17 little things you can do to help endangered species

Build on you on endangered species and wildlife conservation can have a significant impact.

According toWORLD WILDLIFE FOUNDATION (WWF), at least 10,000 species disappear each year. Given the enormous problems causing the decline of thethese speciesloss -habitate, extreme weather conditions,climate change, Pollution and the more it can be difficult for the average person to imagine how they can help. But there are a number of things that people can do to help reduce the damage to global biodiversity. For starters, here are 17 ways you can help endangered species.

Learn about endangered species in your area.

US fish and wildlife service

There is probably more in danger and threatened with animals in your area and you think! TheFish & Wildlife American Service Offers a card of species threatened by the state. Knowing what animals near you are in trouble is a good first step to do something about it.

And pass the word on these species with other loved ones.

Diverse Group of Female Friends

Once you know which animals are in danger, let others in your area know. Share information on social media and tell your friends and family at threatened species. Animal protection emphasize that endangered is not only to raise funds for theNamibian black rhinoceros Or another creature on the other side of the world, it is to protect the endangered species in their own backyard, too.

Make your home easy to wildlife.

A Water Bottle Bird Feeder Reuse Disposable Items

Save the planet starts at home, literally. You should take steps to make sure yourThe house is favorable for the surrounding fauna. Start by making sure your garbage can have secure lids, your garbage skips are covered and away from the fence (to avoid climbing animals or getting trapped), and your bird feeders are out of reach of other animals . The more you are in the desert, the most important steps are. Regardless, the basic protections of local wildlife must be taken even if you live in the middle of the suburbs or the city.

Put stickers on your windows.

white decals on window

Nearly 1 billion birds die Every year to break into the windows flying. Do your part to reduce stickers on your windows during the migratory season. Establishment of translucent contact paper orbird band Outside your windows will not reduce the light that crosses or your views, but it will seriously cut down the probability that birds hit them.

Visit of a national wildlife refuge or a park.

national wildlife refuge

Part of you educate you on endangered species is to see them for yourself. Make a day trip to a refuge all wild animals condition (seeThe complete list here) -Ou, if it's too far from a trek, visit aParc nearby. Seeing a refuge for yourself can help you get a local fauna appreciation and people who protect it.

Volunteer for the Fish & Wildlife American Service.

boost your confidence

Better still that the visit of a wildlife refuge helps protect one yourself, serving as a volunteer for theFish & Wildlife American Service, Which oversees shelters throughout the country. The organization currently has tens of thousands of volunteers, helping to restore habitat, education, and other responsibilities. But they still need more! Check out their volunteer portal to find out how you can help in your area.

Do not leave the hiking trails.

hiking trails sign

When you pay a visit to an outdoor area, make surestay on the official track. Taking shortcuts or unexplored paths can lead you to disrupt habitats, tromp in breeding areas, or involuntarily expose the area to predators and pests.

Keep your animals in check.

Bulldog Pug Mix Mixed breed Dogs

Domestic animals can bemajor threat for local wildlife. Keep your dogs leash each time out and keep your cats inside. In addition, make sure to feed your cats and dogs inside to avoid the remains of food to attract wildlife and put at the same time your pets and the visit of the creatures in danger.

Recycle your cell phones.

recycling electronics

It may seem much easier to throw your old phone to the trash or leave it on your dresser instead ofrecyclingBut that maybe laziness kill inadvertent animals halfway around the world. It is, the extraction of precious metals such as gold and lead coltan with decimation of gorilla habitats in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Recycling of increased phones has been foundcontribute to reducing incentives to mining. Put your phone in the right place and you could save a gorilla in danger.

Do not throw.


This is just a generally responsible thing to do it, but it can also affect wildlife and endangered species, given the many ways that litter can disrupt habitats and well-being animals. For example, some types ofLitter can poison and injure birds. AndRejected food can cause food problems For other animals. Make sure you launch a trash can at the place where it belongs.

Cultivate native plants.

father and young daughter planting plants in a garden

A direct channel to help protect endangered species is to make sure that plant species originating in your area. Although they can be beautiful,Exotic plants can free ravages On the population of local plants, kill vulnerable species that depend on plants for food. CheckIndigenous plants' conservation campaign Learn to plant local.

Avoid using herbicides and pesticides.

man spraying pesticide help the earth
Shutterstock / Encierro

They could kill pests and weeds, but these products can alsocause other problems Fit and down the food chain. Find out if the products you want to use are safe for the wider ecosystem and consider abandoning them completely.Beyond pesticides is a practical resource for more information on alternative options.

Coupe on plastics.

woman recycling bottle, things housekeepers hate

Single-use plastic bags with plastic bottles, we use a lot of useless plastic that canFind in natural habitats, or around or inside the animals themselves. Use alternative biodegradable products such as paper bags and straws or reusable water bottles to reduce your waste and the likelihood that your single-use plastic creates long-term problems.

Avoid products made from endangered species.

snake skin handbag

You probably know how to avoid the products of fur and ivory, but there are many other properties created by destroying endangered creatures, including products usingTortoisesell, Coral and Same Cactus. Of course, they could look good, but if you suspect even slightly that an article caused a creature, it is better to buy something else.

Exhort your representatives to support the law on the preservation of the paw and finishing finish.

man on his phone

TheAct of conservation of the paw and the end of the end of 2019 Inverts efforts to weaken the endangered species law, reintegration of recently designated wildlife protection protections as "threatened", strengthening the process of inclusion of species at risk, and more. Call your local conference member and ask them toco-sponsoring the law.

Do not buy palm oil (unsustainable).

palm oil

The production ofPalm oil causes deforestation and destruction Habitats of a number of endangered species in all tropical forests of Indonesia and Malaysia. Instead, look for palm oil that has been Certified RSPO, approved by theWildlife World Fundand produced to respect global wildlife populations.

Donate to a conservation organization.


If you can not allow you to volunteer your time to help endangered species, your money can also go a long way. There are many groups working to help, some focused on specific animals or regions, and others taking a global approach. This roundabout offers aReputation selection options to consider.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: animals / Facts
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