11 letters "spam" that you should never throw

The basket of a man is the treasure of another scam.

These days, the majority of the information you get in the mail are also available online. It is therefore easy to treat these versions of paper like garbage. Pay Sheets? To recycle. Utility bills? Do not need it. This confirmation of reservation for a next concert? Trash. But wait - not so fast! These "spam" letters contain more personal information that you might think and simply throw them could put you at risk ofidentity theft.

As 16 million people have been victims of identity theft in 2017, according to a report ofJavelin Strategy and ResearchYou will want to treat your mail with serious care. In this case, we gathered the "spam" letters that you might not realize that you may not make you vulnerable to crooks. As for these mail pieces, it is always better to shred instead.

Medical records of your veterinarian

chocolate is bad for dogs

What could the thief eventually win that your dog had two shots last week? It is not, this is not the procedures of your pet that the hackers take care of their name. A 2013 surveyGoogle controlled found that the mostCommon passwords contain the name of a pet.

This means that you will probably want to shred these letters from your veterinarian. In addition, you should change your password if it's something as simple as Fido123.

Pre-authorized credit card offers

close up shot of a silver credit card

Just because you do not accept a credit card offer does not mean that it would be impossible for someone else to - and your name, to that. Although it is unlikely of a random scam, a random scam would be able to seize them from your mailbox and request acredit card Without any other information, anyone with access to your home probably the opportunity to take your social security number and apply.

This happens more than you might think: in 2014, 550,000 victims of fraud and identity theft reported that their information was compromised by a person they knew, according toJavelin Strategy and Search Data for CNBC. Instead of throwing these offers with the rest of your mail, you will first want to execute them through the shredder.

Mail of your child's school

The school of your child probably sends you a lot of mail. But just because you do not need it yetanotherReminder that your child has a future trip, it does not mean that the piece of paper can go directly to the recycling basket. Consider this: In 2017, more than one million children were victims of identity or fraud, according to the Javelin report.

The research also found that the thieves were able to fly $ 2,300 with the identity of a minor, more than double the average amount stolen adult victims. This means that if you get a school-related mail for your children - reporting cards to school registration forms - you should shred down to avoid switching potential fraudsters to all personal information.

As for adults, some 60% of infantile identity victims knew the author personally, according to Javelin's report. So even the smallest number of additional personal information could be all that someone has to steal the identity of your child.

Medical records

Doctors appointments become frequent after 40

Like all health and health insurance records - including obsolete insurance forms, prescription statements and prescription bottles and labels - all documents you get in the mail of a medical agency should be shredded, according to theFederal Trade Commission (FTC).

These forms could not only put you at risk of regular identity theft, but they could also leave you vulnerable to the medical identity theft, which occurs when someone uses your name or health insurance numbers to view a Doctor, get prescription drugs or file claims with your insurance provider.

Payment stubs of your employer

employee pay stub book, spam letters

Even if you choose to get your online pay heels, many companies will always send you paper copies in the mail. And although you can simply leave these envelopes to stack on the counter before throwing them after the tax season, these heels can sometimes be used to verify the identity - or so that someone else to prove that They are you.

In addition, pay-heels usually show your health insurance provider and some of the information in your bank account. It's the surest to tear them.

Utility bills

man looking at his utility bill, spam letters

A look at your utility bill can facilitate the possibility of opening up your own utility accounts in your name. "Very little information is needed to open a utility account"Brett Montgomery, a leader of fraud operations at the Identity Identity Resolution Center,Credit.com. "A name, a phone number and a service address are generally sufficient - and in all cases, the service address belongs to the criminal."

Montgomery says that the best way to protect yourself is to shred invoices and other documents before eliminating them. "A lot of information used in utilitarian fraud are simply drawn from the victim's basket," he says.

Bank statements

bank statement with pen, spam mail

The simplest way to fly someone's money is to feed on their bank account numbers, which can sometimes be found on paper bank returns. This means that if you eliminate bank statements, it should only be by a shredder. And for even more security, exchange your paper bank statements for online states. Not only are they morerespectful of natureBut they are also much easier to protect too.

Booking confirmations

40 things people under 40 don't know

If you have trips or reservation confirmations sent via Snail Mail, you will want to shudder these documents once you have finished with them. A route lists the exact dates and hours of your next commitments, making it a dream for burglars.

All mail with personal signatures

birthday card

Yes, this includes these birthday cards. Access to your signature (or one of the signatures of your family members) gives any thief the opportunity to forge documents in your name. And although many people like to keep these personal notes, if you decide to throw them, you will want to send them through the shredder.

In addition, since you can not control the shredding habits of other peoples, you may want to print your name on the cards you send in the future.

Recipes inside online shopping packages

Opening a Package

Online shopping Maked many more accessible things, but that does not mean that you can be totally carefree about your Internet purchases.

All receivers and return labels included in your packages are likely to include all kinds of personal information, full name and address to the last four digits of your credit card number. So, once you have received your purchase, make sure to shudder the documents included in the package.

Any envelope addressed


For the greatest protection, you will want to shred any envelope that includesyour name and address. The matched information is more useful than you think about identity theft.

In addition, shred everything you receive in the mail is the only means surefire to get rid of sensitive information carefully. And for more ways to protect yourself, consult the17 essential tactics of password protection you certainly do not.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Finance / Home
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