That's why Ronrones cats

Here's your last lesson in decoding a secret language of a feline.

If you have already been the main parent of a feline, it's a good bet that you have found a way to decode, at least in part,THEIR MYSTERIOUS LANGUAGE. Sweet meanders who salute you when you walk through the door ("Where are you going?!") To the persistent chatter that comes, like wheels, in Sundown ("Nourris me. Now."), their strange statements start to make a certain type of meaning. But no matter the black belt of the feline translator belt, a question escapes the answer: why do the cats ronged?

Believe it or not, the roles of your cat make it incredibly unique, with regard to felines. Purring is a unique feature that the average house of the house shares with only a few other members of thefelidae Family of animals, including the bobcat, the cheetah, the Puma, the Wildcat and the Eurasian lynx. This means that the biggest cats-lions, tigers, leopards and panthers - do not grumble.

According to The Congress Library, the Ronrant sounds that your cat is caused by the intrinsic laryngeal muscles (internal) that open the glottium - the space between the vocal cords - causing a separation of vocal cords, which is ultimately how thepurr The sound is created. It is said that all this act is stimulated by the neural oscillator, located in the chat brain.

As for why cats purring, the answer is often quite simple: they are happy. (Or, at least, content.) In fact,according to Veterinary experts from Physicians Foster and Smith, at the beginning of cat life, purring serves as a crucial communicator between a cat cat and his kittens litter; A purr tells the mother cat that "everything is fine". This is particularly common during the nurse process, when kittens can not nurse and miaou at the same time, creating the need for a purr, an action that can affirm content without asking the kitten to stop nursing .

Ok, so why will cats be running when they grow up?

According to the Library of Congress, purring is also a "natural healing mechanism" because the chokes emitted by the cat actually produce low frequency vibrations that have been linked to "reinforcement and repair of bone, pain relief and the healing of the wounds. "In addition, the purring can also be a distress call - may need the modified litter box, or a filled water bowl - so make sure you keep a wishing eye if A cat acts in insparely affectionate.

On a happier note, the purronniers can also be an indicator that an older cat wants to play, according to the Physicians Foster and Smith: "The oldest cats purring when they play or approach other cats, indicating that 'They are friendly and want to get closer. " Stranger cats? Friendly one with others? Yes, we will believe that when we'll see it.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: animals / Pets
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