Sergeant Stubby, Mayors of Dog and more animals with impressive titles

Dogs, cats, goats, bears, horses and the most distinguished penguins, and the penguins to always walk the planet.

Alldog owner think their puppy is the cutest that the world has ever seen, and eachcat type believes they have the most impatient feline on the earth. But someThe animals actually climbed the ranks In superlative places with so incredible stories, you will think in Hollywood made them. Really, when you stop thinking about it, with their discipline, their loyalty and their total lack of subsequent patterns, it is not surprising thatso many animals Having such impressive titles, manage to earn elections on man candidates and to dominate men on duty.

From Feline Master who brought millions of dollars to a small town from Japan to a bear who fought the good fight in the Second World War with a range of beer goat mayors in Texas, here's heresome animals whose stories will make you think, "Why do we even vote for humans anyway?"

Stubbs, the mayor of Talkeetna cat, Alaska

Stubs cat
Jenni Konrad via Flickr

In 1997,Lauri StecThe Director of the General Store of Nagley in Talkeetna, Alaska, found a box of kittens for adoption in his car park. She chose adorable ginger with ginger hair andthe named "Stubs" Because he did not have a tail. To honor its integrity (and protest against human candidates), theThe citizens of Talkeetna chose stubbs like their mayor, a position he served honorably for the next 20 years untilHe died natural causes In July 2017.

Nils Olav III, the Brigadier Penguin of Norway

Defense images via flickr

In 1972,Nils Major Egeliana lieutenant of the custody of King Norwegian, decided toAdopt a Penguin King toEdinburgh Zoo; He named itNils Olav In honor of himself andKing Olav V Norway. The penguin was originally given the title of the Corporal launches. Then he was promoted under the sergeant before his death in 1987.

It was successful by a penguin king of two years namedNils Olav II, which quickly increased the royal ranks of the major regiment sergeant to Colonel-in-Chief. In 2008, he became the first penguin who has always been attributed to Knighood of the Norwegian army. King Norwegian,King Harald V, even attended the ceremony,declaring that any had been shown "in all the manners qualified to receive honor and dignity of chivalry".

Some time after his knight, Sir Nils died and has been replaced by another Lookalike Penguin, who got a new historical honor. In 2016,Nils Olav IIIwas promoted to the Brigadier, and therefore, he became thePenguin in the highest rankings in the world.

Tama, Kinokawa Chatmaster Station, Japan

Cat stationmaster
Douglas Sprott via Flickr

In the small Japanese town of Kinokawa, there was once a female tabby cat who exploited the local Kishi station. Born as awandering in the region In the mid-1990s, she quicklywarmed the hearts of daily passengers, as well as the manager of the informal station,Toshiko Koyama, who decided to adopt it and name itTama.

When financial problems appeared, citizens rallied to prevent Kishi station from closing and officially named Koyama the station manager and tama the station master. Armed with a cap and a noble stationMaster badge, Tama greeted the passengers and wanted them a pleasant trip toHis death in 2015 at the age of 16.

Tama has essentially saved the ruin station, resulting in a 10% increase in passengers during its first year and contributing about 1.1 billion yen (about $ 10 million) to the entire local economy, according toCable. Not too Shabby for a wandering tabby!

Larry, Chief Marketing in the UK Cabinet

Number 10 via Flickr

Since at least the 1920s, there has been a cat residing at 10 Downing Street, whose official title is the leader of Mouser in the Cabinet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Although the historic leader of La Mouler can share the House of the Prime Minister Holder, he does not belong to the PM Presidency. Throughout the history of the position, there have been long gaps where no cat filled the role, the most remarkable being from 2009 to 2011, when rats could be collected in a downstream street during television reports .

At the time, Prime MinisterDavid Cameronstated that there was "no plan" to name a new chief layman, but obliged by a strong pro-cat faction in his party, in 2011, hegave the positionLarry-A cat that he and his family adopted Battersea Dogs & Cats at home. Poor Larry quickly found himself to be victim of nepotism, however, as he wasLimoge in favor ofChancellor George Osborne striped cat,Freya. A feline entitled and ineffective, she was soon exiled and Larry had since returned to her place in 10 rue Downing, where he still stays on February 20th.

Bosco Ramos, Sunol's Dog Mayor, California

Dog mayor
Wayne Hsieh via Flickr

Bosco Ramos Was a mix of Rottweiler from Labrador Retriever and RottweilerConquered two humans to win the election of the Honorary Town Hall From the unincorporated community of Sunol, California, in 1981. He served the city valiantly until his death in 1994 and a statue of him was erected before the Post Office Sunol in 2008.

William Windsor II, British Army Lance Corporal Goat

Dog mascot
Defense images via flickr

The tradition of havingGoats in the British Army Appointment to the American Revolution War, when a goat wandered on a battlefield in Boston and led the Welsh Army in Bunker Hill's battle. Another goat,Taffy IV,served so bravely in the First World War that he has been awarded on a poshumously several medals of honor.

Years later, in 2001, a cashmere goat was born in a zoo namedWilliam "Billy" Windsor-Who descended from the same royal lineage as the original flock - became a member of the ranking regiment. In 2006, he was brieflyDowngrade from the Funing Corporal, to embarrass the army by failing to stay in step and try to run a drummer during a celebrating paradeQueen Elizabeth II's birthday. After months of good behavior, he was reinstated as the launcher corporal before retiring from his position in 2009 and ending his life at peace. A Kashmir Baby Goat NamedWilliam Windsor IIwaschose soon afterwards to follow the tradition.

Wojtek, the body bear of the Second World War

Royal bear

In the spring of 1942, Polish soldiers who had left Russia for Iranfell on a brown bear for sale in a railway station. They bought it, namedWojtekAnd raised it in their refugee camp, where they nourished her condensed milk in an old bottle of vodka, gave him cigarettes (he ate) and rewarded his good behavior with his favorite drink: beer.

As a well-trained soldier, Wojtek learned to greet when greeted and could often be found in the fight with his colleagues soldiers. To pass it on a British transport ship when the unit was sent to the fight alongside the British in Italy, it was appointed private, one with its own game game, its rank and serial number. During the battle of Monte Cassino in Italy in 1944 hehelped to move crates of ammunition and kept the morale of the company. After the allied victory, he lived the rest of his days at the Zoo d'Edinburgh. A war hero and a legend, the statues of the honor of Wojtek are in Krakow, London and Edinburgh, among other places.

Duke, Cormorant Dog Mayor Minnesota

Duke the Dog elected Mayor in dog show

The people of Cormorant, Minnesota, had a large pyrene namedDukelike their mayor for about four years. He won in 2015 in an election of landslides after running a promise of platform cuddles for all, then again in 2016, 2017 and 2018. "It's just a little standing at the local pub and ensures that Everything is Runnin 'ok and continues the riff-raffier and supervises all the works, "Steven Sorenson, The Deputy Mayor of the Duke told theAustralian broadcasting company In 2018.

DukeOffice retired in June 2018and unfortunatelydeceased in February 2019.

Nemo, the German Shepherd Hero of the Vietnam War

Nemo A534
American Air Force

Nemo Was a German Shepherd who served to the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. When his base fell attacked by Viet Congon, in the early hours of December 4, 1966, heattacked the enemy, lose a look and suffer from a bullet injury in the process. Despite his wounds, he crawled through the body of his human,Airman Robert A. Throneburgand kept it until the arrival of medical help. He survived, winning two violet hearts and the star bronze medal, and lived his days on a basis of the air force in the United States.

Clay IV, the Mayor of Goat de Lajitas, Texas

Goat mayor
Bayes Diann via Flickr

In the 1990s, people came from all over the United States of the small town of Lajitas, Texas, to check theBeer-guzzling goat they had for a mayor. Elected in 1986,Clay Savile How to beat the heat and mingle with the inhabitants by sending some to the living room, where it is now immortalized in a mountain screen. It was successful byCLAY III, who did not disappear too long in the office either, and now it'sClay IVwho also hasdrinking wine coolers. (And to answer your obvious question: we are not sure what has happened toCLAY II, to be honest.)

Brynnneth Paltrow, Rabbit Hashing Dog Mayor, Kentucky

Brynneth Pawltrow
Rabbit hash

Hash of rabbit, Kentucky, has a history of dog mayors. In 1998, a German shepherd namedClumsy won the election of the City of the City after citizens bought ballots for a dollar, voting as many times as they wanted a fundraising forThe historic company of the city. And clearly, they liked what they saw. The Goofy race was succeeded by a black laboratory namedJunior, a border collie calledLucy Louand now a pitbull mutt namedBrynneth PawltroThe position she won for the first time in 2016.

Sergeant Stubby, the dog's hero of the First World War

Sargent Stubby

Another decorated war dog,SERGANT STUBBY served in the 102nd American Infantry Regiment in the First World War,Participate in 17 battles. A real hero, the Boston Terrier saved his gas mustard regiment, held German soldiers who run away and found and comforted the wounded. His incredible story was told in the 2018 animation film calledSGT. Stubby: an American hero, make it not only a war hero, but a movie star.

Millie, New York Times Besselling First Dog

Millie Bush
Presidential Library George Bush and Museum / Nara

English spaniel spangerMildred Kerr Bush-OR Millie, for a short not only has"First dog" on his resume, but also author of New York Times. Millie is listed as co-author, withBarbara Bush, on 1992Book of Millie,described as the dictation of Millie to the first lady. In the pages of the classical novel, Millie ensured to include his perspective on the presidential procedures as well as his references on squirrels. SheDeceased in 1997 On the bush compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, but his inheritance certainly saw.

Chips, the most decorated dog from the Second World War


Chips was a qualified sentineux dog for the US military and theDog most decorated with the Second World War. This brave puppy escaped from his manager and ran to the machine gun to attack a hidden German pistol nest causing theopponents to surrender. Following her heroic actions, chips - a German shepherd, Husky, Mix Collie received the distinguished service cross, Silver Star and the purple heart during her life and the pdsa dickin posthumous medal.

Returious sergeant, a sergeant of horse staff in the Korean War

Sergeant Reckless
USMC Archives via Flickr

Currency sergeant was a Korean war hero whose most memorable moments came during the five-day out-post battle of Vegas when51 Travel through the no-man land In one day only, carrying 386 rounds of ammunition during the battle. While Rouled was twice in the Staff Sergeant, she was also known among her marine colleagues asvoracious eater whose favorite meal was breakfast. And she would come back with a beer from time to time.

Additional reporting of Allie Hogan

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