Amazon has just launched a new way of butcher

The retail giant makes waves with a new technology gadget.

Amazon directed the retail match throughout the coronavirus Pandemic thanks to hisEasy online store and express shipping. But now, society has increased ante further by introducing a new high-tech gadget in its Amazon Go Stores brick and mortar stores.To enter the store and pay your items, all you have to do is shake your hand.No, it's not a jessonian joke. Use of revolutionary biometric technology, theAmazon device a Provides a quick and contactless solution for shopping in person-something that is particularly important during the coronavirus pandemic. To make it work, you must insert your credit card into the machine and fly over the palm of your hand on the sensor. (You can also choose to connect your two hands to your account, too.) Then, the next time you visit an Amazon Go store, simply blink your hand on the scanner to unlock the door of the kingdom of retail kingdom .

But that's not all: there are many other innovative ways that the e-commerce empire could use this technology in the future. "We believe that Amazon One has a wide applicabilityBeyond our retail storesWe also plan to offer service to third parties such as retailers, stadiums and office buildings so that more people can benefit from this facility and convenience in several locations, "said the company in a statement. .

For more stores that testNon-contact customer service, continue to read. And if you are looking for soft sweet-birds specials,There is a secret store on Amazon with tons of popular items for sale.


customer scanning app at walmart register

As part of amajor redesignWalmart is completely reconsidering his experience of research and shopping. In addition to broadcasting each department to encourage social distance, the retailer will have an "omni-shopping" experience, leading customers to download the digital application to facilitate navigation in store. But the most impressive integration is a safe automatic order kiosk that acceptscontactless payment, like Walmart Pay. You can also buy Walmart products by ordering orders via your Amazon Alexa at home. And if you visit this vast retailer soon, it's important to knowThe best time of the month to score offers Walmart.


CVS Pharmacy Logo

The CVs recently failed another non-contactless method. The pharmacy and the convenience store placedVenmo and PayPal QR Codes at registers on 8,200 locations at the national level. (No receipt necessary.) In addition, in June, the pharmacy associated with Robotics Startup Nuro to test autonomous vehicles that would bedeliver prescriptions to your doorSo, you do not need to go to CVS in the first place.

SAM club

sam's club

Costco competitor makes progress to help customers through aWizard activated by voice. This contactless technology allows you to easily contact a store partner for a support for pricing, sales and general product requests. This can also help answer questions about CVIV-19 security guidelines and storage changes. And for more things to pay attention, these areThe 20 worst things to buy at COSTCO.



The South Grocery String has addedContact payment options To all its 1,200 stores as well as its ecological markets. This is in addition to the pre-existing digital verification using the Publix Mobile application. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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