You may need to rename this room in your home because of slavery associations

Although many real estate professionals are eager to spend the term, change is not supported by everyone.

If you are considering real estate lists, you may notice a surprising change in the terminology used to describe a key hall of many houses and apartments in the near future:The main suite is renowned for many real estate agents.

According to a report of 24 June in theChronicle Houston, the Association of Houston Agencies (HAR) has decided toMake the term "master" as it applies to real estate, noting that this could be perceived as havingLinks to slavery. In its place, the group will use the word "primary" as in "primary chamber" and "primary bath".

"This topic is currently being debated in the real estate industry and the National Standards Organization for MLSS (multiple list services) will consider a similar change that could render" primary "the new standard nationwide," said HER in A declaration.

master bedroom or primary bedroom in modern home
Shutterstock / Bread Bread

Change is gaining support with many real estate professionals, with agents outside the Houston region, also pushing the switch into their jurisdictions.

Real estate agent based on PhoenixPaul Weldensays that theThe name can feel exclusion Not only to people of color, but also to women and non-binary people. "I think the term" master bedroom "or any variation of these should stop being used. It can beconsidered racist And even biased sex, "he explains.

Welden says that, in addition to the "primary room", sentences such as "the master bedroom", "the owner's room" and "bedroom with bathroom" are adopted in the real estate community.

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However, everyone in the real estate company is not so happy about change. The National Real Estate Association (NAR) indicates that the use of "master" in real estate lists does not violate the guidelines for fair housing. In a statement by Nar, PresidentVince Malta There would be no implementation of these changes at the national level. "NAR does not see any reason that real estate professionals can not use the term because there is no evidence that he has a historical connection to slavery or any other type of discrimination" , explained Malta.

Welden admits that there is not much evidence to support the conclusions of the term slavery, noting that one of the first registered uses of the term came from Sears in the 1920s as a way to describe a room with a Private bathroom. But it supports to change the term nevertheless.

The debate on the sentence "The master room" has even more attention recently when the singerJohn Legend Tweeted on this subject, emphasizing that racism in real estate can go even deeper than this sentence.

Yet some say that small change could have a major impact to make the world of real estate a place more inclusive. "If a word is offensive to more than one handful of people, it should be retired," saysMelissa Zavala, a broker with the County of San DiegoBroadpoint Properties. "It will take time, but it must happen." You want to know how other industries change to dab the hatred? To verifyThese familiar logos receive transformations due to their racist origins.

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