20 pets who lived in the White House

Can we have a security clearance for a puppy and a coat at a paw?

The president fulfills many roles: a leader of the nation, the binding of America to the world and, in many cases, the guy who ensures that the greenery pills have been taken and that belly friction has been administered. As long as there have been American presidents in the office, there were also famous animals living in the White House.until the last administration, that is to say).

"Being the chef of the free world is probably a pretty stressful job. A dog or cat knows nothing politics and recalls simple life. Throwing a bullet with a dog or playing hunting games with a cat, is a brief escape from labor pressures, "says Dr. Liz Bales, VMD, founder ofDoc and Phoebe's Cat Co. "The link between people and their pets can have many health benefits, including a growing physical condition, a reduction in stress, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. There are also emotional benefits, such as The decrease in the feelings of loneliness and the simplicity of making their happy person and presidents are not an exception. When the problem becomes hard, a dog or a cat will always be a better friend. "

In this case, we gathered all these best friends who took the residence in the White House alongside their famous owners. Cats and dogs with raccoons and horses - and even on one occasion, a cock at a paw - it's a farm of an animal.

Cleopatra and Caesar


John Adams,The first president to take the residence in the White House, Was not about to leave his pets behind when he was moving. Instead, he brought his two horses, Cleopatra and Caesar, with him in Washington and had stables built on the property of the White House to welcome them. In fact, it was other than Cleopatra and Caesar who brought the second president to his inauguration ceremony.


Bill Clinton's cat, Socks
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Once a vagabond, Bill and Hillary Clinton initially adopted socks when they lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, bringing him later to the White House when the bill began his mandate in 1993. The cat. Black and white smoking lived in the White House of Clinton's presidential terms and was finally joined by Buddy, a Labrador Retriever adopted by the Clintis in 1997. Socks lived for 19 years, eventually passing cancer in 2009.

Him and her

Lyndon B. Johnson was not happy to go to the White House with only his wife and children. His Beagles Prize, he and her, have also come for the ride. In fact, lbj was a dog lover he had had the house of the white house redesigned to provide more space to his precious pooks. Unfortunately, puppies have not lasted a long time in Washington; She died just one year after lbj entered the White House and followed her the costume two years later.

Miss Beazley

George W. Bush's dog, Miss Beazley
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While many presidential domestic animals entered the White House with their owners, Miss Beazley-The Scottish Terrier of the Bush family - was adopted during the George W. Bush period. The puppy was a gift from his wife's wife from Laura Bush in 2004 and turned to Texas with the family before going as a result of a battle of lymphoma in 2014.

Murray the out-of-law of Falahill

FDR and his dog, Fala
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Miss Beazley was not the only Scottish terrier to take the residence in the White House. Fala (full name of Murry The out-of-law of Falahill) was given in Franklin Delano Roosevelt by a cousin in 1940 and settled in the White House the same year. One of the most famous non-human inhabitants of the White House, FALA was known for its ability to make towers, as well as the narcotizing devotion of the President. In addition to emphasizing the fact that only he feeds the dog, Roosevelt even appointed single - dropped the Pooch during a speech from 1944 to the Teamsters Union in which he refuted the accusations he had left Accidentally the dog behind after a trip to the averal islands.


Calvin Coolidge's raccoon, Rebecca
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Although the majority of white pets have been those of the feline or canine variety, Calvin Coolidge has decided that the mansion was also the ideal place to house a raccoon. After being sent the raccoon, later named Rebecca, to cook for the Thanksgiving dinner in 1926, the codrums chose to spare her life and keep her as a pet. In addition to building a tree house and take it on the walks around the property of the White House, Rebecca would also have been allowed to wander through the White House during his time.

Sunny and bo

Barack Obama's dogs, Sunny and Bo
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Two of the most famous presidential animals, Sunny and Bo are a Duo of Portuguese water dogs who lived with the Obama family duringThe mandate of Barack Obama as president.Bo was given to the family in 2009, his particular race chosen because the family wanted a hypoallergenic dog to avoid triggering allergies from the Malia daughter. And, in fact, BO was not the only member of his reach to win a place in the house of a government official: his LitterMate Cappy, was brought back home by the family of Senator Ted Kennedy. In 2013, Bo was joined at the White House by another Portuguese water dog, sunny.

King tut

Herbert Hoover's dog, King Tut
Image via the Hoover presidential library and the museum

Herbert Hoover was one of the few presidents to use her animal to help her campaign. In an attempt to make Hoover look like a man of the people, photos of the presidential candidate with his dog, a Belgian shepherd named King Tut, was released to the media, Grenouillant Hoover a wealth of attention and praise . Unfortunately, shortly after moving into the white house, the dog died at eight years.


John Adams was not the only president to keep the horses at the White House - in fact, JFK did the same thing. A gift from Lyndon B. Johnson to the eldest child of John F. Kennedy, Caroline, the first girl surrounded his pony macaroni and frequently mounted the horse around the lawn of the White House. Macaroni was far from the only white pet of the Kennedy family, however; The family also maintained several dogs, a cat, a rabbit, hamsters, parakeets and other ponies during their stay at the White House.

Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection

opossum Craziest facts

Rebecca The raccoon may not have been the strangest animal to take the residence in the White House. Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the country, was famous for having held two opossums, named Mr. Recovers and Mr. Protection, in the White House with him during his four years of office.


Gerald Ford's dog, Liberty
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The dog of Gerald Ford, Freedom (full name Foxfire Liberty Hume) was given to the President and his wife, Betty Ford, during the first year of the family at the White House. Just a year after his arrival, the freedom gave birth to a litter of puppies at the White House and continued to live with the Ford Family until his death in 1984.


parakeet presidential pets

Four-legged friends are not the only pets who have joined their human companions at the White House. During Dwight D. Eisenhower, he brought to the house a parakeet named Gabby, who lived with the Eisenhower family of the White House for three years until his death and is buried on the grounds of the White House.


George HW Bush's dog, Millie
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Millie, a Spaniel of English Springer belonging to George H. W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, not only lived in the White House with the first family, she is one of the rare presidential pets with aNew York Times Bestseller under his belt. The puppy and Barbara Bush publishedBook of Millie, a children's book, in 1990. Millie also gave birth to the puppies of the White House, including Ranger, adopted by the bushes and near a fetcher, raised by George W. Bush.


tiger cubs presidential pets

Martin van Buren easily holds recording for the most exotic pets to have never set foot in the White House. The eighth president received a pair of small-tigers by the Sultan of Oman, although the Congress finally prevented from becoming residents of the full-time white house and they were then given to a zoo.

Foggy Palarky Ying Yang

amy carter cat misty
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Attach the ranks of the most creative pets of the White House is Misty Mallarky Ying Ying Yang, the Siamese cat belonging to President Jimmy Carter, Amy. In addition to his unique moniker, Misty judged the distinction of being the last cat to live in the white house from 1981 to 1993, when Bill Clinton and socks are entered.

Boy of Laddie

Warren G Harding's dog, Laddie boy
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President Warren G. Harding's Airedale Terrier, Boy of Laddie, served parallel to the first family during the White House, from 1921 to the death of Harding in 1923. The dedicated puppy died in 1929, six years after the passage of His mastery, was later. Immortalized in a copper statue that is now part of the Smithsonian collection.

Coq to a paw

Theodore Roosevelt's one-legged pet rooster
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Theodore Roosevelt has kept one of the most special presidential pets during his time at the office. In addition to a collection of dogs, cats, cobays, a rat, pig, rabbit, barn's owl, hyena, pony, bear, snake, of the Macaw and badger, the 26th president was the proud owner of a coat at a paw.

Washington Post

washington post presidential pets

President William McKinley was one of the many presidential bird owners, keeping a Mexican parrot in the yellow head in the White House during his time in the office. The bird, named Washington Post, would have shown his patriotic spirit while whistling "Yankee Doodle Dandy".


Ronald Reagan's dog, Rex
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While Ronald and Nancy Reagan kept a menagerie of pets during their relationship, including cats, dogs and horses, their most famous animal companion was Rex, a jumper king Charles Spaniel who lived with them in the White House. From 1985 to 1989. The dog would have been terrified from the Lincoln room, but quite fortunately slept in his dog's house, a real palace of complete pets with portraits of his owners, fashioned by the Washington Children's Museum.

A bouquet of sheep

Woodrow Wilson's pet sheep
Image via the White House Historical Association

Although most presidential pets are adopted or purchased for the company, President Woodrow Wilson held its reasons for financial reasons. The 28th president maintained a flock of 48 sheep during his stay in the White House and used them as a way to keep the lawn of the White House garnished without having to pay the gardeners. In fact, sheep actually brought significant money, winning more than $ 52,000 for the Red Cross when their wool was auctioned.

Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / Pets
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