Why this hilarious financial advice from this grandmother goes viral

She is as sneaky as a fox!

If your grandmother is something like mine, she likes to claim that she is everything impressive and ignorant to the ways of the world, but, behind closed doors, is as sneaky as a fox.

Judging by this tweet who has since become viral, I am not the only one who is grandmother is much more beautiful than necessary.

Sunday, a Victorian literature teacher and a social media manager with the Twitter @Lhlodder manager shared an exchange between herself and his "sweet grandmother, 85 years old."

When she and her husband called her grandmother to let her know about her new job, the grandmother responded by congratulating them, discussing for a little bit, and hang on the phone. Later, however, she called him back and asked him to open a secret bank account and never tell her to her husband.

"My grandmother is fierce," she concluded.

His position has nearly 10,000 retweets, and people loved the financial advice warning this grandmother. Provides, many people have very similar stories to talk about their own grandmothers.

"My grandmother controlled the money"A user wrote. "When she died, I had to help my grandfather go through all the paperwork. We found £ 85,000 !!!"

"The grandmother of my wife had a complete cruise planned for her, my wife and sister in case she decided to get angry at the altar"Another user wrote.

"When my mother is dead, my sister has found a shovel of $ 100 bills in an old handbag in his closet. Oh, and she was $ 350k in Walmart Stock,"Another user wrote.

As fun as these stories may be, the fact that so many of these women had to "race funds" also speak to the sad reality that their generation had to create secret accounts or start of money because they were financially Private. Thus, as fierce that Granny, it's nice to know that women no longer have to trace bills in their sock drawers in case the husband never decides to bounce back. Hurray for equality!

And for more more and more grandmother tips, you can feel free to ignore today's day and age,Discover these rules of old-fashioned meetings that do not apply.

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Tags: Viral News
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