Why men are terrible risk holders

"Look at it!" He says. And then does something really, really silent.

Here is a fun game for you. Close your eyes and imagine a group of friends celebrating on a roof of the apartment. They havecocktails and enjoy the panoramic view of their city. Suddenly, one of them announces: "I bet I could jump to the other building." The others try to discourage such malvoying risks, but the friend ignores their warnings, insisting "it's not so far!" A jump is tempted and the surprise of anyone, the Daredevil falls to a very stupid and preventable death.

Now, in your head, did you imagine that the rider was a man or a woman?

Probably a guy, right? It just sounds like something that a man would do.

If you feel guilty of making a gender cliche as easy, do not be. Science sets you completely. A study published in theBritish medical newspaperConfirms what we already know: men take stupid risks. They watched the winners of the prestigiousDarwin Awards Over the last 20 years, from 1995 to 2014 - focus exclusively on people who, despite being in possession of all their facilities, have shown "a huge sensation of common sense" - and found that nearly 89% Of these stupid self-inflicted deaths of donkeys were caused by men.

"This discovery is quite consistent with the theory of the men of the idiot (MIT) and supports the hypothesis that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things," concluded researchers.

Why can not men make better decisions when it comes to our personal safety? Why are we still saying: "I will smoke all these cigarettes, have a group of unprotected sex, then drive a skateboard in a grizzly bear?" Here are four possible explanations for the reason the guys apparently have a death desire that just did not happen. And for more what men think here50 guys describe the woman of their dreams.

Because they are bored

Man, Lioness, Risk

Be bored, without any of the reassuring distractions that come alive in an age of social media, is the absolute worst. Do you know what's better than a few moments of painful boredom? Be electrocuted, apparently.

At least it'sAccording to psychologists Harvard and the University of Virginia, who tried to know how long people could be alone with their own thoughts. If you are a guy, the answer is "not very long". In fact, 67% of the male participants decided to give themselves at least one painful electricity jerk rather than sit in silence without being able to check their phones or anything like real prisoners of war! (Fortunately for you, weHave tips on how to treat your freezing dependence.)

This is not the first search to suggest that boredom can be dangerous for your health. To 2010study published by theInternational newspaper of epidemiology I found that being bored, at least statistically, meant that someone was 30% more likely to die over the next three years. Not because having a little boredom is deadly - despite what some pre-teens suggest, you can not really die of boredom - but because it could be indicative of harmful behaviors, "wrote researchers. I like smoking and drinking and being the guy who jumps in the zoo lion chamber because he was double-dare.

Because they are actually intelligent

Bungee Jumping

When we hear, someone makes a suggestion like ", I have a rope and an electric band, let's jump to the elastic", your first thought is probably not, "It is our generation Albert Einstein." But that's where you would be wrong. It is quite possible that the dumber the social impulse, the more intelligent guy who came with it's.

"A growing relative level of Qi brings a differential trend to exclude the overall intelligence of problem solving and over-tracking these instinctive and spontaneous forms of evolutionary behavior that could be qualified commonly", wrote Dr Bruce Charlton , an evolutionary psychiatrist at the University of Newcastle,In his 2009 study Why smart people are not always the best decision makers. The story is filled with examples, whether Thomas EdisonElectrocute an elephant Just to be a fool, Benjamin Franklin steal a kite in a storm,Or Charles Darwin eating owls and armadillos Because why not?, Or former President Bill Clinton, a scholar of Rhodes with a 156 qi (higher than Bush or Obama), thinking that making sexual favors in the White House could not end badly for him.

Because they are excluded

Bill Clinton

There is an old joke standing, or maybe it's a quote from Gandhi (we never know what memes from Facebook we should believe), who claims that you should never trust a man with a boner, because his reasoning power has been altered. It's funny because it's true. But other than anecdotal evidence (see the example of Clinton quoted above), is there a scientific evidence that erections make guys act as well. . . Dicks? In a word: Yup!

The psychologists of the Florida State University wondered whether men were indeed more likely to make doubtful risks while "mood", so theytest theory with 134 undergraduate men. Their results? We will put it in an inflexible staple useful: "If you feel excited, your life choices will be thorny."

You do not even need to walk with an erection of monsters to be a risk-taking machine. According toNew search Published inPsychological science, The mere presence of testosterone is enough to make men "less likely to question their pulses" or "realize when they are wrong". In other words, the perfect storm for Idiocy. The next time you see a guy doing sweetened sweater on a balcony, you now know why. It's not the four riders he has done since noon. It's his testosterone!

It's not even completely his fault. As this old says reminds us, it takes two to Tango. Or when the researchers of the UCLA Anthropology Department remind us, the chicks dig moron. (We paraphrasing.) It'sstudy Where women were invited to assess the attractiveness of potential partners and always choose guys who took the biggest stupid risks. Although this is not noted, it should be noted that risks involving games of chance, health decisions or ethical dilemmas. They were more interested in "risk taking risks in the areas of leisure and social". So, the guys who smoked the chain or eaten too much heavy carbohydrates do not need not to apply, but if they showed a party with a box full of snakes, well hellooooo beautiful. We should report, however,that there are many safe ways to impress women.

Because they have not done so yet, so what is the worst that can happen?

Dunning Kruger chart, risks

Let's go back to this hypothetical roof jump scenario that we raised at the beginning. When a guy is on the roof or about to take risks like that, all he thinks isthis scene ofThe matrix When Morpheus jumps effortlessly between buildings like gravity does not exist. (We all know that reality is going to bemore like that.) But he does not know it yet, because he did not try. His lack of knowledge and experience is what leads his confidence. He has not failed miserably, so maybe he will not do it! Maybe it will be amazing! Maybe it's the talent he never realized he had until the same time.

It's called theDunning-Kruger effect (There is a practical picture described above), named after a pair of psychologists named David Dunning and Justin Kruger who proposed the theory in 1999. The principle is quite simple. Your belief of your ability to do something you can not really do is directly proportional to your lack of experience in the extent of this thing that you can not actually do. "In short," they wrote, "the same knowledge that underlies the correct judgment capacity is also the knowledge that underlies the ability to recognize the correct judgment. Missing from the old must be deficient in the latter. "

If you are always confused,Here is a video By comedy genius John Cleese who makes everyone a clearly clear principle.

In the words of CLUSE: "If you are very stupid, how can you realize that you are very stupid? You should be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you are."

Whether it's a basic rule. If something rings in theory as it could be ridiculously Badass, but you have no real life experience to save it, others that "I saw it in one of these Donkey Films "or" Donald Trump was a real estate Tycoon and a TV star of reality without political experience and he became our 45th American president, so why can not I put fireworks my ass ", you are probably On the verge of making a terrible, terrible error.

Photo courtesy of William Poundstone.

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