These are the secret meanings of the colors of the flag of pride

Each color on the flag of rainbow pride has a specific symbolic meaning.

It does not matter who you are, where you live, orHow are you involved in the LGBTQA + communityYou can probably identify the flag of rainbow pride. The famous six-color model has come to represent LGBTQIA + people around the world, crop over everything, buttons and pins with sneakers and scrochies.

However, despite the prevalence of this symbol today, the proud flag saw some removal of significant changes since its creation less than 50 years ago. To understand the meaning of the colors of this light symbol of equality, we discovered the secret meaning of each hue in the flag of rainbow pride.

The origins of the pride flag

Before creating the flag of rainbow pride, there was another symbol for the LGBTQIA + community: a pink triangle. This triangle, however, had a busy and anti-gay story. Throughout the Holocaust, the Nazis forced those they emit as gay to wear inverted pink triangle badges, just as they forced the Jews to wear a yellow star from David.

In the late 1970s, the pink triangle was somewhat recovered by the gay community. "Homosexualspink triangle Today as a reminder of the past and a commitment that history does not repeat ", read a letter of 1977 to the publisher ofTime. Nevertheless, activists recognized the need for a more autonomous symbol.

The first rainbow flag

Enter:Gilbert Baker, the man who would create the first flag of rainbow pride. In the late 70s, Baker lived in San Francisco when he met the writerCleve JonesFilmmakerArtie Bressanand rising activistHarvey's milk. The trio encouraged Baker to create a positive emblem for the LGBTQAIA + community.

Baker has accepted and looked at his community for inspiration, especially those who dance to the ballroom of San Francisco's ballroom of San Francisco music a night. As an excerpt on the website for his succession, the Gilbert memo,Rainbow warrior, includes his memory to decide to do therow flag:

The crowd was as much part of the show as a band. Everyone was there: North Beach Beatniks and Barrio Zoots, bored bikers in black leather, teenagers in the rear row kiss. There were long-haired girls in belly dancing, pink puns, pinned with safety, hippie suburbs, movie stars so beautiful, they left you Dumbstruck, gayboys muscle with mustaches. Perfect, butch dikes in blue jeans, and fairies of all the genders in savings store dresses ... We were all in a whirlwind of color and light. It was like a rainbow.

A rainbow. This is the moment I knew exactly what kind of flag I would do.

eight color pride flag designed by gilbert baker

The eight colors of original pride flag

The oldest version of the Flag of the Baker Rainbow, 1978, included eight colors: hot pink, red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, indigo and purple. According to its succession website, Baker has awarded a special meaning to every color of its pride flag.

  • Rose hot = sex
  • Red = life
  • Orange = Healing
  • Yellow = sunlight
  • Green = nature
  • Turquoise = magic / art
  • Indigo = serenity
  • Purple = spirit

The flag of pride colors today

Almost immediately after the eight-colored rainbow pride indicator has been unveiled, it has been changed. Following theAssassination of Harvey's milk On November 27, 1978, the flag demand increased considerably. As the hot pink fabric was difficult to come, Baker dropped this band from his flag.

In 1979, the flag was changed again. According to Baker's Estate, it is because when he was suspended vertically from the lamp positions of the Market Street of San Francisco, the central band (turquoise) was obscured by the similar color lamp itself. Baker dropped another band, which resulted in the six-strap version of the flag that we use most often today, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The blue that replaced the indigo now symbolizes harmony.

Here are the meanings of the colors in the Flag of the current pride:

  • Red = life
  • Orange = Healing
  • Yellow = sunlight
  • Green = nature
  • Blue = harmony
  • Purple = spirit
rainbow pride flag in belgium

Beyond the rainbow

Today, there are even more flags of pride. As the tip of pride, a plethora of other flags was designed to representdifferent groups of the LGBTQIA + community. The flags were created for people who identify as bisexual, pannexual, asexual, polyamore, intersexual, transgender, genderfluid, genderequer, polsexual, agendere, aromantic, non-binary, and more!

And many rainbow pride flags are back to eight scratches. In 2017, Philadelphia proud unveiled a newFlag of Rainbow pride with brown and black stripes Designed to embrace people of color in the LGBTQIA + community. Created by the Tierney Design Society, the new,Flag of pride more inclusivecan now be seen around the world.

rainbow pride flag with black and brown stripes

So if you hold a rainbow flag to a Parade of pride Or wearing one on a garment, you can now do it knowing everything it represents. And for more of the history of pride, we answered the question, we answered the question. Why is it called pride?

Categories: Culture
Tags: Facts / LGBTQ / Trivia
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