50 amazing historical facts that you have never known

Can you guess what American president is a medalized wrestler?

As the old adage says, "Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it." (Or something like that). Yes, it is important to know your story, not just big names and key dates, but the small details that help us better understand a figure or a historical era in which they lived. Maybe it's a surprising fact that makes you rethink the conventional wisdom. Maybe it's a wild anecdote that seems too crazy about being true. Anyway, it's the small pieces of surprising history, might be the most fun bits of history - the type of information that is wand-up and who can never be repeated even if someone 'One wanted it. Here are 50 tidbits of this type, without particular order.

The turkeys were once worshiped like gods

turkey historical facts

While Turkey is currently the favorite part of America's Thanksgiving meal, in 300 years old. . They were symbols of power and prestige and can be found everywhere in Mayan iconography and archeology.

Paul Revere never really shouted, "The British come!"

Paul Revere historical facts

While everyone knows the story of the famous Revere's walk in which he would have said that he has warned the colonial militia of the enemy approaching, shouting "The British arrive!" This is actually wrong. According toHistory.comThe operation was supposed to be calm and stealthy because the British troops hid in the Massachusetts countryside. In addition, colonial Americans always considered themselves British.

The Olympic Games took medals for art.

Woman at the Olympics historical facts

From 1912 to 1948, the Olympic Games held competitions in the fine arts. Medals were given for literature, architecture, sculpture, painting and music. Naturally, the created art had to be the Olympic thematic. According to the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Fredy Pierre, the addition of the arts was necessary because the old Greeks used art festivals alongside the games. Before artistic events were finally removed, 151 medals were rewarded.

Once, 100 testimonies claimed to be the dead son of Marie Antoinette

Louis XVII historical facts
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After the French revolution, Louis XVII of eight years was imprisoned, then never seen again. His parents were executed in 1793 and, afterwards, he was horribly abused, neglected and left isolated in a prison cell in the Temple of Paris. In 1795, he died of TB at 10 years. His body was buried in secret in a serious mass. Years later, dozens of men have been advanced to be claiming to be because a restoration of Bourbon was a successful opportunity and a successful provider could then be on the throne of France.

Napoleon was once attacked by a horde of bunny

Napoleon Bonaparte historical facts
Everett Collection / Shutterstock

Once upon a time, the famous conqueror Napoleon Bonaparte was attacked by ... bunny. The Emperor had asked that a rabbit hunt be arranged for himself and his men. His chief of staff has put in place and that men had gathered 3,000 rabbits for the occasion. When the rabbits were released from their cages, the hunt was ready to leave. At least it was the plan! But the rabbits accused of Bonaparte and his men in a viscous and unstoppable exhibition. And we were taught that Waterloo was the greatest defeat of the conqueror ...

Women have been judicious to smoke in public

Sullivan Ordinance historical facts
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In 1908, New Yorker Katie Mulcahey was arrested for hitting a match against a wall and light a cigarette with her. Why? Because it was a violation ofThe Sullivan Ordinance, a law of the city prohibiting women (and only women!) Smoking in public. During his hearing at the District Court, Mulchey argued his rights to smoke cigarettes in public. She was sentenced to a fine of $ 5.00. Two weeks later, the Sullivan Ordinance was vetoée by the Mayor of New York.

The government literally poisoned alcohol during the prohibition

Prohibition during the 1920s historical facts
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During the United States Prohibition, the US Governmentliterally poisoned alcohol. When people continued to consume alcohol despite its prohibition, lawyers were frustrated and decided to try a different type of death. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols manufactured in the United States, which were products regularly stolen bootleggers. At the end of the prohibition in 1933, the federal intoxication program was estimated at least 10,000 people.

Captain Morgan actually existed

captain morgan historical facts

Yes, face of the well-loved rum brand was a totally real guy. It was oneWelsh CorsaireWho fought alongside the English against the Spaniards in the Caribbean in the 1660s and 1670. His name was Henry and was knight by King Charles II of England. Its exact date of birth is unknown, but it was one day of 1635. He died in Jamaica in 1688, apparently very rich.

Use forks used as sacrilege

forks historical facts

Than the fork? Forks, widely used consumption utensils were formerly considered blasphematous. They were initiated for the first time in Italy in the 11th century. These spaghetti twirling spaghetti instruments have been considered an offense to God. And why, ask yourself? Because they were "artificial hands" and as such was considered to besacrilege.

TheTitanicThe owners never said that the ship was "invisible"

titanic historical facts

Despite what James Cameron's emblematic film could make you believe, the owners never said he could never run. Historian Richard Howellsnoted that "the population as a whole was unlikely to have thought of theTitanic As a single and invisible ship before his girl's journey. "

There were more than 600 plots to kill Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro historical facts

Yes,600. The Cuban dictator was intended to be killed by a wide range of enemies, including political opponents, criminals and even the United States, among many others. The tactic included all of a cigar that explodes to a poisoned dive suit.

Cleopatra was not Egyptian

Cleopatra historical facts

Despite what you think you believe, the last Queen of Egypt was not born in Egypt. As best as historians can say, Cleopatra VII (it's his official name) was Greek. She was a descendant of Alexander the great Macedonian General Ptolemy.

Pope Gregory IV declared a war on cats

Pope Gregory IV historical facts
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Pope Gregory IVdeclared war on cats in the 13th century. He said that black cats were instruments of Satan. Because of this conviction, he ordered the extermination of these felines throughout Europe. However, this plan faced because it resulted in an increase in the rats plague.

Marie had actually a little lamb

Mary Had a Little Lamb historical facts
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Everyone knows the "Mary had a little lamb" nursery, but you probably did not know that it was based on a true story. His name was Mary Sawyer. She was an 11 year old girl and lived in Boston and a day was followed at school by her lamb of pets. In the late 1860s, she helped raise funds for an old church selling lamb wool.

Richard Nixon was a great musician

President Richard Nixon historical facts

The 37th President of the United States (and the only president to resign from office) was an extremely talented musician. He playedFive instruments in total: Piano, saxophone, clarinet, accordion and violin.

Lyndon B. Johnson gave interviews from the bathroom

LBJ historical facts
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This, for lack of a better word,without apologizing The Chair gave interviews using the toilet. Presidential biographerDoris Kearns Goodwin describes the pulse: "He just did not want the conversation to stop."

Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as a medicine

ketchup historical facts

Forget the ibuprofen. In the1830, When he arrived at popular medicine, Ketchup was all rage. In 1834, he was sold as healing for indigestion by a doctor of Ohio named John Cook. It was not popularized as a condiment until the end of the 19th century. The more you know.

President Abraham Lincoln is in the temple of fame of the fight

Abraham Lincoln historical facts
Historical Shutterstock / Everett

Before the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln was declared a fight champion. The President of 6'4 "had only one loss at its vicinity of 300 competitions. He won a reputation in New Salem, Illinois, as an elite fighter. Finally, he got the championship of his county's struggle.

On July 4th is not the true day of independence

a crowd of people gathered to watch july 4th independence day historical facts

July 4 isnot theReal day of American independence. It's actually on July 2 because it was when Philadelphia's second continental congress actually voted to approve a resolution of independence. July 4, however, when the Congress adopted the official statement of independence and most have not even signed that in August.

Abraham Lincoln was also a licensed bartender

Berry and Lincoln Saloon historical facts
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In addition to being a fight champion, Lincoln was also alicensed bartender. In 1833, the 16th President opened a bar called Berry and Lincoln with his friend William F. Berry in New Salem, Illinois. The store was finally closed when Berry,an alcoholic, consumed most of the offer of the shop.

John Adams was the first president to live in the White House

President John Adams historical facts

While the White House was under construction for the duration of Washington, he never lived there. It was not beforeJohn Adams took office that a president lived there. It's interesting to George Washington is the only president to date who has not lived at the White House.

The first face on the $ 1 Bill was not George Washington

Salmon P. Chase historical facts

The first president was not the first face of the $ 1 bill! The first face to appear on this currency was P. Chase Salmon. The first $ 1 post was issued during the Civil War in 1862. Chase was the Treasury Secretary at that time and was also the designer of the country's first banknotes.

Thomas Edison did not invent the bulb

Warren de la Rue inventor historical facts
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While Edison had an amazing1,093 patents, The majority of them were not of its own invention. He stole most of them. While he made the patent land for the bulb in 1880, the real inventor was actually Warren of the street, a British astronomer and chemist, who actually created the first light bulb forty years before Edison.

And Betsy Ross did not designed and sew the first American flag

American Flag historical facts

At least the only proof that we have of it's Ross's grandson,William Canby, Who affirmed in 1870 that his "gam-gam" had the idea. The real Creator was more likely to be Francis Hopkinson from New Jersey, who signed the declaration of independence and also designed many joints for the US government.

Cars were not invented in the United States

Karl Benz historical facts
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No, he was not Henry Ford Model T in 1908. The first car was actually created in the 19th century when the European engineers Karl Benz and Emile Levassor were working on automotive inventions. Benz patented the first car in 1886.

George Washington opened a whiskey distillery after his presidency

Portrait of George Washington historical facts
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Apparently, the first President of the United States was not enough for George Washington in his life. After his term, Washington opened awhiskey distillery. In 1799, the Washington distillery was the largest in the country, the production of 11,000 liters of whiskey age. After the death of the president, the company was more, however.

Ronald Reagan was a believer in astrology

ronald reagan historical facts

Yes, Ronald Reagan wasprofoundly interested in astrology. He and Nancy were, in fact. And if you were curious, Ronald Reagan was a Aquarius, although the cosmos never influenced the political decisions on his part, he reassured.

The young George Washington could certainly say a lie

George Washington and the cherry tree historical facts

There is a myth about a young George Washington who stipulates that the president, when he was a boy, cut down the apple tree of his father with a hatche of war. When his father confronted him, he said, "I can not say a lie. Yes, never arrived. He appeared in an autobiography of Washington, where the writer admitted later that he was just trying to post the virtuous nature of the president.

George Washington has never had wooden teeth

Founding Father and President George Washington historical facts

Many myths about Washington exist, but one of the most widespread stories must be on his teeth. It is widely accepted that Washington wore wooden prostheses. It isNot at all the case. While Washington has had many dental problems and dental prostheses makes use, wood, as a material, has never been used.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died the same day

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams historical facts

July 4, 1826, The two US presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died in the next five hours. Crazy. They were formerly patriotic companions were adversent, and they were also the last survivors of the original American revolutionaries.

Columbus does not discover America

Leif Erikson historical facts

No, this European explorer did not discover America. Columbus has 500 years too late. In fact, it was Explorer Norse Leif Erikson who landed on the American coast during the 10th century. Erikson could be considered the first European to discover America.

The Witches were not made at the stake in Salem

Salem Witch Trials historical facts

The witchcraft trials in Salem, Massachusetts, lasted between February 1692 and May 1693. Nearly 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft, including homeless people, the elderly, and a four-year-old girl. Most have been put in prison, and some have been hanged. But none of these people ever had burned bright.

Benjamin Franklin never thought of Dindians should be the national bird

Founding Father Benjamin Franklin historical facts

While writing to his daughter in 1784, Benjamin Franklin complained of the white head eagle chosen as a national symbol of the United States. He said that the white head eagle had "bad moral character. " He saidturkey would be a better idea. He joked. He did not really think the national bird should be a turkey.

Marie-Antoinette never said, "Let them eat the cake"

Marie Antoinette historical facts

A version of this quote originated at the origin of the autobiography of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, where he was mentioned a princess said this sentence. He would later be attributed to Antoinette. Although it is highlyUnlikely that she really said.

Walt Disney did not draw Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse historical facts

While Walt Disney had Mickey Mouse's idea and also provided the voice, imaging was created by the UB IWERKS facilitator; He came with all the iconic characteristics. You will not look at the adorable mouse the same thing.

Many history disasters were caused by lack of sleep

Chernobyl disaster historical facts
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Start counting these sheep, Because sleep is so important. So much storylarger disasters Are a result of a lack of shoulder, including: Chernobyl, the island of three miles, the explosion of Challenger and the oil spill Exxon Valdez, to name a few.

Cowboys did not really wear cowboy hats

Cowboy wearing bowler hat historical facts
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These great Stetsons that everyone associates with cowboys like John Wayne, Billy The Kid, or Wyatt Earp? Yes. Cowboys did not bring them. In fact, the cowboys' choice hat of the nineteenth century was actually a hat of Moulle. Go understand.

Basically everything on Thanksgiving is a lie

The First Thanksgiving historical facts
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You know that the happy meal between the Amerindians and the pilgrims where everyone has bound? Well, theThe true story of Thanksgiving is terribleAnd actually consisted of wounds and violence and murder. In addition, there is no evidence that Turkey was really served - or Aboriginal people were invited to the meal.

Puritans did not come to the new world for "religious freedom"

Puritans historical facts

Protestant "separatists" left Holland because of too much religious freedom because the country has authorized Judaism and Catholicism and even atheism. Because of this, the Puritans plunged and went to theMayflower where they embarked through the pond for the New World.

Johnny Appleed was real

Johnny Appleseed historical facts
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The folk hero was a real person. His real name was John Chapman and his hometown was Leominster, Massachusetts. He also has a street named after him, although the city planners have decided that it would be more poetic to use its mythical name: Johnny Appleed Lane.

Walt Disney is not frozen crucividly

Walt Disney historical facts
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Walt Disney died in 1966 and there is a widely widespread myth that his body was cruzically frozen in the hope that,When technology advances sufficiently, It would be revived. Well, sorry, but Disney was actually incinerated.

The 1929 Wall Street crash did not cause suicide eruption

Depression stock brokers historical facts

On Tuesday, October 24, 1929, the most shocking stock hammer occurred in the history of the United States. It is largely convinced that this financial crisis has provoked a suicide of innumerable deaths by suicide, but it was not the case. There were two.

US President Zachary Taylor overdose on cherries

Zachary Taylor historical facts
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After serving 16 months of office, US President Zachary Taylor died after eating too much cherry and drinking milk at the fourth feast of July in 1850. He died on July 9 of gastroenteritis. Acidic cherries and milk would have caused this.

Richard Nixon drawn to murder a journalist

Older Richard Nixon historical facts

It was a paranoid guy and Richard Nixon wanted to kill Washington's chroniclerJack Anderson, According to NBC News. Its intrigue included ideas such as poison in the Anderson Medicine Cabinet or the reporter's exhibition at large amounts of LSD. Fortunately, the plot has been abandoned.

Andrew Jackson had a vulgar parrot

Andrew Jackson and his Parrot historical facts

Andrew Jackson taught his parrot, polly, to curse like a sailor. There is even aLegend That the parrot had to be out of Jackson's funeral for his propensity to profanity.And you thoughtyou sworn.

Former US President Bill Clinton lost nuclear launch codes

Bill Clinton historical facts

The former president has seriously lost the personal identification number needed to confirm nuclear launches. And not just briefly. For, like,month at the end. It is all according to the president of the Chiefs of Staff, who (understanding) called this false not to destroy a "bargantua case".

The iron girl was not one thing

iron maiden historical facts

No, this supposed torture device has never existed. Generalized medieval use is a classicMyth of the eighteenth century, Supported because of the perceptions that the Middle Ages was a largely uncivilized era of violence and chaos. (They were bad, but notthis Wrong.)

Calvin Coolidge possessed a pair of lions

Calvin Coolidge's lions historical facts
Image via imgur

The former American president Calvin Coolidge had many animals, ranging from a donkey to a bobcat. Oh, and apair of lions. They were talented as small of the government of South Africa. Their names? Tax reduction and budget office.

The bloody Mary was not always called a bloody marie

Bloody Mary historical facts

The drinks and hangover of brunch popularizer did not start as being called Bloody Mary. Nope. It was actually calledA bucket of blood. Appetizing ... After the bucket of blood, it went to snapper red and, finally, Bloody Mary.

A woman was elected at the conference before women can vote

Jeannette Rankin historical facts
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A woman was elected to the American Congress before women could even vote.Jeanette Rankin The Congress joined in 1916, which accounted for four years before women can actually vote. The 19th amendment that gave women the right to vote was not adopted by August 18, 1920. And for more interesting history lessons, you may have missed, consult these30 crazy facts that will change your vision of history.

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