skin, axanthome-or growth can appear yellowish, which usually indicates an underlyingmedical condition such as hyperlipidemia or hypothyroidism.


The yellow color you see in an egg yolk is all that thanks toxanthophylls. These are orange yellow pigments found everywhere leaves of the plant in paprika.


Using his archaic definition, someone who isxanthome eitherRed, Auburn, brown, hair or yellowish. (So, many people.)


sometimes spelled with a "z"Xebec has been a Mediterranean sailboat used mainly for commercial goods. And while you will probably ever hear this historic word come in the conversation, it does not mean that you can not use it dominate in Scrabble.


Coming from Greek wordXenosfor the customers,xenient Describes someone who is welcoming and friendly, especially towards a stranger or guest.


When the swimming of fish downstream of wastewater treatment plants accidentally ingest natural human hormones, they are said to have consumedxenobiotics. Any substance, natural or chemical, can be considered as axenobioticsAs long as it is present in an organism where it is not produced naturally.


When a doctor or a scientist makes axenodiagnosis, They give a material allegedly infected with a human being to an intermediate host (as an insectTo determine if there is a parasite present.


In the world of botany,xenogamy Refers to the pollination of the flower by the pollen of another type of plant, or cross pollination.


When a piece of living fabric is transferred by a species from one species to another, which is called axenograft.


Axenolite, Or a "foreign rock" is a fragment of rock that becomes absorbs by a rock larger than it hardens.


Be careful to play scrabble with a nerd of chemistry. If there is an "X" in their rotation of the letters, they can break their knowledge of the periodic table and throw axenon On the board, marking a fresh place 12 points (not including potential edge bonuses).


Do you have a friend whose room is covered with posters of French actresses likeAudrey TautouandMarion Cotillard? They might bexenophile, Or a person who is seduced by foreign styles, people and cultures.


On the contraryxenophile, Someone who isxenophobic has a repugnance outside for anyone and anything abroad.


Meet theXenopus. More commonly called the frog on legs, it is a kind of aquatic frogs found mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. At present, twenty species fall into theXenopus Gender, and many of them are used as model organisms in biology thanks to their multiple sets of chromosomes.


xenotime is a group of minerals of a yellowish brown color, some of which may be slightly radioactive.


With regard to the words that start withX, This one is one of thethe most terrifying downright. AxenotropicThe virus is the one that develops in an organism other than its typical host species.


When is described a plant or a flowerxerarchThis means that said greenery origin in a dry habitat.


Xeric is an ecological term used to describe both a characteristic dry place and something that has adapted to live with little or no moisture. In other words, both a desert and a cactus can be called preciselyxeric.


Due to drought, many Californians have turned toxeriscaping, A type of landscaping that almost completely eliminates the need for irrigation. Becausexeriscaping saves a lot of water, many people refer to him as "landscaping water conservation" or "drought landscaping. »


If someone tries to challenge yourself when you put this word on the map, inform them to kindlyxerosis is just one of the fantasy words that start withX which refers to dry skin. (xerotic is another).


Axerothermal The climate is the one that is dry and hot, and an organism that isxerothermal has adapted to life in a dry and warm climate.


A skinxerotic is seriously neededa moisturizer, because it is abnormally dry.


TOphotocopy Something is to use a xerographic printer to copy it.


Xerus is a kind of African land squirrels with three subginders and four species. These squirrels are sometimes kept as pets in their native Africa, run freely around the house as a cat or dog would be in states.


Xi Does not mean anything-it is simply the name of the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, but hey, it's a two letter word that counts to Scrabble, so it is a word value to know.


According toOfficial Scrabble Dictionary, thexiphoid is part of the sternum. More specifically, it is the extension of the lower part of the sternum and it is called in its entirety asxiphoid to treat.


With regard to the scrabble two letters of words that start withX,Xu is quite practical: it is a monetary unit in Vietnam similar to the century of America.


Bracelet for a small lesson in science:Xylan is a polysaccharide present in almost all the walls of the vegetable cells, although its function in the cell wall isrelatively unknown.


health nuts will recognize this word "x". Similar to sorbitol and mannitol,xylitol A sugar alcohol commonly used as a low calorie artificial sweetener in all cake chewing gum.


Axylocarp is a fruit with a disc, a wooden wall, for example a coconut.


If you ever go to a flea market or an art exhibition and come through a wood engraving, so what you are looking for axylography.


As you may have guessed, now that you know whatxylography ways,xylography is the art and practice of wood engraving. And although this word is only a difference to a letter of its root, a "y" is worth four points to Scrabble!


Xyloid is an adjective used to describe everything about or bearing a resemblance to the wood.


An insect that isxylophagous has a diet consisting mainly of wood. Examples of xylophagium insects include bark, hornets and termites.


One of the most famous words that start withX, axylophone is an instrument of the family of wooden bars and a mallet with which to hit them.


Go on. This one is quite explicit: is someone who plays thisxylophone.


Xylose is a type of sugar used to make xylitol, the low calorie sugar substitute. This sugar is the building block for xylane hemicellulose, which is in and extract from plants and hardwoods.


Used in many criminal cases,xylotomy is the preparation of pieces of wood for microscopic examination. The most famous,xylotomy was used in the Lindbergh kidnapping trials of the 1930s to proveBruno Richard Hauptmann guilty.


Xyly has an intense scientific definition of radicals and atoms. All you need to know is that it's approved Scrabble.


Xyst is among the words that start withXthat you can use both in the scrabble and the museum. Describing the ancient and Roman Greek architecture, the xyst is the covered porch at the front of a building, usually there to serve as a public walk.


Although now obsolete, a Xyster Once once a surgical instrument used for scraping bones (and it is always accepted as word Scrabble).

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