17 the greatest parents' lies always say teachers

It's time to tell the truth about your "perfect little angel".

No parent wantsstart the school year on the wrong foot. So, in the attempt to make their children look good - and getting better, parents tend to inform teachersWhite little lies We are all guilty of pronouncing. But the truth is that any educator can see directly through this project that you have just "helping" your child with or your apologies to be late for the trip on the ground Tuesday morning. To avoid getting away, we gathered the greatest lies that parents are trying to go beyond the teachers of their children every year, directly from those who give them and those who hear them.

"They never act this way at home."

mom yelling at little girl, parenting myths

If your child behaves badly at home, they probably do not suddenly play like a perfect little angel in the classroom. But it's nothing to be ashamed. When unfavorable behavior belongs to your child's teacher, do not lie and act as if you are in the dark. Instead, work with your child's team at school so you can find a solution together.

"Discover the root of behavior without excusing it and propose strategies to help," writesKIMBERLY VALZANIA on the popular blogScary mom. "Working with - Instead of teachers and administrators is a key strategy for correcting behavior."

"They did not have this problem last year."

classrom Never Say to a Teacher

Teachers speak. And it is not difficult to know if your child was a problematic student in their previous class - after all, they can just ask your child in the teacher's salon. So do not try to hide or lie on your child's problems. This only leads to mistrust between parents and teachers, provokes problems for the student.

Charles M. PayneProfessor at the School of Social Services Administration at the University of Chicago, examined this relationship in his book.So much reform, so little change: the persistence of failure in urban schools.According to Payne, a lack ofconfidence Among the teachers and parents creates dysfunction in schools, compromising high quality education. So, be honest with your child's teacher, even if it means revealing bad behavior, can actually help your child succeed.

"We do not curse home."


No parent does not tolerate their cursing child, but they learned these bad words fromsomewhere. And no matter how you will protest, your child's teachers know that you are the probable culprit. In fact, it's scientifically proven! Search for theCollege of the Liberal Arts of Massachusetts In 2012, children learn to swear at an earlier age and do more often than before decades ago. The reason? The rise of mauds in adults.

"As soon as children can talk, they use jure words," study co-authorTimothy Jayexplained in the report. "It does not mean they know what adults know, but they repeat the words they hear." And even if parents can have rules against swearing at home, almostTwo-thirds of adults surveyed Admitted to break their own rules on cursed - sending mixed messages from the child to the appropriate language and this is not the case.

"They go to bed every night at 8 o'clock."

little girl asleep in bed, bad parenting advice

Sending your child to bed quickly at 8 o'clock. Every night could be your goal, but it's probably not your reality. After all, theNational Sleep Foundation reports that only about 15% of adolescents receive the necessaryquantity of sleep Every night, chances are high that your child is the 85% of others. If their teacher asks why their eyes are barely open during the first rules, do not lie to hide the truth. Use it as an opportunity to seek advice from your child to give advice on the reality of these dreams at bedtime.

"We check their record / agenda every night."

mother packing kids book bag for school, lies parents teachers

Teachers know when you do not abandon an active role in your child's education, especially when you are about verifying their file or agenda at night. And when you complain that you did not know a mission due, you give yourself.

If you actually take a retrodiffuse role in your child's education, consider that a 2010 study published in the journal.Child development found that students ended up with fewer behavioral problems and better social skills when their parents were more involved in their schooling.

"My child was a student right before that."

old report card, things you should never say to a teacher
Shutterstock / Saphotog

First, your child's teacher can easily remove their report cards from previous years, so it's so that the notes are looking for you to have red hands. Second, consider that being fixed to perfection is actually prejudicial to the education of your child.

"Claiming your child's note is unacceptable because they have always been an" a "student demonstrates an unrealistic performance standard for the child, as well as a sense of law that teachers will instantly find an update, "saysKatie R., an English teacher in Connecticut. "Most teachers today spend a lot of the creation of topics to evaluate what standards have or have not been fulfilled by a given student because their acquisition of new skills in classroom qualities are not data. Arbitrary way. Parents should review these headings so that they can see exactly where and why their child has lost points. "

"They were good this morning."

father feeling son's forehead, things that annoy grandparents

Parents may not be eager to leave their children miss the school, but claiming that you have not heard this cough before jumping on the bus is more than a harmless fiber. If your child goes down with something, do not send them to schoolsick and lying to their teachers about it. Not only does this do not allow your child to rest and get better, he also endangers other students. The disease like the influenza of the stomach, the pinkey and the throat of Streptose are very contagious. So, once, a child goes through the corridors with one of these diseases, she has passed and around.

"No, my child has no lice."

Little boy itchy his hair on white background, parenting is harder

Just as you should not lie about Strep, you should not also stretch the truth about lice. And you have no reason to:Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), head lice are common nuisance in children who do not reflect their personal hygiene.

Since the head lice are so easily transferred from one head to another, many schoolsNew York City-Avoir a "headless" policy where students who have live head lice are excused. Keeping your child at home until they are free from all bestiole from the educational community.

"They are not often in front of a screen."

kids playing video games, relationship white lies

In 2010, aKaiser Family Foundation Survey of 2,000 school-aged children found that the children's screen time was on average nearly eight hours a day. So, if your child's teacher poses a screen question and you say much lower than this number, they can suspect that you are lying down. Instead of trying to make you look great, give your child the teacher an opportunity to help you find a solution for your child to file the iPad and retrieve their reading book.

"They did it alone!"

school project, lies teachers parents

Although there is a lottalented children In the world, no teacher believes your non-artistic child has become suddenly becomeLeonardo DeVinci overnight. There is no harm in helping children with their school projects, but teachers know that the diorama is especially the work of a parent.

"When we have to" help ", we have to evaluate whether we help listen to our children or our own gain,"Wendy Wisner written onScary mom. "He serves no one for parents to do the projects of their children themselves. Finally, children have to learn to do things themselves, in their own way - even if it means that their work will be less impressive."

"I just have no time for a conference of parents-teachers."

parents meeting with teacher, parent teacher conference, things you should never say to a teacher
Shutterstock / Africa Studio

Every teacher knows the struggle of a busy schedule, and they know thatparentsdo too. However, do not use that as an excuse to get out of the meeting with your child's teacher. Most teachers are more than willing to take the time to meet the parents of their students, even if it means stretching their own schedules to do it. But if you do not want to meet them in the middle and you find yourself about it, it does not suit you well with teachers, who could be detrimental to your child.

Search for theUniversity of Missouri In 2016, the perception of teachers of their students plays a role in the student's success. "If a teacher has good relations with the parents of a student or perceives that these parents are positively engaged in the education of their child, this teacher may be more likely to pay particular attention or make an extra effort for this student"Keith Herman, the co-author of the study, said in aPress release. "If the same teacher perceives the parents of another child to be unused or to have a negative influence on the education of the child, he will probably affect how the teacher interacts with the child and the parent."

"We were late because of a flat tire!"

young boy and girl siblings leaning out of car window, bad parenting advice
Shutterstock / Creatuiva Images

Everyone runs a little from time to time from time to time, but if you throw the excuse "punctured tire" on your child's teacher every month, they will eventually think that you are the parent who cried the Wolf.

Instead, work on the introduction of routines in a productive way that will help bring your child to school in time. From backpack packaging the night before to create a morning music playlist to raise spirits, there are many ways to make things happen. And it's better to get cracked now since some schools haveStarted at the finish late students.

"My child will be out of school for a large family obligation."

classroom desk,

Yes, teachers find it disruptive when students are too absent, but do not let it prevent you from compensating if necessary. If you plan holidays for your little ones, be just honest about it. Teachers understand that family time is important and they are generally willing to help, as long as parents do not lie why their child will be absent.

"The school is not going to take you to the trial court to go to Disney World for a week. Take the holidays"Amy Scott, an eighth-year-old North Carolina teacher, saidSlate. "Ask your children to collect their missions in advance and work in the car or on the plane." However, Scott warns who asking for class work in advance creates more work for the teacher, so be sure to thank them or even get themsmall gift Show your appreciation for their extra work.

"It's certainly my signature!"

woman signing papers, teacher parent lies

Sometimes aparental lying Protecting their child comes back only to bite them. A teacher revealed onReddit that their colleague faced a difficult situation with a college student who forged his fatherSignature on a failed test. And surprising, when the teacher confronted the parent, he also lied to cover the child.

But when the father complained to the teacher about a great school project, he said he had never been informed of the teacher, the teacher had the proof: he "signed" "The papers sent home with students explaining the project. It has been saved in a corner. Moral of the story? Do not lie to protect your child, especially when it comes to forging your signature.

"The previous school / teacher of my child was the problem."

teacher meeting with parent and student lies teachers tell parents

The old schools or scapegoers teachers are a problem for two reasons: 1) This is probably not the whole truth, and 2), it will not be encouraging to the current teacher of your child. In fact, it could actually put you - and unfortunately your child-in a negative light with their new educator.

"It can trigger alarm bells for teachers, because the common denominator in a long history of negative experiences with schools seems to be you and your child," said Katie R. "Moreover, he talks about volumes on Your attitude towards educators and school systems in general. "

"We did not have money for school supplies."

back to school backpack filled with supplies

There are many families unable to provide funding for school supplies and, generally, teachers are more than willing to help. But they also know when you just jumped thetrip And falsely blames on the funds.

"If you tell us that you do not have money for school supplies or outings on the ground, but your child still has money every day for ice cream at lunch, we know," says a Primary school teacher of South Carolina.

"My child never lies!"

parent teacher conference,

Everyone Lies, even your child. And your trendlie For your child's teachers, where he comes from the complete circle. Search published in the newspaperScience of development In 2014, in 2014 showed that children who attended adults in their lives were tend to lie more themselves. "All kinds of farmers may have to re-examine what they say to children", author of the studyLeslie Carversaid in adeclaration. "Even a" little white lie "could have consequences." And for the things that parents should never lie in general, consult the25 things you should never lie to your children.

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