17 things you only know if you are an average child

Sometimes it's fun not to be number one.

When it comes tobirth order, the children of the middle are hardly those, well, on the top. While theoldest child Take the role of leader and youngest is the coddled group, the middle child is generally relegated to the back of the pack. However, there are still many benefits that come with Smack DAB in the middle. So, in honor of the average day of August 12, we gather all thingsalone A child of the environment would be known.

You are more stable emotionally.

child meditating, middle child

Being the medieval comes with a lot of stereotyped skills such as patience, negotiation and mediation. But did you know that the birth order could play a role inMental Health also? According to a 2013 study published in theSocial psychiatry Journal, being the middle child makes you less likely to develop emotional disorders and ADHD.

You are naturally intended for great things.

child business man or president, middle child

If you are an average child, you probably have great things that get married. It's true! According toresearch throughKatrin Schumann, author ofThe secret power of average children-52 percent of the Americanpresidents are in fact average children.Abraham Lincoln,Theodore Roosevelt,John F. Kennedy? Allkids kids.

You are loyal.

three siblings leaning on each other, middle child

If you meet or married to an average child, you should be quite secure in your relationship. In SA 2003to study On order of birth and relationships, researcherCatherine salmon have found that 80% of the children born of the Middle did say they had nevercheated On a partner, compared to only 65% ​​of the Topic and 53% of the last born.

You are a leader, not a follower.

boy smiling, middle child

Average children preferred to be unique than trying to act anything like their older brothers and sisters. Why? According toKevin Leman, author ofThe birth certificateIt goes hand in hand with the need of a middle child to find ways to stand out.

"Once a role is filled by the firstborn, the secondborn will look for a completely the opposite role," said LemanParents. "If the older sister is a pleasant parent, the middle child could rebel to attract the attention. The child's child is the hardest birth order to classify, but whatever the traits he develops Play firstborn. "

You are a natural meditator.

two children hugging

If you are the middle child, you often spend time being stuck literally in the intermediate bargaining fights between your younger and older siblings. The good news? According to the neonactress Jennifer Garner, all goes at the end.

"I am the middle of the middle", said GarnerParade. "I'm patient and I like to take care of everyone."

You have rarely won a fight with your brothers and sisters.

mom yelling at son, middle child

Being an average child, you rarely have someone on your team about brother fruits. Your parents'advice Was always the same thing: Respect your elder brother and be nice with your youngest.

Unfortunately, however, this lack of "winner" can have harmful effects on an average child. Depending on the search forNorthwest UniversityThe child neophed - especially boys - are more likely to become troublemakers or act in a delinquent behavior than firstborn.

But you came out with more.

child sneaking around, middle child

Although like a child, you never really gained a fight and sometimes even feeling invisible, the advantage of this was that you could often escape you more.

"As a child's middle, my parents have always been too busy wondering what my little brother entered and too focused on maintaining my older brother," BloggerSébastien Gaudin RecountHuffPost. "Just by default, I was the one who gave a tag more freedom."

You have always been deceived for your youngestand older brothers and sisters.

three siblings laying together, middle child

Even if you lookednothing Like your brothers and sisters, like a child, you have always managed to be called the two.Teachers I would like to confuse you for the elders and friends of the family you confuse for the group's baby. And unfortunately, this seemingly harmless mix can actually lead to the lack of identity and feeling of inadequacy that are often called "Middle Children's Syndrome. "

Your parents have hurt you.

three siblings in a car together, middle child

No introduction is also as embarrassing as that given for the middle of the child. After all, your parents can present your other brothers and sisters simply by saying "it's my older" and "it's my youngest", but what can they say for you? You're just ... the middle. Unfortunately, it just does not have the same ring.

You have always had to share a room.

two siblings fighting in a shared room, middle child

If you are the middle child, then you are probably used to noroomactually be yours. Before your younger brother is not stopped, you were generally relegated from home with your older brother. And once they were judged "too old" to share a room, you were then upset with your younger brother.

You liked when your older brother was gone.

siblings laughing and playing together, middle child

It was always a good day when yourbrother ring Was not around because it meant that there was a new sheriff in town: you. As much as you would never have admitted to wanting to be the oldest brother, it was nice to play as a day or more. And unfortunately for your young brother young, younever Took this work slightly when you were lucky.

You have learned to stand out.

kid smiling in class, class clown, middle child

Seeing as we have given you the short end of the stick in birth order, you should be quick to learn to make a name for yourself. AsRichard Cash written in an OP-ED forPublication of free spiritThe middle kids often turn to become the "class clown" to stand out.

"Some clowns just want to be seen! As a child environment myself, I always did things right to be seen and heard," he wrote. "This is one of the most important reasons I went to the theater: I wanted to be on stage. The attention seeker will do funny things to get gratitude or stand out from the crowd."

You tend to look more creative.

child painting, middle child

That it is acting like money or writing asCharlotte BrontëThe average children are also more likely to become prosperous creations.

"Far from being sentenced to failure and loneliness, average children are more likely than their brothers and sisters to succeed and appreciate a strong life and thriving careers," said Schumann forThe daily mail. "The apparent disadvantages they suppress in childhood are beneficial, in many cases, giving them the attributes of empathy, independence, articulation and creativity."

The headquarters of the medium is not fun.

kids fighting in the backseat of the car

Although there are many hidden benefits that come with the middle of the child, something that is not so amusing to be the second and the second youngest who must stay in the middle all the time. Your older brother was "too big" for that and your younger brother was too precious, so every long drive has left you uncomfortable between the two.

You have heard all the references of the pop culture you can take.

stephanie full house tv show
IMDB / Lorimar Television

Brunch BRADYJan and Stephanie deFull house are only two stereotypesfictional children You have always been compared to. On television and movies, the children of the community are often presented as forgotten or left out, and, as much as you do not want to admit it, you could remind you.

You are a dying race.

Asian Mom With Two Kids, skills parents should teach kids

If you are an average child, you do not have to tell you two times that you are special. But as it turns out, the children of the environment also become rare statistically.

According toPEW Research CenterIn the late 1970s, the average mother had given birth to three or more children, so has had an average child. However, by 2014, the investigation notes that the "Family of Four Children once dominant has been replaced by the family of both children". With most families now only have two children, middle kids are actually aboutextinction.

You know that the good things are always in the middle.

kid eating oreos, middle child

Oreos, Boston cream donuts, plush cheese bread - What do they all have in common? Their best parts are in the middle! So do not worry about being the middle, because most often, the environment isthe place to be. And for more information that will help you stand out, here's150 random facts that will make you the most interesting person of the room.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: family / kids
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