73,000 people want this famous city "Flavortown"

Guy Fieri is such a hero in his hometown, his colleagues residents want to honor him.

Citizens of Columbus, Ohio are found in online efforts to rename their city "Flavortown" in honor ofDINERS, DRIVE-INS and DIVES host and chief,Guy Fieri, a native of Columbus.

A change.orgpetition Created by Tyler Woodbridge opens with: "Columbus is an incredible city, but the one whose name is tarnished by the same name itself. His counterpart, Christopher Columbus, is in the wrong place because of all his violical, slave trading and genocide. It's not exactly a proud legacy, "Refer to the NBC seriesGood place And the passages of the Columbus newspaper describing the atrocities committed on Hispaniola Island.

"Why do not rename the city Flavortenne?" The continuous petition, explaining: "The new name is double. For one, it honors the proud heritage of the Ohio center as a culinary crossroads and one of the largest test markets for the nation for the food industry "Wording Woodbridge. "Second, Cheflebrity Guy Fieri was born in Columbus, so name the city in honor of Him (it's really good guy, really) would be higher than his current nomenclature."

Fieri is a nationally recognized host that appears on a number of food network programs. Its restaurant rebates on the derision of the New York Square got the derision, but pride is an accidental supporter of emergency workers in times of crisis, which earned him a very high reputation. In particular, Fieri Fed Feuchters in northern California during the shrubs and recentlyraised more than $ 20 million forEmployees of outstanding restaurants because of the coronavirus pandemic.

As a national estimates on police brutality andracial inequality Continue, Columbus's statues are conducted through the nation to raise awareness of its cruel treatment of indigenous peoples. Ohio's civic leaders have already dropped to reduce his statue of Christopher Columbus after which the state's capital is appointed. But from the publication, nearly 74,000 citizens have signed a petition in the hope of completely clearing the connection of the city with the inheritance of Columbus. (In touch:8 quick restoration brands supporting black lives.)

"I am not aware of the charter of my city of Columbus, so that it takes a vote of advice or petition or a referendum of the city - take the bullet for a tasty future",petition concludes. What do you think of renamed Columbus in Flavortune, Ohio?

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