This is the best way to make your bed safer
A better night's sleep begins with this easy cutting edge of beds.

For most people, sink into a memory foam mat is one of the greatest pleasures of life. Unfortunately, that the foam could be released toxic chemicals in the air you breathe while you sleep. A memory foam laboratory analysis cited inToxic61 found that volatile organic compounds, includingbenzene andnaphthalene have been degassed by the mattress. These compounds can affect things like hormonal balance and cause respiratory problems at certain levels. And the research published in theEnvironmental Health Archivesfound that traditional polyurethane mattresses not only caused pulmonary distress, but in fact reduces airflow in animal experimentation subjects.
Fortunately, that does not mean you have to risk your health to sleep a comfortable night. If a memory foam mat is what you desire, opt for the organic latex instead. An organic latex will give you the comfort you want without the risk of irritation. Latex mattresses are also hypoallergenic (except, of course, a latex allergy), which can be useful in the fight against mites.
The open space inside a traditional sprinkle mattress is like a retirement village for these virtually invisible bugs. They can set up shop and quick restoration on your dead skin indefinitely. If you are waking up with the eyes that sting, the nuzzle plugged or flowing, or are sneezing and wheezing out of the allergy season, mites might be to blame.
A natural latex memory foam mat is an option to reduce the number of dust mites in your life. However, if we do not adapt to your price or price point, there is still hope. Plastic mattresses and pillowcases can keep dust mites at the bay. It is also recommended to wash your bedding with hot water once a week. Make sure to dry your bedding on hot, so, to kill the mites that stay.
Your bed can not be as sure as you want, but only a few simple changes can help you wake up every morning refreshed feeling, healthy and ready to start your day. And when you want to sleep every night a more restful, put the20 nocturnal habits guaranteed to help you sleep better to the test.
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