The strangest summer tradition in each state

Wisconsin, we have some questions about "cow chips!"

It's not secret that Americans look forward tosummer time. The required beach of the season, boating and barbecue are timeless traditions that are difficult to top. But each state has its own summer activities that are a little more unique - and in some cases, just weird.

For example, in Wisconsin, people competely scream with dried cow cow dung gallets. And in a city in North Carolina, residents start searching for their favoritesXmas Toppers of the tree in mid-July. In other states, people love headless chickens and cattle built of butter. Obviously, there is something about the checked mercury that makes people's head.

In this document, we have compiled the most bizarre traditions that have declined in the 50 states of America and persisted, been after the summer. Prepare to be surprised by the crazy summer customs that your fellow citizens are prepared.

Alabama: Immerse yourself in the fishing rodeo on the high seas.

man fishing on dauphin island in alabama

Each year, 75,000 spectators attend the world's largest fishing tournament, theAlabama sea fishing rodeo. The inhabitants and tourists gather on the island of Dauphin d'Alabama in every summer of 1929 to watch more than 3,000 fishermen (and fishermen) compete with a range of price of fish-wrangling during aTournament of three days.

Alaska: Mix to the sky with blankets.

alaska blanket toss in barrow

Alaska's Native Americans celebrate the success of the whale hunting season in June with a death challenge activity: the throwing of blankets. This activity is part of theNalukataq Festival (also known as Barrow's whale festival), which takes place every year around the summer solstice. People are launched on remarkable heights using seal skins.

Arizona: Frying eggs on the sidewalk.

fried egg on a sidewalk

Hey, the concrete is hot enough, so why not crack an egg and give him a go? Thecity ​​ofOatmanIn Arizona transformed the sidewalk eggs into a full-fledged sport, celebrating its 28eYear of competition in 2018. The panel of judges distributes rewards to the youngest and younger fryers, as well as the cook with the most fried egg and the one that demonstrates the best presentation while bringing their yellow to a yellow Sizzling, according to theDaily News by Mohave Valley.

Arkansas: Spit Watermon Seeds.

kid holding a watermelon in front of his face as if it is a smile

Of course, your condition could have watermelon competitions, but they are also competing to see who can pull these tiny black seeds furthest away? This is what the inhabitants of Hope, Arkansas, have done every August since the 1920s, in theHope Watermelon competition. There is also a 5K race, a dog show and a so-called talent show "Watermon Idol Idol". (To be honest, we are still not exactly sure what it involves.)

California: Celebrate garlic as it is a god.

the gilroy garlic festival in california - weird summer traditions

Each summer, Californian residents gather to celebrate the scourge of the existence of vampires via theGilroy Gilroy Gillic Festival. (For the evidence, take a look at this monolithic garlic monolithic monument.) At the festival, the real fans of Diehard can find the most odious and the food niche flavored with garlic: cream Garlic icy.

Colorado: Write a headless chicken.

headless chicken standing on a log

Every month of June, Colorado meet to rememberThe bizarre, but true story Mike, the meadowless chicken. As history is happening, after the owner of Mike beat his attempt to prepare it for dinner, Mike prospered for18 months more headless. The annual festivities of Mike's memory take place in Fruita, Colorado and include a poultry show and a rooster call contest.

Connecticut: Take a ferry at Sherlock Holmes Castle.

gillette castle in connecticut

Yes, we know that the detective of smoker was Britishandfictitious bear with us. The actor who brought Sherlock Holmes to life,William Gillette, used part of its fortune to build a castle on the Connecticut river with 24 rooms with "puzzle locks, secret doors and even hidden mirrors" as historianEmily E. GiffordPut the.

Years later, in 1943, the state of Connecticut bought the property and appointed a state park. Now, Gillette Castle is open to the publicCommemorative day by the Labor Day,and visitors are encouraged to make a 250-year historical round on theChester-Hadlyme FerryVisit the castle.

Delaware: Watch Horseshoe Crabs Mate.

horseshoe crabs mating in delaware bay

Delaware Bay is the hot spot for this affair, UM, Sordid, where horse crabs are upside down and carry out their annual coupling ritual. And, as indicated by theWashington PostIt's something that people are shaking.

Florida: Attend submarine concerts.

Two mermaids practice performing for the Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival along a reef off Looe Key

In Florida, every month of July, people flock to Reef Kehe Key Reef's recourse to participate in theUnderwater music festival. There they dress in the outfit of the siren, throw on a diving equipment, catches their "aquatic instruments plus snazzes" divingin the seaAnd "Jam Out" (they do not play anything) with songs played on strong speakers.

Georgia: Add to a drag of dolls thrown.

close up shot of a creepy doll face

Summer is the perfect time for Georgians to crossDoll track (Just outside the Constitution Lakes Park, at Atlanta) and add their own "art found" to a winding collection of chance, including abandoned doll heads. Upon arrival, the cut doll arm will direct you in the right direction.

Hawaii: Attend ukulele festivals.

a ukelele festival in waikiki hawaii

Since 1971, the Hawaians have attended theUkulele Festival Hawaii In the Waikiki district of Honolulu, Oahu. There are jams, concerts and, as a strong point, an orchestral performance with more than 800 students. For those who prefer to move away from Waikiki's high increases in recent years, drift product festivals have appeared in Waikoloa and Maui.

Idaho: Watch the best fiddlers in the world face to face.

woman playing a fiddle in front of a large audience

An event of fanaticism and violin beginners, the "national finals" of the violinau took place in Weiser, Idaho, every summer since 1953. The long weekNational Fiddlers National Oldtime and FestivalIn June, of the characteristics of the swing dance, tart courses, and more than 200 competitors of more than 200 competitors - all are sure to rely on your toes in no time.

Illinois: Rivate to see who can sweep the fastest.

traditional turkish brooms

The objective of theArcola Broomcorn Festival In Illinois is simple: sweep the most seaside corn seeds through the labyrinth at the hole at the end. The sweeper with the greatest in the hole in the time limit of a minute wins the coveted broom corn broom.

The Festival, which has been an annual summer event for the last five decades, also includes races 5K and 10K (scanning not required).

Indiana: Watch people for milk on themselves ...

will power gets milk dumped on his head at the 2018 indy 500

... at the Indy 500, no less! The real hoosiers wait with breathing breathing to attend this tradition, where the winner of the epic breed discharges a bottle of milk on the head after crossing the finish line in the first place. As indicated byUnited States today,Indiana's dairy producers, known on the day of the race as "people of milk", proudly manage the responsibility to deliver the milk to the winning pilot and his team.

Iowa: Look at a cattle of butter.

a butter churn churning butter

For more than a century, thousands of visitors have flocked to monks to see a massive masterpiece of 600 pounds, fully made ofPure Iowan Butter. Serve as the sculptor of the room is a privilege that has only been delegated to five people since the beginning of the concept of cow sculpture in butter in 1911; In fact, the current cow sculptor,Sarah Pratt, spent an amazing 15 years as an apprentice before being charged with creating the sculpture itself.

Kansas: Your game of playing.

kansas renaissance festival weird summer traditions

One of the largest fairs of the fantastic rebirth, the largest and largest nation takes place in Bonner Springs, Kansas. At the twilight of each summer, from the end of August in mid-October, the 16th century is revived colorful at theRenaissance Festival of Kansas City. There you will find all the entertainment of the 16th century Europe: minstrels, mead and, of course, many and a lot of jousts.

Kentucky: Venerate "the guy".

jeff bridges john goodman and steve buscemi in the big lebowski
IMDB / Workpoint

Diehard fans of theBROTHERS OF COEN ' 1998 Cult ClassicThe big lebowskiwait impatientlyConvocation to Louisville with their comrades "Achievers". Think it sounds stupid? Yeah, well, you know, it's just, like your opinion,man.

Louisiana: Running a stampede roller girl.

roller derby contestants

In a single outlet on the famous SpainEncierro, or "current of bulls", New Orleans is traditionallyA completely bull version of the European event. Rather than being driven by the steers, however, these riders enter the race at their risk of pursuing "girls with casters", participants from Roller Derby Legues across the country.

Maine: Sprint on floating lobster crates.

rockland maine lobster festival

Every month of August, Rockland, Maine houses theLobster Maine Festival. There, participants can take local group concerts, testify to the coronation of the "Maine Sea Goddess" and, of course, eating tons and tons of lobster. But the main attraction (Yes, word game fully intended) Is it the great international breed of the lobster crate, where people see how much lobster traps they can face before falling into the frigid Atlantic. The current registration of a phenomenal box 4 501 has been set by a child of 12 years in 2008.

Maryland: Compete in a "Waterman Rodeo".

boats docked at st michaels marina in chesapeake bay maryland

The boaters of all the Maryland engine in St. Michaels, on the Bay of Chesapeake, forWaterman appreciation day Every August. The festivities include concerts, beer beer and a large number of former dusting crabs. But participants really flock to attend the "Waterman's Rodeo rodeo", a competitive ferocent boat mooring competition. All Shebang is for a charitable cause: Collecting funds for theMaritime Museum of Chesapeake Bay.

Massachusetts: Wait with impatience the horrible parade.

a fourth of july parade

Come the day of independence, instead of everythingred, white and blueMassachusetts houses a parade that takes all kinds of turbulence - both locally and nationally.

The Beverly Farms'Horrible parade is known for its propensity on the rise of the ante just a little too far: tIt regularly floats Jabs with national controversies such as the Tiger Woods case and the opioid crisis, as indicated byBoston magazine. (Once, the parade has even accounted for a Float having fun at a "pregnancy pact" in a neighboring city that led to a pregnancy of 17 pregnant high school students.)

Michigan: Panic on the fungus.

giant mushrooms in a forest

Crystal Falls, Michigan, houses the largest contiguous body in the world - a massive subterranhenous mushroom network covering more than 37 acres. This bizarre pretension to glory is celebrated each year with theHumonizing mushroom festival, which presents a parade, a strong competition, three competition competitions (pie, bacon and pasty), a cooking fungi and a "page Beardy for men" (which isexactly what it seems).

Minnesota: Embrace pigs.

minnesota pig kiss weird summer traditions

You mean your statenot haveAnnual Summer Collecters Revolver around the breaking of farm animals?

Mississippi: Whisk infinite lots of "return sauce".

comeback sauce (thousand island dressing

Southern lifePerhaps proposing its version of a recipe of this tasty condiment, but all the Mississipians of oneself are sure to know the secret ingredients at the special torsion of their family on "sauce back". The sauce, which generally consists of a Mayonnaise base and chili sauce, is ideal for soaking French fries or fried chicken with cooking in summer. Or, for healthier eaters, you can blur a spoonful on your salad to serve as delicit vinaigrette.

Missouri: Memorial Mark Twain.

mark twain portrait, amazing coincidences

Summer is the ideal season to reflect on all the Shenanigans of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, characters created by Missouri all-processesSamuel Clemens (better known by his pen name,Mark TWAIN) In Hannibal, Missouri, the charming native city of Twain, residents continue to mark its literary contributions with brand visits and Mark Twain Boyhood Museum, Mark Twain Cave & Campground, Mark Twain Riverboat and thenewly completedMark Twain Memorial Lighthouse. Better still, Hannibal hosts an annualTWAIN on the main festivalAt the end of May, where you can even put an image with Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher.

Montana: Browser on the quadrille.

woman wearing a victorian ball gown

Every summer, the alliance of the conservation of the city of Virginia hosts aLarge Victorian balloonWhere participants dress in their best period and prepare for Waltz in the evening.

Nebraska: Participate in the zoned chicken dance in the world.


If you want to see a serious chicken dance, head to Wayne, Nebraska. There, every summer, you will find the named to peopleChicken show, where participants will participate in a group of chicken events. On the menu: a pulling eggs, a drop of eggs, a hard egg contest, a wing housing contest (sponsored by the pizza hut, no less) and a hospitality zoo. Oh, and be ready to see a large number of people dressed as chickens and engage in chicken dance tracks.

Nevada: Fire to the burning man.

Fire explosion at Burning Man, weirdest summer traditions by state

This event of the week in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada is governed by 10 main principles: radical inclusion, radical self-sufficiency, expression auto-expression radical, joint effort, civic liability, gifting, cancellation, participation, immediated and leave no trace . Still confused? All you have to know is that it involves a ritual of burning with great wooden effigy ("man") and many illegal substances.

New Hampshire: Alpine slides of coastal cement.

attitash mountain resort alpine slides

In winter,Attitash Mountain Resort is a world-class ski school. In summer, it is a paradise of adrenaline in good faith. The mountain of Bartlett, New Hampshire, is home to a series of water-shaped alpine-linked toboggans in gentle-shaped natuses in the shape of gently cement instead of the streams of H20. and instead of lean hundred feet or moreA traditional watercolor parks slideI will send you, these twists and turn to the top of the mountain (1,750 feet) to the base. The journey runs from mid-June to mid-October.

New Jersey: Beach and Booze at the jersey shore.

jersey shore weird summer traditions

Without a doubt about it, the jersey shore is the ideal place to party during the summer months.Certain reports suggest that the County of Monmouth, the northernmost part of the shore, sees about 6million Visitors per season. After relaxing at the beach, you will see people who do not want the game ever ends the meanders at the clubs of the promenade. Enter if you dare!

New Mexico: Dress up as extraterrestrials.

alien abduction

In early July, New Mexico Pokes Pokes LightTheared fun to the famous 1947 event where a flying object (later identified by the US military as an altitude balloon) crashed in the city of Roswell with the city.UFO Festival. There is even an extraterrestrial car decoration contest! And for some ridiculous rumors that have not yet been taught, see these20 famous rumors that we all want to be true.

New York: Flip fins.

new york mermaid parade, weird summer traditions

New Yorkiansport their best seashells and their June scales for Coney Island'sSiren's parade, a tradition promoting self-expression, artistic talent and deep and respectful love of mythology.

North Carolina: Celebrate Christmas in July.

santa claus on a beach

Because 12 whole months are far too long to waitXmas Return, the County of ASHE of North Carolina holds aHappy Celebration of their industry of Christmas trees in full swing (one of the best producers in the country, according to theWashington Post) There is mountain music, a "best of the best" Christmas tree competition, and a short and-glasses of sunglasses wearing a Santa Claus.

North Dakota: Travel on the road on the enchanted highway.

enchanted highway in north dakota

Go to a reader on the enchanted highway, a 32-mile stretch that leads to the city of North Regent Dakotan, to watch seven series of scrap metal sculptures ranging from 40 feet to 110 feet and has fish, d 'birds, bugs, and more. Since 1989, sculptor since 1989Gary Greff has regularly added to the highway, according to theBismarck TribuneAnd in 2019, North Dakota legislators allocated $ 75,000 to maintain scenic sculptures.

Ohio: Craft castterpieces ribbon.

Roll of tape

You probably do not like the adhesive tape of conduct as much as the Ohioans. And bylove, we hear that they meet every summer, at theAvon Heritage Duck Band FestivalTo celebrate this merchandise by making the parade floats of the construction strip, thus holding a fashion show of the duct strip and having master craft screens of the duct strip.

Oklahoma: NODLING.

man catching a catfish in a muddy river

Fishing is already a sport requiring skills, but Oklahoma encompasses the intensity with their day-torn tournaments - the largest being decadesOkie Noodling Festival-Where the competitors are required to use nothing more than their hands to catch the biggest catfish.

Oregon: PARADE POINKS ... and other pets.

bulldog dog on a leash

Officially recognized by the State Department of Parks and Recreation of the State asTradition of the heritage of Oregon,The fourth of July Pet Parade in Bend, Oregon, was a tradition of trafficking since 1932. According to the chain of local newsKtvz,March and half kilometers parade a variety of pets including lizards, goats, snakes and dogs (of course).

Pennsylvania: Relive a classic science fiction movie from the 50s.

steve mcqueen in the blob

RememberThe Blob? Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, is certainly. The colonial theater of the city was in the background for several moves from the iconicSteve McQueen movie. And every month of July, in an event calledBlobfestThey strive to keep the spirit of science fiction of 20 centuries living with film screenings, costume competitions and live reconstructions.

Rhode Island: Place the river on fire.

rhode island waterfire, weird summer traditions

From the end of May, the Providence River is periodically. Every few weeks, people toForfire Providence Send more than 80 bonfires - in the form of Torchlit ships in the river and even better, each event is completely free!

Caroline from the south: Look at people weaving hammocks.

couple sitting in a hammock on a beach

At Pawleys Island in South Carolina, you will find the named appointed manner.Pawleys Island HammocksA 125-year-old company is the best known for the popularization of the rope hammock. During the summer months, the carolines of the South and the tourists - will flock to the city to watch the main craftsmen of Pawleys Island Hammock go through the meticulous and slow craft hammocks from scratch.

South Dakota: Compete in a mashed potato contest.

people competing in a mashed potato wrestling contest

EverywhereSouth Dakotans are registering to fight in a potato mashed pit. We guess they do not want sauce with that.

Tennessee: Watch people compete in "The race that eats his young".

asian woman running in woods

Few trail races on the planet are more difficult than Tennessee Barkley Marathons. It's a 20-mile orientation race through the woods - but the path is not marked, so it's easy to go. As such, runners have 60 hours to complete the thing.

In addition, according toRider's world, the entrance process is a secret; There is no race website, you need stairs in your application and a few dozen slot machines are assigned. Spectators and media are allowed only to see from two selected spots. In 2018 and 2019, no one is over.

Texas: Admire bats.

texas bat fest weird summer traditions

Every month of June, the huge colony of the Géxican bats of freetails (allegedly the biggest colony of bats in the world), the doosting under Austin's Congress Avenue Bridge gives birth to new puppies beats. In mid-August, puppies are finally ready to venture at their first flight.The spectators gather at dusk look in a fear like approximately1.5 million The bats running under the bridge to start their hunt at night.

Utah: Commutes by ski lift.

a park city utah ski lift in summer

As ski resorts, like Park City and canyons, try calling, even in the summer months less snow, manyrun their lifts In order to reduce car traffic congestion and always transport customers (and workers!) To their stations.

Vermont: Go for a bike ride.

pedaling a mountain bike

In a renown state forlack of law Prohibiting public nudity, Vermont cyclists embrace the chance ofCycle in their birthday costumes.OooKay, then!

Virginia: Watch the wild ponies swim.

ponies in the river assateague island virginia

In an event made famous byMarguerite Henry's children's book,Misty chincoteague, volunteer firefightersannually round About 200 wild ponies on the Assateague Island in Virginia and lead them to swimming through the canal on the island of Chincoteague. The ponies are shelled to an auction, where participants on the other side of the United States are buying and completing the foals of this season.

Washington: Pretending to be a pirate.

argh this be a pirate cap'n

No authorized lubbing, Mateys! Washington takes a pirate cosplay quite seriously, with a series ofSummer Events Pirate Orientation"With" sword "fighting," Cannon "screens, and Shanty watch - apparently on the recognition of the state's success in the fishing industry.

Western Virginia: Party on the road to the road.


To be completely fair, the Western virginians do not come toliteral Roadkill. But the heads of the region show their chops by competing each year in theWest Virginia Roadkill Cook-off, to see who can prepare the most delicious dishes containing animals killed on the highway. (Possum, squirrel, deer, bear and turtle that slapping are just some of the delicacies included in the menu.)

Wisconsin: Cow chips pieces.

two cows in a grass field

For those who do not know, there is nothing edible about a "cow chip" - actually the dried cow dung. AndSince 1975Wisconsinites competed to see who can launch their farthest cow chip. The recording to beat was defined in 1991 byGreg Neumaier, who dropped his chip a phenomenal 248 feet.

Wyoming: Wear kilts while throwing boats.

man playing bagpipes wearing a kilt

During the summer, Wyoming Aboriginal people will occasionally exchange their jeans and their privileged boots for kilnts and gherkins to honor their Scottish ascribs at theCeltic Cheyan Festival. There is authentic Celtic music and art, as well as a sports series of high terrestrial games, including the booster's jet, the sheaves and the heavy hammer's jet. And for more marine visits to the sea, do not missBetter lifeRoumpupThe best city of each state for empty breeders.

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