This is why CVS recipes are so coming from long

The secret reason of these recipes are the length of the Torah

One of the largest mysteries of American pharmaceuts is the reason why recipes are so extremely long. You buy a deodorant box and a chewing gum package and get a receipt that vaguely looks like an old Egyptian scroll.

But all pharmacies, the CVS is by far the worst when it comes to wasting paper.

There are entire redit wires dedicated only to images of people with greater CVS revenues that they are, and CVS recipe images that rolling paper rolls are constantly viral on social media.

The subject even generated a litany of memes.

There is even a Halloween costume dedicated to this cultural absurdity.

cvs receipt halloween costume
Lord Nugget / Reddit

And whenJimmy KimmetheAccommodated then-President Barack Obama In 2015, he did not miss the opportunity to ask the chef of the free world to stop madness and do something about this very important question, showing him a long receipt of CVS that he received after having nothing Purchased more than a bar of snickers.

cvs receipts

The question remains: why are CVS receipts so incredibly long?

The answer? They try to get you to buy more things.

If you have already reviewed your CVS receipt, you will notice that it is filled with coupons for other items. The first thing to note is that these extra-long recipes are usually given to those who have loyalty cards that offer them discounts on the products in exchange for their name and telephone number.

Which means that if you buy a lipstick tube, for example, you are likely to receive a long list of coupons for other cosmetics (although the question remains why Kimmel then had 25 cents of batteries After buying a candy bar like both do not seem to be linked).

Speakingto theBoston Globe in 2013, Head of Chief Marketing CVSPrice dress Justified the long recipes offered to the Extracare Club members with the brilliant line ", of course, our championship buyers will get championship recipes."

CVS representatives also stated that after listening to customer feedback, they would make an effort to shorten revenue, but that does not seem to have taken place.

Recently,Vox writerRachel sugar to reach To the company to ask why the recipes were still so extremely long and that a spokesman responded with the same vague promises as usual:

"We are still listening to customers' comments [and have] taken a number of stages in recent years to redefine the elements of our receipts and the extrabuck rewards that print them to make sure we make them shorter where We can also make it easier for customers to understand how many rewards they have won or what savings they can enjoy. "

For what it is worth it, CVs have introduced the concept of "digital revenue" in 2016 for customers who wanted a paperless option and that a spokesperson said that this new system has been saved "more than 3 Billion thumbs of paper ", but noted that" many buyers continue to prefer the paper option. "

If you want to register for the digital option, all you have to do is let the cashier know at the cashier. But, given its popularity on the Internet, it is unlikely that this literal paper trail will happen soon at any time. And for more information on the secrets of your favorite stores, learn the30 incredible secrets Walmart managers do not want you to know.

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