20 ways that emotional intelligence can make you a better leader
Become the type of boss you have always admired.

Effective leadership is as valuable as rare. However, for many people in high-level roles, it's easy to be more effective than your MBA program may not have been prepared for: Increase your emotional intelligence, or EQ. Although many people assume that strong leadership means taking a difficult approach, emotional intelligence - the ability to understand and modulate your own emotions and react with empathy to others - is much more valuable in the long run.
Research published in theEuropean Business and Management Journal reveals that emotional intelligence is strongly correlated with success as a leader, giving businesses a competitive advantage and helping them function gently on a daily basis. So what about business and emotional intelligence go hand in hand, exactly?
"Emotional intelligence is crucial to be a great chef. This includes both knowing what we feel and pay attention to the feeling of followers / subordinates," saysKaren R. Koenig, Mr. Ed., LCSW. "Emotional intelligence allows leaders to inspire but do not push too hard, be strong but sensitive and treat others equitably, but not activate." In addition, even if you are still in an average or lower level position, emotional intelligence can also do wonders on your career. Because you want to take the next step of the ladder, discover the20 ways that emotional intelligence can help you get a promotion.
1 This helps you better understand your employees
You can not be an effective leader if your employees are not more numerous than COGS in a machine. Fortunately, by stimulating your emotional intelligence, you can help to know your employees at a personal level, better understand how to motivate them in the process.
"Emotional intelligence improves your ability to see things from the other person's point of view, including what other people can think and feel. As a result, a higher EQ allows you to better understand the actions and decisions , as well as their needs, "saysDr. Inna Khazan, PhD. And for more ways to strengthen your equation, see these20 ways to increase your emotional intelligence.
2 It gives you more confidence
Being a good leader means staying hard, even in the face of adversity. Fortunately, when you are emotionally intelligent, it's easy to feel confident in your strengths and know how to effectively manage the strong emotions and opinions of those who work below you-something that could otherwise throw you otherwise of your game . And when you want to be more confident, start with these20 daily confidence boosters for advance at work.
3 This makes you more self-sensitive

A lack of self-awareness can be a murderer when you try to carry out effectively. The good news? Working on your emotional intelligence can help you recognize your own workplace needs and those who work for you.
"I heard a story of a customer that his supervisor has committed a snarky comment when she was upset, which made my client feels stupid and more upset," says Koenig. "His supervisor had it been more thoughtful in his words, my client would have been better able to calm down more quickly and learn what his supervisor wanted from her." And for more ways to get the most out of your 9 to 5, see these50 inspiring success quotes that will boost your days.
4 It increases the camaraderie
Being a good leader does not consist of how to direct people. In fact, much of being a good motivation manager has just enjoyed the camaraderie with people with whom you work and make them feel comfortable and appreciated. And, of course, being emotionally intelligent makes it much easier to make your appreciation of the individual skills of your known employees.
5 This helps you refine your own skills

Effective leadership and rest on your laurels are unfortunately mutually exclusive. The good news? Emotionally intelligent leaders have the necessary motivation to continue polishing these leadership skills so as not to be complacent. And for more tips on how to take your career at the next level,This is the fastest way to be promoted.
6 This increases your productivity
Productivity and emotional intelligence go from hand for leadership positions. When you are an emotionally intelligent leader, you understand the reasons why things must be done and do not let your ego hinder, even if it means admitting your own mistakes.
"One of the most important issues that reduce your productivity helps to avoid difficult or unpleasant emotions," says Dr. Khazan. "EQ helps you become more aware of such emotions and allows you to cope with useful means, reducing avoidance and increased productivity." And when you are ready to become more efficient at work, discover these20 ways to prove productively.
7 It makes you nice
A little kindness goes a surprisingly long way when you are in a leadership role. "Because EQ helps you better understand the experience of other people, it becomes easier to see and empathize with the struggles of other people then to be more kind in your actions and answers," says DR Khazan.
Fortunately, when you are emotionally intelligent and observe the feelings of your employees, it's easier to be kind to them. In turn, they will work harder for you, when you ended up motivated by someone who sorely barked orders to you? And when you want to be a nice person, start with these20 ways of being less nasty.
8 It increases the satisfaction of your work
It's hard to be an effective leader when you're afraid to go to your day and day. The good news? Emotional intelligence can help you identify why you want to work, which you like about it and help you solve things that hold you back.
9 It reduces the stress of the workplace

Stress in the workplace can be important for those of leadership roles, but a small emotional intelligence can help mitigate this side effect often prejudicial from a high power position. With a little work on your own emotional intelligence, things that would have otherwise insisted you, as an employee who has trouble or a list of expanding tasks without however, can be treated calmly and collected. And if you feel overwhelmed, try to relax with these30 easy ways to combat stress.
10 This helps you stay more equaled

Know your stress triggers and keep a cool head is much easier when you are emotionally intelligent. Being able to identify and cope with some of the increased emotions at work before becoming a massive headache can help you keep your cool in front of your employees. Understanding the potentially catastrophic consequences having a melt or screaming mass at an employee could have stopped you from checking, keeping your business gently along the way. And for more ways to manage your emotions, try these25 best instant mood boosters.
11 It helps you think outside the box
People are afraid of failing often to have a difficult time to accept new ideas. Fortunately, those who have many emotional information is not afraid to think outside the box, even if the old way of doing things was more comfortable. The new ideas are the white stone of any good deal, after all.
12 It opens communication channels
A scary leader is rarely effective in the long run. The good news is that to be emotionally intelligent can make you more understanding and, as such, a leader, your subordinates are not afraid to communicate with. This often creates a positive cycle at the workplace: with more communication, you become more efficient and you have more comments to give your employees.
13 It helps you admit when you are wrong
It's never easy to admit when you have made a mistake, and this is especially true for those of the executive positions. Fortunately, for those who are emotionally intelligent, it is easy to recognize that one failure does not make you fail and admit when you have done wrong. This type of honesty will make your employees respect you more in the long term.
14 This makes you more open to your employees' ideas
In addition to thinking outside the box on a personal level, emotional intelligence can help you increase your receptivity to other ideas. When you appreciate and respect your employees and you empathic with them, it is easier to treat their contributions as valuable.
15 This helps you remember the talent
If you are eager to stop the endless turnover of your business, it would not hurt to brush on your EQ skills. "People want to work with leaders who are more dismissed for their needs, are able to communicate effectively and respond to their compassion and understanding employees," says Dr. Khazan.
In the long run, promoting these emotional connections with your employees will pay them tribute to staying in their positions instead of looking for a job capable of feeding them professionally and personally.
16 He stairs the lost time

Emotional intelligence can be a serious time gain for leaders. Unmotionally smart people are not afraid to shake things, even if it means there is a chance of failure. A leader with a high QE will know when an email can be subbed for a meeting of the hour, or vice versa, even if the change is an initially frightening perspective.
17 This helps you recognize your own motivations

This is not an easy task of separating your personal feelings and the professional side of you who knows when things need to be done. Fortunately, a small emotional intelligence can browse a long way when it comes to recognizing why you do things like a leader. Simply continue what the boss before doing? Are you agitated angrily? Do you bring stress from outside the office at the workplace? Are you not clear why something needs to be done in a certain way? Once you have understood your own motivations, it is easier to separate your feelings from the facts about what needs to be accomplished.
18 It improves your problem-solving skills

Whether you're dealing with a difficult, troubled employee to find ways to develop your new business or feel emotionally exhausted, emotional intelligence can help you. Emotional intelligence makes you more receptive to new ideas, helps you get up after a perceived failure, and helps your emotions check when you are frustrated, everything that can help you more effectively to resolve in the long run.
19 It reduces competitiveness

Competition in the workplace can be a serious cause of stress, even for the most Stalwart leaders. The good news? Recognizing your own talents in the workplace and those of others, rather than comparing itself to the person with the biggest office title and more flashier, you can seize this nature unnecessarily competitive and enjoy your work for what you Wish. to be.
20 This makes you more content out of your work

Being an effective leader means being determined in the job, even when you feel less than motivated. Fortunately, be emotionally intelligent can help you better navigate into relationships outside of work, thus reducing your daily stress and facilitate the stay of content when you are off. In turn, this will facilitate the possibility of staying focused on the task to accomplish when working and maintaining a healthier workplace work in the long run. And when you want to shake things at work, start with the40 Best Ways to Restart Your Career.
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