25 fascinating facts that you have never known about the boy scouts

No, it's not all about campfires and tie nodes.

The boy scouts may seem a little old. For one thing, now, it's just scouts. Starting in 2017, girls are also welcome as boys do not have the khaki flower and uniform,ultimately bring the organization to the 21st century. But the boy scouts also continues to teach basic ideas of decency and conviviality (and the survival of hardcore nature) that may seem ... a little strange in that time of constant connectivity.

Although many people think they know what Scouting is all about (nodes, especially), it turns out that this venerable organization has an original past. Here are 25 unexpected facts about boys scouts.

J. Edgar Hoover used Scouts to build a fingerprint database

50 funniest facts

The relationship between federal and scouts returns. The director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover has often organized Scout visits at the FBI headquarters and in 1937 hesupervised writing From the badge brochure deserves fingerprints of the organization. The scouts that take the badge gathered fingerprints on the training they would transmit to the Civil ID section of the FBI. Although separated from its criminal database, it nevertheless allowed the organization to gather the IDs of many Americans.

Atheists are always forbidden

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For decades, the BSA was known to refuse the admission of "girls, gays and without God". Although they updated their rules on the first two groups, they quickly kept the group atheists. Last summer, the groupaffirm that "The National Executive Board of Scouts of America reaffirms by present its unequivocal commitment to the declaration of religious principle as a fundamental component of the Scouts of America."

InUp,Russell's merit badges have hidden meanings

© Disney / Pixar

One of the most recognizable Scouts (Ahem, "Wilderness Explorers") on the movie, the Russell too friendly ofUp Rocks An impressive belt of merit badges. But if you look closer, it turns out that it hides deeper messages. As/Movieto explain: Russell has a badge for a 2D animation and one with the Luxo ball. Another badges shows a hamburger with a candle, which is a tribute to Merritt Bakery, an old bakery and a restaurant on southern Merritt Lake in Oakland - and there is a production story behind her inclusion.

Producer Jonas Rivera explains: "Pete and me, when we work on a movie, we are going almost every week at night (in Merritt Bakery) to sit at the counter and eat cake and talk about the movie. One of the things we saw on there was the burger cake - it's shaped like a hamburger. We thought that "it's so ridiculous," so we made a tendency to buy only for our crew meetings. And one of the Russell badges is a burger cake. There is a little love of Oakland in the movie. "

Many Scout programs have been co-edited for decades

Three scouts boys and girl standing on the cornfield - Image

While the United States has collectively panicked - then almost immediately ceased to stop - when it was announced in 2017, the BSA would start to admit girls, many scout organizations around the world have long admitted that boys and the girls. Name two: Canada (who released his "Forbidden girls" PoliticsIn 1992, Change his name to Scouts Canada in 2007) and England (place of birth of Scouting Movement, where girls have been authorized since 1991).

Some scout programs have also allowed girls

WELLINGTON, FL - November 11, 2017: Scene from the Wellington Veteran's Day parade on a sunny Saturday morning showing Girls Scout Brownies and Daisies - Image

These are not only foreign countries that are more open-minded on the girls of Scouts. A number of BSA organizations have long allowed girls, such as theRisk program, started in 1998, focused on encouraging community service projects and other types of citizenship initiatives. Also open to girls: theExploration program,Scouts, andScouts of stem.

The BSA added to the British Scout Law

DETROIT - FEB 8,2013: Joe Parton Scoutmaster overlooks BSA Scout Oath on the floor of Dauch Scout Center in Detroit. - Image

The original Scout Act consisted of 10 points. In short, they were that a scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, nice, obedient, gay, economical, and clean. But when the scouts of America created his own law, it features characteristicly presented courage and religion in the mix, making "courageous" and "reverent" two of the different parts of the law.

Norman Rockwell was a big fan

Norman Rockwell

An old scout himself, the famous American artist made no secrets to being a fan of the organization and all he represented. After serving the first artistic director ofBoys' lifemagazine, he put his money where his pens were, illustrating theBrown & Bigelow Boy Scout Free calendar over a period of more than 50 years (jumping only two years) - does not mention a number ofSATURDAY POST Covers featuring Scouts.

Scouts helped after the pearl port attack

When theDay that will live in infamyArrived, Honolulu Boy Scouts rushed with those who had been affected, administering first aid to those injured and relaying messages on foot and bike. Like Fred Forbes, Executive Scout of the Honolulu Council,written in a brief telegram Explain the answer: "Scouts of Honolulu and Scouters in emergency action communication, first aid, general assistance, utility.

They once offered a badge of merit of "walnut culture"

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Although you can think that this has been introduced during the agricultural enthusiast of peanut aroused by the election of President Jimmy Carter, in fact,the walnut crop badge, Who taught Scouts to grow nuts, almonds, pecans and more, was interrupted in 1954 decades even before Carter even ran.

The FBI has recruited scouts like informants

FBI agent Amazing Facts

In 1971, an FBI program known asSafe operation (Emergency awareness scout) has been revealed. The program has encouraged local police services to recruit boys scouts as informants, so that they can do unusual activity in the houses of their neighbors, in the bearing phase or other suspicious behaviors. The program aimed to provide 20,000 "extra eyes and ears for the police service".

The founder caught and bakes the rabbit at the boarding school

Pygmy Rabbit Smallest Animals

No wonder that there was once aBadge deserves rabbit. Lord Robert Baden-Powell-The man who created the very idea of ​​Scouting and helped to launch an international movement - would probably seemed a bit bizarre today. While at boarding, La Charterhouse, Baden-Powell spent his free timeHunting, catching and cooking rabbits. He has also continued to be a war hero (and has created an organization that has shaped young men and women for more than a century to come). But do you go, catch your own meals like a child? It is over there.

The Tomb of Baden-Powell is a national monument in Kenya

bad puns

You may not be surprised to learn that the grave of the patron saint of Scouting is considered a national monument. But what is surprising is that it is not in England, where he initially founded the movement of Scouting, or even the United States, where his largest organization is based. In fact, it'sburied in Kenya, a country that he often described to be loved and where he spent the last years of his life. The bridge proposes the law on the law on the right and the law of Girl Guide on the right.

The sister of Baden-Powell created the Girl Guide organization

Little girl walks on mountain trail during an excursion. with the backpack. - Image

B.P sister (As he was known to his friends), Agnes Baden-Powell, founded the Girl Guide movement in 1910, just a few years after the launch of Scouting. She wrote theManual for girl guides or how girls can help build the empireand served the first honorary president of the Organization (until the honor is adopted at the British Princess Marie).

Scouts accompanied Shackleton on his last expedition

 Ernest Henry Shackleton, Irish explorer

The celebrated Explorer Ernest Shackleton shared one of his last adventures with a pair of scouts. James Marr and Norman Mooney wereGiven the opportunity jumpQuest After winning a contest.

The BSA used to have rivals

SAINT LOUIS, UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 16, 2017: Eagle patch and merit badge sash on Boy Scouts of America (BSA) uniform - Image

Although we thought that Scouts of America are as being the only organization of this type, there were actually some rivals early in its history. The most important was the Scouts of American boys, formed by the Tycoon William Randolph Hearst newspaper in 1910 (a few months after the BSA Foundation). Although the Organization has claimed to offer the same type of characters' strengthening activities that BSA better known was more than a fundraising racquet and has finally been targeted and filed by BSA leadership.

Scouts used to transport firearms


Part of the reason the BSA has come after the Scouts of the American boys are so difficult that the latter organization has won a lot of bad press in the 1910s because of the fact that it has allowed its members (boys also young than 10 years) toWearing loaded rifles. Yikes!

Taxidermie was once a merit badge

Taxidermy deer Head on Wal

This one was probably a shot with parents, like their young boys brought carcasses of pets - or sought to commemorate the deceased pet. Win badge, scoutshave been invited to "Prepare and label a study skin correctly: (a) a bird; b) a small mammal," with warning ", no specimen will be accepted which has not been captured and killed humbly to the extent that Scout is responsible and none that has not been legally killed. "In other words, stuffed white head eagles have been blurred.

The first representation of David Bowie was in a scout camp

Hunter Desportes / Wikimedia Commons
Hunter Desportes / Wikimedia Commons

A boy scout in England, David Bowie (Born Jones) transformed his participatory colleagues at Bromley Scout Annual Camp inhis first audience(Do not consider turns in the choir of its local church). With a friend George Underwood, Bowie rocked the ukulele and a string bass, performing a pair of British singer songs Lonnie Donegan.

Paul McCartney and John Lennon were scouts

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It seems that Scouting was just what you did when you were growing up in the UK. Like Bowie, McCartney did hisdebut as an interpreter At Camp Scout, singing in front of his fellows to the annual Jamboree in July 1957. (It would happen with John Lennon in a non-scout show for the first time three months later).

11 of the 12 men who walked on the moon were scouts


And it's not the only oneImpressive statistics reflecting the long relationship betweenNASA and the Scouts of America. More than two-thirds of all current and elder astronauts have been involved in Scouting. Of the 24 men to travel on the moon, 20 were Scouts (including the three members of the Apollo 13 mission).

The President is always the Honorary President of BSA

Obama Presidential Inauguration Legos

Since William Howard Taft has been named the first Honorary President of the BSA in 1910, the President of the United States still hasbeen named The honorary president of the boy Scouts of the boy.

A single American president was also a scout eagle

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Photo12 / Universal Group Images via Getty Images

While a number of US presidents were former Scouts (George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy) or even Scout leaders (FDR had been president of the Grand Council of New York), only one president Already reached the honored status of the scout eagle:Gerald Ford, who warmly spoke the organization several times and whose family even asked a guard of honor of 200 eagle scouts for his funeral.

David Lynch and Steven Spielberg are Eagle Scouts

Steven Spielberg

Apparently, this merit badge of movements has generated a cinematic interest. These two famous (andvery Different directors have won the rank of eagle as young men. Provocative documentary Michael Moore is also an eagle. And for Backsttories A-Lister more interesting, see these50 Facts of crazy celebrities that you will not believe are true.

Harrison Ford and Jimmy StewartAre not Scouts Eagle

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These two actors (and other entirely American personalities such as Hank Aaron and Walter Cronkite) are often told incorrectly to be eagle scouts, but they have not reached this rank, even if theyappear as they should have. Sorry, indy!

There was a bunch of merit badges of agriculture

Beef cattle cows

Scouting used to really be in agriculture: pork and pork production, beef production and dairy were all once deserve badges. Used as something an alternative to future farmers in America, the BSA offered many "breeding" badges to the 1970s, while many of them have been combined under a badge of an animal science. The most obscure activities of the lifting of pigeons and beekeeping were finally interrupted completely. And for more facts, you will not believe, check the 50 facts about America that most Americans do not know.

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